Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I usually steer well clear of the quagmire of Israeli/Palestinian politics, mostly because I think it brings out the worst in the left in North America. There is a fine line between the conspiracy nuts (most prominent in the USA) and their anti-semitism that some feel fit to ignore and "anti-Zionism". Furthermore, no matter what one may think of the expansionist policies of the Israeli state and their not-so-occasional brutality when on the offensive (which is what they usually are) the left in general, true to form, pretty well much engages in "side picking" with the Palestinians as the "unsullied angels". The only reason they are "unsullied" is because they have generally been losing. The obvious fact that if some Palestinian factions such as Hamas were to actually "win" that the result would be a horror that would make what Israel is doing look like puffballs in the wind escapes the average North American leftist. That is way outside of the Manichean viewpoint of leftism here in this part of the world, just like the idea that the best result would be if the two evil sides fight each other to exhaustion and have to make peace. Uh, uh, one side has to be all good and one has to be all bad. I am also very much disturbed about how much attention this particular issue absorbs as opposed to other more important matters, and I harbour a suspicion that there is something ugly lurking under this part of "anti-imperialism". By the way, for the information of the nutbars, "I am not Jewish".

No doubt I am against the policies of the Israeli state, just as are many Israelis, most prominently the Anarchists Against The Wall. But I don't labour under leftist delusions. I report the following because it a report of resistance to the worst in international Zionist politics, resistance to the Jewish Defense League (JDL) and their alliance with the outright fascists of the English Defense League. This 'joint rally' was opposed by the Canadian Jewish Congress, not just the organizations that signed onto the statement below. It should also be noted that some associates of the JDL have even been banned in Israel itself. The JDL has a long history of association with terrorist actions.

Here is a statement opposing the rally that happened today from a number of Ontario organizations, Jewish, Islamic and otherwise. The rally which gathered a grand total of 50 people resulted in the predictable exchange between the police and a larger number of protesters with the predictable arrests. Here is the statement.

-----------Please Post Widely-------------------

Community Open Letter Denouncing the Jewish Defense League's Rally in Support of the English Defense League
On Tuesday, January 11, 2011, the Jewish Defense League of Canada (JDL) will be hosting a rally in support of the Islamophobic English Defense League (EDL) in Toronto. The JDL is hosting an online address from Tommy Robinson, the leader of the EDL. Both groups have a history of violence aimed at Arab and Muslim people. We are community groups that work daily to fight racism. We have come together to condemn the Jewish Defense League for their Islamophobia and for their support for the racist English Defense League.

Who is the English Defence League (EDL)?

The English Defence League is a far-right extremist organization that was founded in 2009. Their organizing principles are to oppose the 'spread of Islam' in the United Kingdom. The EDL has organized violent street marches that target Arab and Muslim people.They operate in the UK, but have been reaching out internationally to make links with extreme-right groups in Sweden, the United States, Canada and Israel. They are part of the alarming rise in fascist, racist and neo-Nazi organizing in Europe over the last few years, including attacks on Muslims, immigrants and Roma people.

Who is the Jewish Defense League (JDL)?

The JDL is a far-right, pro-Israel organization that was founded in the 1960s by Meir Kahane, an extremist who advocated violence against, and even the mass-murder of Palestinians and Arabs. The racist, violent ideology advocated by Kahane, and embraced by the JDL, has motivated hate crimes against Palestinians and other Arab people. An FBI report has identified the JDL as "a right-wing terrorist group" and Kach and Kahane Chai , two groups associated with the Kahanist movement , were even banned in Israel for their extremism.

In Canada, the JDL is allowed to operate with impunity. They have not been condemned by the government and are often interviewed by the media as a legitimate organization. They are led by Meir Weinstein , a longtime follower of Kahane, who was a spokesperson for the Kahanist movement and once joined a Facebook group called "Death to the Arabs". This rally is part of their escalating racist tactics - they have a history of bullying and intimidation of Palestine-solidarity activists in this city.

Who are we?

We are community organizations that are alarmed by the rise of extremist right-wing groups globally. These groups are exploiting the global economic crisis, to stir up racist and anti-immigrant sentiment. We have seen the consequences of extremist right-wing organizing too many times in history. We will fight any attempts to use racism and hatred to divide poor and working people.

As community organizations that work daily to fight racism, we have come together to denounce this racist and fascist rally in our city. As long as groups like the JDL and EDL are spreading their hatred and violence, we will be here to oppose them.


Signed (in alphabetical order):

Barrio Nuevo

Canadian Arab Federation

Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA)

Common Cause Toronto Branch

Educators for Peace and Justice (EPJ)

Faculty 4 Palestine

First Nations Solidarity Working Group OISE

Greater Toronto Workers Assembly

Independent Jewish Voices Toronto

International Jewish Anti-Zionish Network (IJAN), Toronto

No One is Illegal Toronto (NOII)

Not in Our Name (NION): Jewish Voices Opposing Zionism

Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP)

Palestine House Community Centre

Queers Against Israeli Apartheid (QuAIA)

Toronto Coalition to Stop the War

Women in Solidarity with Palestine (WSP)

(For the updated list visit )

We invite groups to sign on to this Community Open Letter Denouncing the Jewish Defense League's Rally in Support of the English Defense League. To sign on, please email

Friday, August 20, 2010


The Israeli blockade of Gaza continues despite outrage over the recent acts of piracy that the Israeli government has committed on relief ships bound for what has essentially become the world's largest prison camp. Amongst the many items that Israel refuses entry to Gaza is simple old mail. While Canada Post has decided to suspend delivery to Gaza the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) has other thoughts, and some of their members plan to sail with a Canadian relief ship to Gaza along with mail directed there. Sort of an update to the old saying;

"Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor dark of night nor armed soldiers shall stay these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."

Here's the story from the Toronto Sun. >>>
Gaza boat goes postal!
Postal Union backs Gaza boat, promises mail delivery

By Brian Lilley, Parliamentary Bureau

Last Updated: August 19, 2010 4:28pm
OTTAWA - Canada Post won’t deliver mail to the Gaza Strip any longer but the union representing the posties says they will.

The Canadian Union of Postal Workers says mail bound for Gaza will be delivered by their members aboard the Canadian boat for Gaza.

CUPW is one of many Canadian groups that have endorsed or are supporting an attempt to have a Canadian boat run the Israeli blockade of Gaza.

“It’s part of our campaign of boycott, divestment and sanction against the Israeli State to respect international law,” said CUPW president Denis Lemelin.

CUPW passed resolutions supporting the campaign, including one designating Israel an “apartheid state” in 2008.

“Cutting mail is adding more pressure to people,” said Lemelin, adding he’s backing the Gaza boat in the hope that it will break the blockade.

Israel and Egypt undertook a blockade of the Gaza strip in 2007.

Israel said it is continuing the blockade to ensure weapons do not enter the area. Hamas has used positions inside Gaza to launch rocket attacks on Israel, including a series of attacks earlier this month.

