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Clarkson's Columns: The Volvo XC90 review & The latest strap-on

This is a subreddit about "The Grand Tour", Amazon's car show hosted by former BBC Top Gear presenters: Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May.

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Clarkson's Columns: The Volvo XC90 review & The latest strap-on

The Volvo XC90 — I can’t find anything wrong with it

By Jeremy Clarkson (The Sunday Times, June 1)

God knows why a young person would look at my farming show and think, “Mmm, that’s what I want to do for a living.” Sure, it’s fun to whizz about at harvest time, playing with heavy machinery and drinking cider in the late summer sunshine. But for the other 50 weeks of the year it’s mostly a smorgasbord of mud, pain and sadness, and it’s all topped off with a pay packet that would disappoint a Congolese miner.

Nevertheless, I regularly receive missives from teenagers asking for a job and they all have one thing in common. They haven’t learnt how to drive.

So how are they going to get to and from the farm when it’s three in the morning and a pig is dying? Or it’s 10pm and we’ve just decided to plough one more field before calling it a day? There are buses, sure. I saw one in November, and I’m told another came along in February but I can’t confirm that. Some might argue that they could come on a bicycle, but we don’t employ that sort of person here.

It’s the same story in the world of television. You employ someone as a runner and they arrive with a first in astrophysics and an ability to converse fluently in German, Polish and Chinese. Plus they’re willing as hell and fun to have around. But they can’t drive.

So what’s happened? Well, I know that today’s young people see the car as an unnecessary expense, and in London that’s almost certainly true. But London’s doomed. In a few years it’ll just be a seething mass of people in high-visibility jackets waiting their turn to make chanting noises about whatever issue is affecting their mental health that day. I suppose people will always be needed to clear fatbergs from the sewers, but soon all the fun jobs will be in the sticks. Where you need a car.

Which, of course, is a “bad thing”. Drive one and there’ll be a whiff of "far right" about you. A sense that you’re a climate change denier and that you possibly haven’t burnt your Harry Potter books yet. As is required in paragraph four of the laws governing acceptance on social media.

Certainly I know of no young person who thinks a car might be “fun”. Or that speed is exciting. Or that the noise of a V8 really does do chemical things to a human being’s limbic system. Nor do they see a car as a symbol of freedom. They see it as a tool. And, worse, a tool they can do without. And I find myself wondering if, in middle-class circles, maybe the Volvo XC90 must take a share of the blame for this.

When I was being driven to school, we just went in whatever our dad had. The idea that he’d choose something specifically for that role was preposterous. One kid at our school was dropped off in his dad’s Maserati Ghibli. And even though they managed to get his trunk in the back, I’m fairly sure that wasn’t the reason he bought it.

Then, early in 1983, we were told we must all wear seatbelts. And at a stroke that meant kids couldn’t be squeezed into the back of a car like Spam. They each needed their own seats. And the very next year along came the seven-seater Renault Grand Espace, which answered that problem.

All of a sudden people began to choose their next car based not on how fast it went or how cool it was, but whether little Johnny would be comfy on long journeys and safe in a crash. Soon there were hundreds of people carriers and they were all terrible, until 2002, when Volvo introduced us to the XC90.

This was different somehow. It didn’t look like a box. It didn’t feel mumsy. It may have been designed for the school run but it had a he-man stance. You could almost convince yourself that it was a Swedish Range Rover. But it wasn’t. It was a school-run box. A bloody clever one with actual space for seven humans and their dogs, and all wrapped up in a skin as impregnable as a submarine pen.

This, then, was a car you bought with your head. I know this because I’ve had two. And they were tremendous. But consider what our kids thought as they were ferried to and from school in the back. I’m not sure it will have given them the same tingles as my mate’s dad’s Ghibli.

There’s a new XC90 now. Not that you’d know by looking at it. It looks pretty much the same as all the others, not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s a handsome car. And I love how it says “AWD” (all-wheel drive) on the back. Volvo always likes to pick on one feature and put it on the boot lid. They used to have little badges saying “5 speed”. And the 340 had one saying “lambda probe”.

There are three trim levels and a choice of three engines. The £62,000 base model is a turbocharged 2.0-litre, which sounds pretty boring, and the top model gets some kind of hybrid system, which sounds unnecessary and expensive. So I tested the middle-order B6, which uses every possible means to extract as much as is possible from every atom of fuel. It has a turbocharger, a supercharger and 48 volts, and it works very well.

