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Climate crisis

Electric vehicles alone won’t be enough to hit climate goals, research shows

Electric vehicles alone won’t be enough to hit climate goals, research shows

More public transport travel and rail freight are expected to be needed to rein in Australia’s carbon emissions to help the world limit global warming to 1.5 degrees.

  • by Patrick Hatch


Dutton to ditch Paris Agreement: analysis reveals nuclear impact on emissions

Dutton to ditch Paris Agreement: analysis reveals nuclear impact on emissions

Peter Dutton’s energy policy will blow Australia’s greenhouse gas budget and reignite Australia’s climate wars.

  • by Mike Foley
Their ‘paradise’ keeps flooding, but some can’t afford a solution

Their ‘paradise’ keeps flooding, but some can’t afford a solution

Rising water has become a constant threat in coastal Florida, but many residents in this suburb cannot afford to elevate their homes or move.

  • by Patricia Mazzei
UN chief wants tobacco-style ban on fossil fuel advertising

UN chief wants tobacco-style ban on fossil fuel advertising

The head of the United Nations says fossil fuel companies – “the godfathers of climate chaos” – must be stopped from shameless greenwashing.

  • by Mike Foley
Ban fossil fuel ads to prevent ‘climate hell’, says UN chief

Ban fossil fuel ads to prevent ‘climate hell’, says UN chief

UN Secretary General António Guterres branded oil and gas companies the “godfathers of climate chaos” and said they should face an advertising ban, similar to those rolled out against tobacco.

  • by James Warrington
Rio Tinto unveils $215m ‘green steel’ Rockingham research plant

Rio Tinto unveils $215m ‘green steel’ Rockingham research plant

Australia’s biggest iron ore producer has 16,000 employees, 17 mines, four port terminals and 2000 kilometres of rail in the Pilbara. Now it plans to transform their impact.

  • by Jesinta Burton
Property values dropping for homes facing the greatest risk of bushfire, flooding

Property values dropping for homes facing the greatest risk of bushfire, flooding

More than 32,000 Australian homes face a high risk of bushfire, while 141,000 homes are at risk of flooding. The risks will push insurance costs up and home values down.

  • by Elizabeth Redman
Here comes winter … and more rain

Here comes winter … and more rain

May will be the 14th consecutive month of record-breaking ocean temperatures globally, as 2024 shapes up to shatter last year’s heat record.

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons and Bianca Hall
The coastal town that will have to retreat – or build up – as seas rise

The coastal town that will have to retreat – or build up – as seas rise

Immediate action is needed to protect hundreds of homes, dozens of businesses, a school, an airport and a highway that face a growing threat of inundation around Western Port.

  • by Adam Carey
Even before Eraring was extended, NSW was set to miss climate targets

Even before Eraring was extended, NSW was set to miss climate targets

The state is forecast to fall short of legislated targets to reduce greenhouse emissions by 50 per cent by 2030 and 70 per cent by 2035. What can be done to get back on track?

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons
Tuvalu is being swallowed by the ocean. Its people face a difficult choice

Tuvalu is being swallowed by the ocean. Its people face a difficult choice

Climate change is devastating this island nation. Has Australia thrown it a lifeline?

  • by Jewel Topsfield and Benjamin Preiss