“Our national director will go to Palestine in November to see what’s going on,” Lemelin told QMI Agency.

CUPW has resisted attempts to loosen the monopoly that Canada Post holds on delivering mail in Canada or from Canada to international destinations.

Earlier this year the union launched a campaign to stop what they viewed as an attempt to allow competition in international mail delivery.

Yet when it comes to getting mail to the Gaza Strip, the union is calling on Canadians to send the mail via the Gaza boat.

“It’s different,” said Lemelin. “We are postal workers, we can help.”

Canada Post stops mail delivery in emergencies such as the Haiti earthquake or other natural disasters.

Mail delivery to Gaza was stopped after the man in charge of mail transfers was arrested by Israeli security forces. He has so far not been replaced by the local government.

The organizers of the Gaza boat hope to raise $300,000 to outfit a boat with supplies. On their website they say they will not allow Israel to stop them and declare that any attempt to board the ship will be an act of piracy that the Canadian government must protect them from.

Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon has said that any ships attempting to take aid to Gaza should accept safe passage to Israeli ports where the goods will be inspected and passed on. The organizers of the boat reject that idea.

Other supporters of the Gaza boat include groups such as Independent Jewish Voices, Mohawk Traditional Council, Educators for Peace and Justice, a group of Toronto-area school teachers.
Here's the original press release from CUPW. Note the reference to the group organizing the Gaza boat in Canada.

Ottawa, August 12, 2010

The Canadian Union of Postal Workers wants mail delivered to Gaza.

Following an announcement by Canada Post that Israel Post has suspended mail delivery to Gaza, the union is encouraging people who wish to send mail to Gaza to get their mail onto the Canadian boat bound for the blockaded Palestinian territory.

“As postal workers, we know very well that cutting off mail creates suffering and hardship for people, who are isolated from their loved ones,” said Denis Lemelin, National President of CUPW. “How many more abuses will the people of Gaza have to endure?”

Numerous organizations are working together to endorse a Canadian boat to Gaza in the autumn. Others, including Independent Jewish Voices, have supported the idea of getting mail onto the boat.

“We are heartened by the growing international response to Israel’s cruel treatment of the Palestinian people,” said Lemelin, whose union has been at the forefront of condemning human rights abuses in the occupied territories. “We stand in solidarity with all efforts to break the blockade and end the indignities imposed on the Palestinian people by the state of Israel.”

What should you do if you want to send a letter to Gaza? Lemelin suggests contacting organizers at the website

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Thursday, June 03, 2010


Like in many other cities people will be protesting the recent Israeli attack on the 'Gaza Flotilla'. In TO this happens this Saturday, the same day as the 'G20 Teach In'. Here's news about both events from the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP).

Saturday: Solidarity with Gaza and G20 Teach-in‏
This coming Saturday, June 5th, 2 Important Events:

1) Emergency Demonstration in Solidarity with Gaza: 1pm

2) Toronto vs. G20 Mass Teach-in

*all details below


1) Gaza Freedom Flotilla

Global Day of Action:

Saturday, June 5

On Saturday, June 5, human rights and community organizations will mobilize to join an emergency Global BDS Day of Action called by the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC). In Toronto, join us to protest the fatal attacks by apartheid Israel on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to the occupied and besieged Gaza Strip (please see full BNC call-out below).

R A L L Y & M A R C H

Date: Saturday, June 5

Time: 1:00 p.m.

Location: Israeli Consulate, 180 Bloor Street West

June 5 also marks the 43rd anniversary of the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Our action aims to draw the world’s attention to Israel’s continuing illegal occupation, its refusal to abide by international law, and its massacre of innocent humanitarian workers.

Please join us, and stand with Palestine! Tell your friends and family. Bring Palestinian flags. Organized by:

Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid

Palestine House Community Centre

Canadian Arab Federation

Toronto Coalition to Stop the War

Canadian Peace Alliance

Find us on Facebook:

To endorse, please email


2) Toronto vs. the G20

Community action for global justice

Saturday, June 510:30am-6pm

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

252 Bloor Street West

What are we protesting, again? It’s a good impulse to feel contempt for the G20. It’s a better impulse to want to talk about it. Join student and community activists to learn about the G20 and current social and environmental justice campaigns in Toronto, and to get involved. Free citywide teach-in. Lunch included!



11:00 INTRODUCTION: What is the G20 and why should we care about it? OISE Auditorium 11:30 OPENING PLENARY - OISE Auditorium Economic Justice in Ontario: Poverty, Disability, and Workers’ Rights The theme of this G20 summit is “recovery and new beginnings.” But the G20 isn’t pursuing anything new. The G20 has used the economic crisis to reinforce the myth of its own legitimacy, on the backs of poor and working people around the world. In Canada, austerity measures have already provoked outrage and opposition. Why should poor and working people pay for a crisis that capitalism imposed ? Hear from anti-poverty activists,union organizers and workers.

1:00 FREE LUNCH Join the *Free Gaza Flotilla Rally* directly after the opening plenary outside the Israeli consulate (180 Bloor St West, one block from OISE). Lunch will be extended by 30 minutes in solidarity with this action.

2:15 SESSION ONE (choose one)

Migrant Justice, Imperialism and the G20 – Room 5260

Food and Water Security – Room 5180 At Home and Beyond: Gender Justice in a Neoliberal World – Room 5170

G20 and the University – Room 5280

3:45 SESSION TWO (choose one)

Climate and Environmental Justice – Room 5170

Indigenous Sovereignty and the G20 – Room 5280

Apartheid and the G20: Palestine Solidarity in Canada – Room 5260

5:15 CLOSING PLENARY - Room 2214

On the Ground in June: Know your rights! Massive demonstrations, black blocs, human chains and nonviolent resistance, police brutality, tear gas, and mass arrests. Sound dramatic? Romantic imagery of protests and demos can obscure the realities of the work that goes into making them happen and the range of skills and knowledge that make them successful. From Seattle WTO to Quebec FTAA; from Pittsburgh G20 to Vancouver anti-Olympics; and finally in Toronto this June, prepare for what’s coming by learning from the past.

Join us for an historical workshop on demos, a primer to your legal rights on the street,and an overview of possibilities for participation, presented by the Toronto Community Mobilization Network. [[ All events are wheelchair accessible. Regrettably, ASL interpretation is not available. ]]


Sponsored by University of Toronto Students’ Union * Ontario Public Interest Research Group * Toronto Community Mobilization Network * Sierra Youth Coalition * Science for Peace * Canadian Youth Climate Coalition *University of Toronto Graduate Students' Union * Health Studies Students' Union * Diaspora and Transnational Student Union * Native Students' Association * Caribbean Studies Students' Union * Equity Studies Students' Union * Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3902 * No One Is Illegal- Toronto * Ontario Coalition Against Poverty * And others!