The trim level fitted to my car was called Ultimate, which means it came with 21 inch wheels. Often this can spoil the comfort, but I also had air suspension, so it didn’t. Size? Well, it’s big, but less intimidating to drive round a city than a Range Rover. And it’s surprisingly light. The best thing, though, if you ignore the relentless common sense, is the interior. Pale and smooth and zincy, the dash is fronted by the sort of wood normally used to make Kevin McCloud’s spectacle frames. And you get a vertical sat-nav screen, which in north-south countries such as the UK, and Chile, and Sweden for that matter, makes more sense than the usual wide-screen systems. Which are better suited to east-west countries such as America.

I spent a long time trying to find anything annoying or substandard and I just couldn’t. Apart from the relentless bonging, obviously, but that’s a government requirement these days. It was a nice place to sit. It was comfortable, and while I did raise an eyebrow at how the top speed has been limited to just 112 mph, we rarely need to go faster than that on a school run.

So yes, while it’s likely that the XC90 has poisoned the next generation’s mind into believing that cars should be sensible, I have to admit that if that’s the way they’ve got to be now, the latest incarnation is absolutely spot on.

The Clarksometer: Volvo XC90 Ultimate B6 AWD

Engine: 1969cc, 4 cylinders, turbo and supercharged, petrol

Power: 295bhp @ 5400rpm

Torque: 310 lb ft @ 2100rpm

Acceleration: 0-62mph: 6.7sec

Top speed: 112mph

Fuel: 29mpg

CO₂: 214g/km

Weight: 2,140kg

Price: £77,640

Release date: On sale now

Jeremy’s rating: ★★★★☆


A third thumb? I can count the benefits on one hand

By Jeremy Clarkson (The Sunday Times, June 01)

Many years ago, I made a television show that no one watched. I can’t even remember what it was called. But I do recall that at one point I interviewed a professor of robotics who showed me some inch-long metal insects that knew they should head to a charging point when their batteries were running out of juice. They were a very long way from the Terminator.

Anyway, after we’d watched them doing not very much for an hour or so, we turned the cameras off and during the de-rig, he explained that he and his wife both had implants in their arms, and when they were connected over the World Wide Web, as it was known at the time, he could feel what she was feeling.

Not rage or disappointment or joy. Those are emotions, he couldn’t feel those. But when she was having some, er, “me time”, he could feel what she was feeling. And this struck me as weird. Because while it must be fun to experience your wife’s lady moment, I just can’t help thinking that the brain that designed and built such a system could and perhaps should have been more gainfully employed.

And that’s more or less what I thought last week when I read about some boffins at various British and Swiss universities who have built a robotic thumb that can be controlled with the toes. Not for someone who has lost theirs in a forestry accident, but for people who have two normal thumbs and would like another.

The strap-on third thumb is controlled via pressure pads in the sole of the foot

I’m aware, of course, that the human species has reached a point where body modifications are widely available and much in demand. You can enlarge your breasts, have words drilled into your face, remove unwanted skin, grow new hair in a bald patch and whiten your teeth till your mouth shines like it’s full of burning magnesium. You can even remove your genitals if you find them annoying in some way.

But I wonder, how many people have ever woken up in the morning and thought, “You know what? I think my life would be immeasurably improved if I had an extra thumb”?

It’s quite a complex bit of kit, because you’ve got your new supernumerary and fully opposable digit, which goes on your right hand below your little finger. And it’s controlled by pressure pads in the sole of your foot that send a signal wirelessly to two motors strapped to your wrist. Apparently, it’s been tested on people ranging in age from 3 to 96 and they all got the hang of it in minutes.

Great. But what are the advantages? Well, say the boffins, the guinea pigs they used to test the new invention could pick up pegs and put them in a basket. I think a small “wow” is in order at this point. And they could also pick up foam rubber shapes using their new thumb in conjunction with their fingers. Well, yes, but what was the normal thumb doing at this point? Nothing, is my guess.

Still, I’ve had a think and I reckon that with two thumbs, you’d be able to open a bottle of wine using only one hand. I’m not sure why you’d want to do that, though. Maybe if you were defusing a bomb with one hand and you were suddenly thirsty? You could also peel a banana, come to think of it, but again, I’ve never wanted to do that while sending a text message or retrieving something from the Aga.

