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Peter Costello has stepped down as the chairman on Nine Entertainment.

Peter Costello had to go. And thank goodness he has

It was simply untenable for the chair of a media company to seemingly shove a reporter to the ground, laugh, walk off and carry on in the boardroom as if nothing had happened.

Peter Costello has had a long career in the spotlight.

Peter Costello’s inglorious end to an almost glorious career

The former treasurer would know more than most that careers in the public eye often end in failure.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz

Opinion & Perspectives

Peter Costello had to go. And thank goodness he has

It was simply untenable for the chair of a media company to seemingly shove a reporter to the ground, laugh, walk off and carry on in the boardroom as if nothing had happened.

Peter Costello’s inglorious end to an almost glorious career

The former treasurer would know more than most that careers in the public eye often end in failure.

Stephen Bartholomeusz
Stephen Bartholomeusz

Senior business columnist

Yikes! Our tiny manufacturing sector makes us rich but ugly

Did you realise that our manufacturing sector is the smallest among all the rich countries?

Ross Gittins
Ross Gittins

Economics Editor

Banking & finance



The memorial service to celebrate the life of billionaire Lang Walker was held at Sydney Town Hall.

A force of nature with a wry smile: Lang Walker remembered

Billionaire and philanthropist Lang Walker was remembered as a transformative force in Australia’s urban landscape at a memorial service at Sydney Town Hall on Friday.

  • by Colin Kruger and Carolyn Cummins
From left to right: Former Fortescue executives, Bart Kolodziejczyk and Michael Masterman’s start-up Element Zero has plans for a $US2.1 billion green iron processing plant in the Pilbara.

The iron men with a $3 billion plan to save the planet

Two former Fortescue executives want to reduce the enormous carbon footprint of iron ore, Australia’s most lucrative export industry. It’ll cost at least $3 billion.

  • by Anne Hyland

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