Since the vicious attack on the 'Gaza Flotilla' last Sunday demonstrations against this act of Israeli piracy have erupted across the world, and Winnipeg is no exception. Here's the notice for a demonstration that will be held at the Legislative Building corner late tomorrow afternoon.
Protest the brutal attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla!
Date: Friday, June 4, 2010
Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: Osborne and Broadway

4:00PM - 6:00PM

On Sunday, May 30, 2010, in international waters, Israeli commandos attacked a flotilla taking humanitarian aid to the besieged Gaza Strip. The cargo included toys, medicine, wheelchairs, books, stationery, building materials, and other supplies. Israeli forces boarded the ships illegally and opened fire on the 600 human rights campaigners on board, killing at least 9 people, injuring many others, and arresting the rest.

This latest crisis is not over: another ship, the Rachel Corrie from Ireland, with Irish and Malaysian human rights activists and parliamentarians on board, is heading to Gaza with more humanitarian aid. Israel has not agreed to let it pass.

The urgency of this aid is unquestionable. For three years, Gaza has suffered under a brutal siege that has caused a humanitarian disaster. The last major assault on Gaza in January 2009 lasted over three weeks, left more than 1400 Palestinians dead, including 431 children, and left thousands of families homeless.

Israel has repeatedly acted, unchallenged, in violation of international law. Now, its willingness to mount an illegal and murderous attack on a humanitarian mission in open waters confirms the loss of all restraint and connection to reality. On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cut short his visit to Canada. In spite of the growing international outcry and condemnation of Israel's actions, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has not yet taken action to defend human rights and international law.

We urge you to contact Prime Minister Stephen Harper at and to call your Member of Parliament to insist that Canada condemn Israel's violation of international law, join the international call for a full, independent inquiry, and demand that Israel end the crushing siege of Gaza.

Stay informed by visiting these Web sites:
Free Gaza Movement
Electronic Intifada

Canada-Palestine Support Network-Winnipeg
Independent Jewish Voices
Peace Alliance Winnipeg

Tuesday, June 01, 2010


It's hard to describe the recent Israeli attack on the 'Gaza Flotilla' as anything but piracy. The legality of the Gaza blockade is disputed, but what is not disputed is that the attack too place in international waters (reports vary as to how far out it was). It is entirely possible that some of the Turks on board fought back against the assault, but the difference between Israeli pirates and Somali pirates can be seen in that the Somalis usually don't kill anyone even if the crews of the ships they attack also fight back. Reports on the total death toll vary, but it included at least nine people with many others wounded. Reports that are beginning to trickle out from people released from Israeli detention are, of course, wildly different from the claims of the Israeli military. The latter would be more believable if it wasn't sticking to its wild story that the soldiers boarding the ships began by "firing paintballs". Oh...I am really sure ! Perhaps forewarned by its intelligence services that the ships' cargoes had been thoroughly verified by independent observers Israel has not even tried to "plant" weapons in the seized goods. This, at least, would have been a more plausible lie than "paintballs". Once a silly claim has been made of ten enough , however, you have to stick to it no matter how absurd it is.

The world reaction has been immediate and vehement with demonstrations across the globe and condemnation from governments usually accustomed to toe a soft line with Israel. Those with residual sympathy for the Israeli government have reacted by claims that the military action was an ill-conceived mistake. Others have opined that the Israeli government is "insane".

I think both opinions are wrong. There are two countries in the world who have attacked US Navy ships and "gotten away with it". One is North Korea in 1968. The USS Pueblo is still held captive in North Korea. The other was Israel which sunk the USS Liberty in 1967- ironically in the same general area as the attack on the Gaza flotilla. Both Israel and North Korea have a long standing reputation for erratic and seemingly irrational actions, especially as they involve twisting the tail of the tiger. The only difference between world opinion of the two nations is that North Korea has no apologists (outside of tiny Stalinist sects- bizarrely enough most common in the USA). Nobody thinks North Korea makes "tragic mistakes".

Are Israel and North Korea "insane" ? Far from it. Crazy like a fox is a much better term. What both regimes want to project is the appearance of insanity, to give potential foes (and wavering friends !) the impression that they will lash out unexpectedly and violently with none of the usual considerations of costs and benefits. I call this the 'Beserker Card'. During the Middle Ages Norse warriors had a reputation for "going beserker" ie falling into a demented state where they would wildly attack without consideration of self preservation - or even of who was friend or enemy. They were certainly not the first to cultivate such a reputation. 'Celtic Fury' predated the Norse by almost a millennium. One has to wonder just how often this sort of thing really occurred and how widespread it as during military encounters because....the reputation of having such behavior is probably (certainly ?) a much more effective weapon in demoralizing an enemy than the act itself.

That is what I think is behind the Israeli actions during their recent act of piracy. I know it is impossible to prove, but it is a distinct possibility that the IDF were sent in with a deliberate tactical plan of creating an atrocity. It is at least more probable than paintballs. Whether such an action will backfire against its perpetrators is for the future to determine. To date the Israeli state has operated on a principle of "massive retaliation" ( or sometimes "massive aggression" )against its Palestinian foes. The relative death tolls say it all. This has failed to cow the Palestinians into submission. What the effect will be when the victims are internationals and the acts are group murder rather than individual murder I really don't know.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Over the years many brave Israeli citizens have refused compulsory military service in their country's continued aggression against their Palestinian neighbours. Two recent ones, now prisoners of conscience, are Efi Brenner and Or Ben-David. The country of Turkey also has compulsory military service, and its troops are often used in equally brutal campaigns against that country's Kurdish minority. As in Israel many Turks have refused military service and been imprisoned for it. Anti-militarists in both countries see their struggle as a common one. Here, from the A-Infos website is the story of a recent demonstration in Istanbul in support of their Israeli fellow resisters.
A few notes on sources. The Israeli anarchist group, from which one of the resisters comes from is the Anarchists Against the Wall. The War Resisters International and the War Resisters Turkey (website in Turkish) also supported the protest. Note the prominent role played by anarchists in the protest. Turkey has a vibrant and growing anarchist movement, very much unknown in the outside world because of the large language barrier.
Turkey- Istanbul: Freedom for Efi Brenner and Or Ben-David!:
On 30 October a group of Turkish antimilitarists gathered at the front door of Israel Consulate of Istanbul and declared their support to two Israeli conscientious objectors, Efi Brenner and Or Ben-David* who arrested last week for to object war politics of Israeli governments against Palestinian people. -- In the meeting that realized for the invitation of WRI (War Resisters’ International) a Turkish antimilitarist, Özgür Bircan also declared his conscientious objection. The members of LAF (Anarchist Activity Lycee), high school students same as Efi and Or, attended the meeting with the placards written “Reject! Resist! Refuse!” and “Do not go for service, do not shed your brothers’ blood”. ---- After reading the declaration of Shministim, Turkish antimilitarists said these briefly:
"We, the Turkish antimilitarists, with the invitation of WRI, gathered today to protest Israeli government and give our support to Israeli conscientious objectors Efi Brenner and Or Ben-David. As you know UN accused Israeli government and Hamas committing war crime at Gaza recently. Israeli conscientious objectors do not want to participate this crime. Wars are meant to be destruction for both humanity and nature and therefore we call all human beings not to go for military service and not to participate this crime.
Besides we want to conduct our support to all conscientious objectors arrested or suppressed for refusing to go for military service because of their political, moral or religious beliefs. We want Azerbaijani objectors Mushfiq Mammedov, Sakhetmurad Annamamedov who declared will not go for military service because they are Jehovah’s Witnesses, four Turkmenistanian objectors, South Korean objector Jungmin Oh and Belarusian objector Dzmitry Smyk released.
Özgür Bircan, who declared his conscientious objection in the meeting, said these briefly:
I, Özgür Bircan, object wearing uniforms; taking and giving orders; to be obliged to ‘learn’ using arms; applying this ‘knowledge’ if required, on people whom I did not know and see before; and to be part of one of the ideal citizen formatting institutions of yours.
Blood thirsty masters of this world, we are expecting you to the front lines of wars. We, the conscientious young people of the world will not be the participants of your bloody wars, power struggles, we object wars and militarism. I object wars and militarism.
If we need to create heroes for ourselves, my heroes are these two teenagers who met confinement at their early ages since they refuse to be part of that ferocity in Palestine. They are the saints of modern world. Our hearts are with Efi, Or and the whole people objecting to participating in wars.
* Of the Anarchists Against the Wall initiative

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

De le groupe Tadamon à Montréal/From the Tadamon group in Montreal.
Montreal: vendredi! solidarité avec Bil'in friday! solidarity with Bil'in]:‏

Hi friends,here is a modest action we are doing in Montreal this Friday, to commemorate Bassem's death, and to begin mobilizing support for the Bil'in lawsuit in Canada.
Just to give some context, there has been an ongoing campaign in the bds framework to boycott chapters-indigo books because of their connections to the Israeli army.
in solidarity,
aaron (english below) *
Montréal : À bas le mur d'apartheid israélienen mémoire du militant palestinien Bassam Ibrahim Abou Rahme.
VENDREDI 8 MAI à 12h00
Librairie Indigo
au coin de Sainte-Catherine & McGill College
(métro McGill)
Montréal, Canada
Bil'in, un village palestinien de Cisjordanie, est maintenant reconnuinter nationalement comme un symbole de la lutte populaire palestinienne contre la construction du mur d'apartheid israélien. Depuis 2005, les villageois organisent des manifestations chaque vendredi, avec la participation active de militants israéliens et internationaux, en opposition avec la colonisation israélienne et l'annexion des terres palestiniennes.
En avril 2009, des soldats israéliens ont tué Bassam Ibrahim Abou Rahme, un militant palestinien de Bil'in. La nouvelle de la mort de Bassam s'est vite répandue partout dans le monde, provocant des actions de solidarité internationale et la condamnation du meurtre d'un autre militant palestinien par l'armée israélienne. En effet, Bassam est le 18e palestinien a avoir été tué par l'armée pendant une manifestation populaire contre le mur.
Il y a un lien vers un vidéo montrant l'assassinat à . On y voit Bassam essayant de calmer les soldats au moment où ils tirent sur lui. À Montréal, nous organisons une action pour commémorer la mort de Bassamet pour montrer notre solidarité avec les manifestations hebdomadaires quiont lieu à Bil'in, ainsi qu'avec leurs luttes contre le mur illégal d'apartheid israélien.
Le mur d'apartheid, qui a été déclaré illégal par la Cour internationale de justice en 2004, est une des stratégies d'occupation israélienne des territoires palestiniens. Grâce à la construction du mur, Israël va annexer et coloniser près de 60% des terres de Bil'in. Le village de Bil'in a entrepris une bataille légale au Canada en en tamantune poursuite, à la Cour supérieure du Québec, contre Green Park International et Green Mount International, deux compagnies enregistrées au Québec.
Selon Bil'in « les deux compagnies construisent illégalement des résidences et d'autres bâtiments sur les terres du village et ces terreset les défendeurs sont soumis aux règles et obligations de la loi internationale, parce que la Cisjordanie est un territoire occupé ...Bil'in réclame la protection de la Quatrième Convention de Genève ...laquelle interdit à une force occupante de transférer sa population civile dans un territoire occupé suite à une guerre.»
Le village de Bil'in désire ainsi obtenir un ordre de la cour canadienne d'arrêter immédiatement les construction illégales, réclame des dommages et intérêts punitifs et d'autres dédommagements inclus dans la plainte. Cette manifestation en solidarité avec Bil'in et en mémoire de Bassam Ibrahim Abou Rahme a lieu dans le cadre de la campagne internationale pour le boycott, le désinvestissement et les sanctions (BDS) contre Israël et de la campagne contre les librairies Indigo/Chapters à travers le Canada.
La campagne de boycott contre Indigo/Chapters a été lancée en décembre 2006, visant les actionnaires majoritaires de Indigo/Chapters, Heather Reisman et Gerry Schwartz, qui ont créé la Fondation HESEG pour les Soldats solitaires, un programme d'appui financier pour les «soldats solitaires», ou les mercenaires non israéliens qui quittent leur pays pour s'enrôler dans l'armée israélienne. Les «soldats solitaires» israélien sont participé à la guerre dévastatrice contre le peuple libanais en 2006 et continuent de renforcer l'occupation illégale de la Cisjordanie et de la Bande de Gaza. Partout au Canada, de plus en plus de gens appuient la campagne de boycott contre Indigo/Chapters, dans le cadre de la campagne internationale pour encourager le boycott, le désinvestissement et les sanctions (BDS) contre l'État d'apartheid israélien. cette manifestation est organisée par:
Palestiniens et Juifs unis (PAJU)
Solidarité pour les droits humains en Palestine (SPHR)
Tadamon! Montréal.
--- * Montreal: Protest Israeli apartheid wall Solidarity with Palestine!action to remember Palestinian activist Bassam Ibrahim Abou Rahme.
FRIDAY MAY 8 12h00
Indigo Bookstore
corner of St. Catherine & McGill college
(metro McGill)
Montreal, Canada
Bil’in, a Palestinian village in the West Bank, has become an internationally celebrated symbol of Palestinian popular resistance to the ongoing construction of the Israeli apartheid wall. Since 2005, villagers have led weekly protests, with the active participation from both Israeli and international solidarity activists, in opposition to illegal Israeli colonization or annexation of Palestinian land.
In April 2009, Israeli soldiers killed Bassam Ibrahim Abou Rahme, a Palestinian activist from Bil'in. News on Bassam's passing spread quickly throughout the world, sparking international solidarity actions and condemnations of the killing of another Palestinian protester by the Israeli army. Bassem was the 18th Palestinian to have been killed by the Israeli army during popular demonstrations against the apartheid wall.
A video thatcaptures the killing is linked at in which you can see that Bassam was attempting to calm the Israeli soldiers at the moment the shooting occurred. In Montreal we are holding a protest to commemorate Bassam's death and to show our continued solidarity with the ongoing weekly protests in Bil'in and the wider struggle against Israel's illegal apartheid wall.
The apartheid wall, which was ruled illegal by the International Court of Justice in 2004, is one element of the ongoing Israeli military occupation of Palestine. In constructing the wall, Israel will annex and colonize almost 60% of Bil'in’s land. Bil'in is currently engaged in a legal battle in Canada, as the village recently filed a lawsuit in Quebec Superior Court against Green Park International and Green Mount International, two companies registered in Quebec.
According to Bil’in village “the two companies are illegally constructing residential and other buildings on the village’s lands and that its land and the defendants are subject to the rules and obligations of international law because the West Bank is occupied territory ... Bil’in claims protection under the Fourth Geneva Convention ... which prohibits an occupying power from transferring its civilian population into territory that it has occupied as a result of war.”
Today Bil’in village is seeking an immediate order from the Canadian court stopping the illegal construction, punitive damages and other relief asset out in the claim. This protest in solidarity with Bil'in and to commemorate Bassam Ibrahim Abou Rahme occurs within an international campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel and the Canada-wide boycott campaign against the Chapters/Indigo bookstore.
A boycott campaign targeting Chapters/Indigo was launched in December 2006 to target the majority shareholders of Indigo/Chapters, Heather Reismanand Gerry Schwartz, who established the HESEG Foundation for Lone Soldiers, a program of financial support for former ‘lone soldiers,’ or non-Israeli mercenaries who leave their country to fight in the Israeli military. Israeli ‘lone soldiers’ participated in the devastating 2006 war on the people of Lebanon and continue to enforce the illegal occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
Across Canada a growing number of people are supporting the Boycott Chapters/Indigo campaign as part of the international campaign to push for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against the apartheid state of Israel.
organized by:
Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU)
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR)
Tadamon! Montreal
--- Tadamon! Montreal
tel: 514 664 1036
email: info[at]

Sunday, April 19, 2009

As the clash of states and political parties goes on in Israel/Palestine, others from both sides have come together to jointly oppose the separation wall that Israel is building across the West Bank. This struggle has brought Israelis and Palestinians together across the national divide like no other initiative has. Last Friday there was a casualty in this struggle. Here is the story from the Ilan Against the Wall blog via the Anarkismo website.

Another casualty of the joint struggle against the separation fence:
Yesterday in the joint Friday demonstration against the separation fence and occupation, a tear gas missile shot directly to the chest of Basem Ibrahim Abu-Rahme - while standing between two Israeli activists of the Anarchists Against the Wall, caused fatal injury. The video at He died on the way to hospital. The tear gas missile which is a military weapon for the range of four hundred meters, is the same one nearly murdered a month ago Tristan Anderson in a demonstration against the separation fence in Ni'ilin. - For years, the Israeli state force use the demonstrations as experimental field for police weapons for dispersing crowds. Lately they also use them for the testing of the military tear gas missile also used in the last Gaza war.
A comrade reported:
"This Friday some 15 Israelis and 15 internationals joined a few dozen Palestinians in their weekly demo in Bil'in. The demonstration's theme was Palestinian prisoners' day, and the demo was headed by people carrying posters demanding the release of Palestinians held by the Israeli occupation forces. As usual, upon reaching the fence the demo was met with shock and gas grenades. The strong wind blew in the direction of the demonstrators and spread the gas among them, so only a small group of demonstrators managed to stay close to the fence. This, however, only encouraged the soldiers to keep shooting relatively large amounts of gas and other ammunition. The first victim was a French demonstrator superficially wounded in her face by a rebound shrapnel. Shortly after, a soldier shot an extended range gas projectile from a few meters away directly at Bassem Abu Rahme who was standing at the fence, knocked him over, left a gaping hole in the middle of his torso, and put him into respiratory distress and shock. Since no ambulance was at the scene, Bassem (a.k.a. Phil, aged 30) was evacuated in a private car toward Ramallah. Some demonstrators maintained their presence at the fence for a while, but as the last of them left the scene, the news of Bassem's death reached at the village."
The Friday demonstration in Ni'ilin ended abruptly when the participants heard about the murder of Basem in Bil'in and the AAtW activists - all knew Basem from previous demonstrations, and the AAtW people rushed to the nearby Bil'in.
Many of us approached to hold hands with his younger brother Ashraf - another persistent activist, who became "famous" as the media all over the world showed few months ago how a regional commander ordered a soldier to shoot his leg while he was handcuffed and blind folded.
Today (Saturday) we gave Basem the last honer. About 60 activists of the Anarchists Against the Wall joined thousands Palestinians from Bil'in village and the region in the funeral of Basem Ibrahim Abu-Rahme. One of the Bil'in group of people dedicated to the struggle against the separation fence. In four years of Friday demonstrations, I do not recall even one Friday I have not seen him active in the preparation for the demonstration, marching in the first lines, and defying the tear gas near the gate to the route of the separation fence.
At the evening we had a demonstration in Tel Aviv. About 500 people (including 10 of the legendary antiauthoritarian anticapitalist Matzpen - most active from the late 1960s to the early 1980s) mainly from among the thousands who participated in the Friday demonstrations in Bil'in with Basem during the last 4 years. We marched and chanted all the way from the center of town towards the War ministry compound where. There we had a meeting with few speakers.
Friday 10.4.2009 video of Ni'ilin demonstration
Related Link:

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Here's an appeal for help on an upcoming tour of Mohammed Khatib, an activist from the Palestinian village of Bil'in.
Bil'in in Canada‏:

Bi’lin committee needs help organizing its Canadian speaking tour from June 1st – June 21st 2009. The speaking tour will present both Bil’in village’s ongoing struggle to save it’s land from annexation and the legal case raised by the village against Green Park Int and continued Israeli settlement expansion in Canada. The speakers will be Mohammad Khatib of the Bilin popular committee against the Wall and settlements, a representative of the office of attorney Michael Sfard as well as Attorney Mark Arnold of Montreal who are representing Bil’in in their case against Canadian companies building illegal settlements on their land.

Bi’lin village, a Palestinian community that has resisted Israel’s Apartheid wall which annexes and isolates villager’s land, is looking for help organizing a Canadian speaking tour in preparation for the upcoming hearings against Green Park. International. Green Park International and Green Mount International, both Quebec registered construction companies, are being sued by Bi’lin for their role in helping to construct the illegal Israeli settlement of Mattityahu East, which is built on village land. The Fourth Geneva Convention as well as Canada’s own Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, prohibit occupying forces from establishing settlements at the expense of indigenous populations.
For more background information about the lawsuit, please see
For more info on Bil'in see

Bi’lin’s Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements is seeking to hold both companies accountable for their complicity in the illegal annexation of their land. There are upcoming court hearings on the lawsuit on the 22nd, 23rd, and 25th of June.The Popular Committee is looking for help from Palestinian solidarity activists in Canada to organize events as part of an advocacy speaking tour. Fundraising will also be needed to help cover the legal costs of this important case.If you can help organize an even in your area, please contact:

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The following is from the Ottawa based Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT). Despite Canada's reputation as the "peaceable kingdom" our arms trade supports numerous wars across the globe, including those of Israel. The following is a link to how we do this, and also to other ways in which we contribute to death worldwide.
Canadian Military Exports to Israel: Aiding & Abetting War Crimes in Gaza (2008-2009):
The Ottawa-based Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT) has just released an online report containing ten detailed tables of data about Canadian military companies with direct or indirect export links to Israel:

Canadian Military Exports to Israel: Aiding and Abetting War Crimes in Gaza (2008-2009)(Click above for an annotated list linking to the report's ten data tables, or use the quick links provided below.)

Summary Article (This article sums up the issues in COAT's report.)


COAT's report is part of a campaign to oppose CANSEC, Canada's top military industry trade show. CANSEC 2009 is organized by the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI). In an apparent conflict of interest, the federal government handed over $200,000 in grants to this arms industry lobby group, between 2006 and 2008. These "contributions" were explicitly to support CADSI's "international trade," "export marketing" and "international business development activities."

CADSI's CANSEC arms bazaar -- a closed, private event -- will be hosted by the City of Ottawa at its prime publicly-funded facility, Lansdowne Park, May 27-28, 2009.

COAT's report on Canadian military exports to Israel exposes details about more than 100 corporate members of CADSI that have export links to Israel. Many of these exporters will be exhibiting their wares at CANSEC this spring to potential buyers from many Ottawa embassies.

Please join us in exposing and opposing the CANSEC arms bazaar!

In 1989, in response to COAT's first campaign, the City Ottawa banned ALL arms shows from municipal property. But now they're coming back! This May is the 20th anniversary of COAT's mass rally -- led by former Mayor Marion Dewar -- when many thousands took to Ottawa's streets to peacefully protest against the ARMX weapons bazaar at Lansdowne Park

Quick Links to Data Tables in COAT's Report on Canada's Military Exports to Israel

CADSI members, current or former, with Direct or Indirect Export Links to Israel

Table 2a:

Canadian War Industries supplying Parts and/or Services to the USA for the F-15 (a major Weapons System used by Israel)

Table 2b:

Canadian War Industries supplying Parts and/or Services to the USA for the F-16 (a major Weapons System used by Israel)

Table 2c:

Canadian War Industries supplying Parts and/or Services to the USA for the AH-64 (a major Weapons System used by Israel)

Table 2d:

Canadian War Industries Supplying Parts and/or Services for three Major US Weapons Systems used by Israel

Table 3:

CPP Investments (2003-2008) in Prime Contractors for three Major US Weapons systems used by Israel against Lebanon (2006) and Gaza (2008-2009)

Table 4a:

Exports to Israel by Canadian military companies that are corporate members, current or former, of CADSI.

Table 4b:

Canadian Exports to Israel by Military Companies that are NOT linked to CADSI.

Table 5a: Actively Pursuing Exports:

CADSI members Canadian military companies that are current or past members of CADSI reporting that they are "actively pursuing" exports to Israel.

Table 5b: Actively Pursuing Exports:

non-CADSI Canadian Military companies "actively pursuing" exports to Israel that are not current or past members of CADSI.


If you are in Ottawa, we hope to see you at some upcoming events:

(1) Information and Strategy Session to Oppose CANSEC

Tuesday, March 24, 7 pm

Southminster United Church,

15 Aylmer Ave at Bank Street.

(Just south of the Rideau Canal. Enter from the Galt St. entrance at the back of the complex.)

(2) Rally to Expose and Oppose CANSEC

Speakers, Music and Candlelight Vigil

Wednesday, May 27 (evening - exact time to be announced)

Southminster United Church (see address above)

Speakers and Music in the church sanctuary will be followed by a Candlelight Procession just across the Bank St. bridge to Lansdowne Park, the site of CANSEC.

(3) Documentary -



Wednesday, March 18, 2009,

7 pm

1064 Wellington Street (3 blocks west of Somerset)

The documentary will be followed by a discussion with the film makers, Amy Miller and Boban Chaldovich, who are on a whirlwind Cross Canada Tour in March and April.

Click here to find a film showing near you.

Note: One of the people interviewed in the above documentary is Richard Sanders, coordinator of the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT), editor of COAT's magazine Press for Conversion! and author of COAT's report entitled

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Shachaf Polakow, of the Israeli anarchist group 'Anarchists Against the Wall' will be coming to Ontario as part of his North American speaking tour. Here, from the Ontario anarchist organization Common Cause is the itinerary in the next few days.
Ontario Feb. 22-25:
Anarchists Against the Wall speaking tour on the Apartheid Wall and Gaza‏:
!!!Please Forward Widely !!!

Shachaf Polakow from Anarchists Against the Wall

Speaking on their work in the West Bank and the current situation in Gaza

With video footage and photographs


Sunday February 22


Jack Purcell Community Centre, Room 201,

320 Jack Purcell Lane (off Elgin St. at Lewis St.)

$5.00 - $50.00 Suggested Donation

(No one will be turned away for financial reasons)


Monday February 23

AKA Autonomous Social Centre

75 Queen Street, Kingston, Ontario

Contact: Avi -


Tuesday February 24

7-9 p.m.

OISE Auditorium

252 Bloor Street West (St. George subway stop)

Suggested Donation: $5 or PWYC

For more info:


Wednesday Feb 25th
1. Fanshawe College, D1041


Sponsored by Fanshawe Social Justice Club

2. Empowerment infoshop

636 Queens Ave. London

9 PM

Contact: Darius Mirshahi -

Anarchists Against the Wall is a direct action group that fights against Israeli apartheid and oppression in all its forms, most recently also the atrocities in Gaza. For five years the group has waged a constant struggle against Israel's Wall. The work on the ground in the West Bank, alongside the Palestinian popular movement is breaking new ground in the joint struggle for Palestinian liberation. In December 2008, Anarchists Against the Wall and the Bil'in Village Committee were jointly awarded the prestigious Carl von Ossietzky Medal---an award given annually by the Berlin-based International League of Human Rights, named after German Nobel Peace Prize winner Carl von Ossietzky who died in a Nazi concentration camp.

Now more than ever, it is critical to support the Israeli resistance movement against the state's attempted repression of our work. Members of Anarchists Against the Wall continually pay the price for our activism, including being shot, beaten, arrested and indicted. We desperately need funding for legal support for both Palestinian and Israeli activists who are arrested and charged in the course of the struggle.

Schachaf Polakow, a member of Anarchists Against the Wall, will be touring the U.S. and Canada from February 1st to March 9th. His presentation will include film and photos, and will focus both on AATW's recent work in solidarity with Gaza and our ongoing work in the West Bank.

Anarchists Against the Wall website:

One of the co-founders of Anarchists Against the Wall, Matan Cohen, is currently a student @ Hampshire College in Massachusetts, and a member of the group, Students for Justice in Palestine. SJP was responsible for getting the college to divest from six companies heavily involved in supplying the occupation of Palestine. Though the college immediately denied any connection to Palestine in its choice to divest, they did admit that their decision was prompted by the work of SJP.

SJP website:

For more information and questions about the tour, please email OTTAWA endorsements:

Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) - Carleton University, Not In Our Name (NION) - Jewish Voices Opposing Zionism ,Common Cause Ottawa, Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) - Ottawa University, Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) - Carleton

TORONTO Sponsors and endorsements:

Sponsored by: CUPE 3907, Women in Solidarity with Palestine (WSP), Common Cause, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Canada (IJAN) Endorsements include: United People's Jewish Order (UJPO) Canada, Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA), Independent Jewish Voices (IJV), Zatoun, Not in Our Name (NION): Jewish Voices Opposing Zionism, CAW Sam Gindin Chair in Social Justice and Democracy, Ryerson University, OPIRG-Toronto, Yosher Jewish Network for Social Justice, Global Aware,Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) - Univ. of Toronto, Queers Against Apartheid (QuAA), Toronto Women's Bookstore
Common Cause P.O. Box 347, Station E
772 Dovercourt Rd.
Toronto, ON,
M6H 4E3


The following announcements are from the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), but the main sponsor seems to be the Toronto No One is Illegal.

2 upcoming events - February 19-21 & March 1-8‏:
Two important events coming up over the next few weeks-

THE CITY IS A SWEATSHOP 19-22 February 2009 and below,
5th INTERNATIONAL ISRAELI APARTHEID WEEK Toronto - March 2nd to 8th, 2009 ***please forward far and wide***
19-22 February 2009
As the economy plunges, people without full immigration status are pushed further into unsafe and unfair work conditions. Falling wages, mass firings and workplace raids have seen temporary workers pushed to the margins while border guards and greedy employers continue to ruthlessly attack community members. Temporary workers grow food, build homes and take care of children and the elderly yet are considered disposable.

Workers, waged and unwaged, are kept without full immigration status, working in brutal conditions without access to basic services such as schooling, health and housing. Undocumented people are the unpaid, unrecognized, invisible fuel that make this city, Toronto, a sweatshop.

Unwilling to remain silent, migrants are raising their voices. This week, join in building a movement to dismantle this city that is a sweatshop,and re-build it as a community that is safe for all.
Check out the website for more info at:
(Full details below)
Thursday February 19, 2009
Rights and responsibilities of social service providers; non-status and precarious status people's struggle to access basic services; stories of victories from within the services sector; possibilities of winning a sanctuary city.
LGBTT2IQQ* migrants fight against poverty and racism, violence and discrimination; multi-media performances and speakers; challenging homophobia and strengthening queer and migrant struggles.
Friday February 20, 2009
Poverty and displacement; labor and power; creative/artistic resistance; personal struggles and collective victories; police brutality and border security repression
Saturday February 21, 2009
Anti-Olympics Resistance; Land Reclamation and Self-Determination; Global Displacement; Indigenous-Migrant Solidarity; Enforcement Raids and Detention
Town-Hall and Speak out; Strategizing against the economic crisis; building alliances;
**Thursday February 19**
Lib 72, 350 Victoria Street (Ryerson University),
- Moni Alam -
South Asian Women's Rights Organization
- Fariah Chowdhury -
No One is Illegal, Toronto
- Jackie Esmonde -
Lawyer and Advocate
- Dr. Susan Michelle Hoffmann -
Access Alliance Multicultural Community Health Centre
- Navjeet Sidhu -
Community Social Planning Council of Toronto
- Leonardo Zuñiga -
Refugee Claimant
Innis Town Hall, 2 Sussex Avenue
co-organized with Mujeres Al-Frente
Speakers and Performers:
- Gareth Henry -
Jamaican Queer Activist, 2008 Pride Grand Marshall
- Milo de Milo -
Drag King
- Janet Romero -
Spoken Word Artist
- Shyam Selvadurai -
Author of Funny Boy
- Leila Shah -
Audre Lorde Project, New York City
- Leonardo Zuñiga -
Refugee Claimant
- Sammy Tomato -
Drag King
**Friday February 20, 2009**
Steelworkers Hall
-25 Cecil Street,
Speakers and performers:
- Veronica Bravo -
Mujeres Al Frente
- John Clarke -
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
- Beatriz Hererra -
People Organized to Win Employment Rights, San Francisco
- Sonia Singh -
Workers Action Centre
- Faith Nolan and the Women of CUPE 4308
- Eloisa -
Live-In Caregiver Fighting for Status
- Education Not Deportation documentary-
Mata Danze Dance Group
- SPIN -
Spoken Word Artist
- Ruben "Benny" Esguerra -
Musician and Percussionist
- Alejandra Higuera -
Video Animation Artist
- Solidarity Across Borders Photo Exhibit,
Montreal- Rose
- LAL- Nomanzland -
Tobermory Theatre Troupe
**Saturday February 21, 2009**
Lib 72, 350 Victoria Street (Ryerson University), Toronto
- Erline Brown -
Domestic Workers United, NYC
- Farrah Miranda -
No One Is Illegal, Toronto
- Chris Ramsaroop -
Justicia for Migrant Workers
- Dan Doreen, Tyindenaga Mohawk Territory
- Harsha Walia -
Vancouver based Organizer and Writer
- Alaina Tom -
Native Youth Movement
Lib 72, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto
Town Hall of non-status people, migrants, and migrant justice organizers from across North America and their allies. Speak to the many performers and organizers you have seen throughout the three days of events. Share your stories. Participate. Make Toronto a Sanctuary City!
Toronto - March 2nd to 8th, 2009
Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is taking place in more than 40 cities across the globe (the number of cities is growing daily). This year, IAW happens in the wake of Israel's barbaric assault on the people of Gaza. In Toronto, the birthplace of IAW, a full week of lectures, films, and actions will make the point that these latest massacres further confirm the true nature of Israeli Apartheid.

The theme for IAW 2009 in Toronto is “Standing United with the People of Gaza”, events will take place at the University of Toronto, Ryerson University and York University. IAW 2009 will continue to build and strengthen the growing Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement at a global level.
See bottom of email
Monday, March 2: Resisting Apartheid: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
Library Building
Ryerson Univesity
LIB 072
350 Victoria St.
Omar Barghouti is an independent Palestinian researcher, commentator and human rights activist. He is a founding member of the Palestinian campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel to uphold international law and universal human rights. He holds a bachelor's and master's degrees in electrical engineering from Columbia University, NY. He contributed to the philosophical volume, "Controversies and Subjectivity" (John Benjamins, 2005) and to "The New Intifada: Resisting Israel's Apartheid" (Verso Books, 2001). He advocates an ethical vision for a unitary, secular democratic state in historic Palestine. Moderators:
Golta Shahidi,
Saron Ghebressellassie
Tuesday, March 3:
Education Under Occupation
Walberg Building, Room 116
University of Toronto
184-200 College Street
Toronto M56 3E5
Thaer Aliwaiwi was born in Palestine, and is a 2nd year Student at the University of Toronto (Economics and Political Science). Thaer is member of Students Against Israeli Apartheid and the Palestine House Arab Youth Program.
Yafa Jarrar: is a member of the Peterborough Coalition for Palestinian Solidarity. She was born in Jerusalem, Palestine, moved to Canada in 2003 to attend Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific. She has represented Palestine in the Arab League of Nations in Cairo in 2001 to speak on the effects of the Israeli occupation on the Palestinian educational process and then was elected to represent Palestine to speak at the United Nations, in the same year. She is currently finishing her degree in Politics and International Development Studies at Trent University. Moderators:
Rachel Gurofsky,
Alan Sears
Wednesday, March 4:
Gaza: Breaking the Siege
Walberg Building,
Room 116
University of Toronto
184-200 College Street
Toronto M56 3E5
Leila El-Haddad is a freelance Palestinian journalist, media activist, and mother from Gaza who writes mainly for the Guardian Unlimited and Aljazeera English. She maintains the award-winning blog "Raising Yousuf and Noor: diary of a Palestinian mother"( ), which explores the complex relationships between the personal and political as she raises her children and negotiates displacement and occupation. She is currently based in the United States with her husband, a Palestinian refugee from the ethnically cleansed village of Waarit al-Siris. Laila has also been published in Le Monde Diplmatique, the New Statesmen, the International Herald Tribune and the Washington Post among others. She has made appearances on CNN, NPR, CBC, Democracy Now, Aljazeera International and the BBC.
Jon Elmer is an independent journalist and researcher who has reported extensively from Gaza and the West Bank. He writes for Inter Press Service news agency and has contributed to a variety of publications including The Journal of Palestine Studies, The Progressive and Z Magazine.
Mary-Jo Nadeau,
Ilaria Giglioli
Thursday, March 5:
Globalization, Labour and Poverty in Palestine
Koffler Institute Room 108
569 Spadina Avenue
Toronto M5S 2J7
Leila Farsakh is assistant professor in political science at University of Massachusetts Boston. She holds a PhD from the University of London (2003), an M Phil from the University of Cambridge, UK (1990), and a BA from the University of Exeter in the UK (1989). She has worked with a number of international organizations, including the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris (1993-1996) and the Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute in Ramallah (1998-1999). Dr.Farsakh has published on questions related to Palestinian labor flows, the Oslo Process, international migration and regional integration in a wide range of journals, including the Middle East Journal, the European Journal of Development Research, Journal of Palestine Studies and Le Monde Diplomatique. Her book, Palestinian Labor Migration to Israel: Labour, Land and Occupation, has been published by Routledge Press in the fall of 2005.She also edited Commemorating the Naksa, Evoking the Nakba (EMJES, Spring 2008). In 2001 she won the Peace and Justice Award from the Cambridge Peace Commission, in Cambridge-Massachusetts.
Robert Lovelace settled on land near Ardoch in 1979. He was born into a line of Tslagi Indians through his great grandparents Mungle, grandfather,and mother, a heritage he honours. Bob attended cultural school as a child, joined AIM for several years while at University, and in the Fall of 1979 joined Honourary Chief Harold Perry to research, negotiate, and then launch an uncompromising legal defence of the wild rice stands near Ardoch. For nearly 25 years Bob has remained a steadfast and determined representative for the Algonquin communities of Ardoch, Sharbot Lake and many others, seeking to invigorate a sense of dignity and freedom in all Algonquin Peoples.
David McNally is Professor of Political Science at York University and author of four books, including Another World is Possible: Globalization and Anti-Capitalism. He is active with the New Socialists and the Popular Education and Action Project in Toronto.
Ali Mustafa
Friday, March 6:
From South Africa to Palestine: The Struggle Continues
Location TBA
Ronnie Kasrils was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, 1938. His grandparents were Jewish immigrants from Czarist Russia (Lithuania). He joined the ANC 1960 after the Sharpeville massacre. This led to a lifetime of political activism. He was a member of the ANC's military wing at its inception in 1961. He became chief of military intelligence, operated from exile in neighbouring African states and clandestinely in South Africa. For many years, he was a member of both the ANC and the Communist Party national executive committees. He was appointed deputy minister of defense in South Africa's first democratic government (1994-99); Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry (1999-2004); Minister of Intelligence Services (2004-2008). Retired from government, he now devotes himself to writing, lecturing and Palestine solidarity. His autobiography is "Armed & Dangerous" (publisher Jonathan Ball, Johannesburg). He is married to a fellow struggle veteran and has two adult sons
Rafeef Ziadah and Abbie Bakan
Israeli Apartheid Week Toronto is endorsed by the following organizations:
* Canadian Arab Federation
* Palestine House
* Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
* Caribbean Studies Student Union (U of T)
* Equity Studies Student Union (U of T)
* Health Studies Student Union (Uof T)
* CUPE Ontario International Solidarity Committee
* CUPE Local 3907
* CUPE Local 3903
*CAW Sam Gindin Chair in Social Justice and Democracy
* Not In Our Name: Jewish Voices Opposing Zionism
* Critical Area Studies Collective (Uof T)
*Centre for Middle Eastern Studies
* No One Is Illegal
* Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
* Always Question (Uof T)
* Canadian Forum for Justice and Peace in Sri Lanka
* Barrio Nuevo
* NOCOPS (Newly Organized Coalition Opposing Police in Schools)
* Women in Solidarity with Palestine
* Common Cause
* Faculty for Palestine
* Palestine House Youth Program
* Filipino Canadian Youth Alliance-Ontario
* Toronto Women's Bookstore
To ENDORSE Israeli Apartheid Week in Toronto, to make a DONATION or GET INVOLVED with the organizing please email . _______________
*Media info:
FEBRUARY 4, 2008
CONTACT: 416 890 3703 /
Standing United with the People of Gaza
What: Israeli Apartheid Week 2009 – Standing united with the people of Gaza
When: March 2nd – March 8th 2009
Where: Toronto – multiple venues
The 5th annual Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) will take place in Toronto from March 2nd to March 8th 2009. IAW will feature lectures, film screenings, cultural activities, and demonstrations aimed at raising awareness about Israel’s apartheid policies toward Palestinians and to gather support for the international boycott, divestment, and sanctions campaign. Concurrent events will be held in over 30 cities throughout Canada and internationally, including South Africa and Palestine.
For further information visit or contact or 416 890 3703