I wonder, then, if maybe the boffins might have a rethink and come up with some robotics that might actually be useful. Eyes in the back of your head, for example. Or maybe a spare … no, let’s not go there — we’ve had enough smut for one week. But you see what I mean.

I’d quite like a robotic liver. I’d use the existing one for normal everyday activities and then in a pocket, or some kind of belt pouch, I’d have an evening and weekend liver that is better able to deal with alcohol. God gave us two kidneys and two lungs and two arms and two legs. But we only got one liver and that, I think, was one of his biggest mistakes.

I digress, so let’s get to the point. It’s all very well giving a robotic thumb to someone who already has two. But wouldn’t it be better to develop something for people who don’t? There are about 25,000 amputations in the UK every year, and while prosthetic limbs have come on in leaps and bounds in recent years, they are still a very long way from the real thing.

There are scientists working on Steve Austen-style bionic limbs that are controlled by the mind, but it’s a huge job. They’ve only just reached the point where a robotic leg can deal with rough terrain. And until recently, they were as useless at stairs as Daleks. But to get them working as well as normal legs, you have to employ the finest minds from so many different disciplines: neuroscience, robotics, computing, medicine — and that’s before you get to all the maths needed for the algorithms.

None of this should phase us. It’s all doable. But not if the world’s finest minds are busying themselves with spare thumbs and anti-fat jabs and having their wife’s orgasms. In the US, billions of dollars were spent on cosmetic surgery in 2022, whereas a UK company trying to develop better prosthetic arms for children was given backing in 2019 to the tune of just £4.6 million.

I realise, of course, that whenever you mention robotics and microprocessors that can access the human mind, particularly at a time when we have all just dipped our toes into the unknown depths of artificial intelligence, it’s likely to cause various scaremongers to start shouting about Skynet and Judgment Day and so on.

But when diabetes arrives in the night and they have to remove one of your legs, you’re going to wish science was focusing more seriously on a replacement and a bit less seriously on a new anti-dandruff shampoo.


And here's the Sun column. Clarkson's columns are regularly collected as books. You can buy them from his boss or your local bookshop.

UK Farmers interested in interview on Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMs)

Hosted by Jeremy Clarkson! Clarkson's Farm season 3 is now Available on Amazon Prime Video!

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UK Farmers interested in interview on Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMs)

Hello everyone,

My name is Sean. I'm a Master's student at University College London (UCL) Bartlett School of Environment, Energy, and Resources. I come from the Southeast of Ireland from a sheep and beef farm, and I understand the pressures and uncertainties farmers are undergoing as part of Net Zero. I would love to speak to farmers about how the competing demands and pressures on land can be managed to ensure the viability of British farmers and the environment.
I am researching UK Land Use Strategies, the potential uptake of Environmental Land Management Schemes (ELMs), and barriers for farmers.

Given your role as a farmer/ land manager in this field, I invite you to participate in my research. This would involve being interviewed on the phone or via video call and shouldn't take up too much of your time. If you are interested in participating, please email me at or message this account. I will then send you further project details so you can decide whether to participate. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Thank you very much for considering this request. I look forward to the possibility of working with you and learning from your experiences

Many thanks,

What do you think this means?

The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst

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What do you think this means?

So I've finished both seasons of The Jinx, I'm listening to the podcast, and I was perusing Robert Durst's Wikipedia page. From Wikipedia: "The Jinx ends with Durst moving into a bathroom, where his microphone records him seemingly saying to himself: 'There it is. You're caught! .... You're right, of course. But you can't imagine the rest of them. ... I don't know what's in the house ... Oh, I want this ... What a disaster ... He was right. I was wrong. And the burping ... I'm having difficulty with the question ... What the hell did I do? Killed them all, of course.'"

I'm not sure who he's talking to here, whether it's an internal dialogue between two sides of himself or a fantasy dialogue between him and Jarecki, or what. I could see it being:
IMAGINARY JARECKI: <shows Bob the letter obtained from Sareb alongside the cadaver note>
There it is. You're caught!
BOB: You're right, of course. But you can't imagine the rest of them.

BUT YOU CAN'T IMAGINE THE REST OF THEM. I'd been thinking he surely must have committed other murders during the decades he was on the loose, and I see from other convo here on Reddit and also on Wikipedia that police suspected him of being involved with others. I dunno. This phrase seemed to be just as much of a confession as "Killed them all, of course." It's like he's saying, "Fine, you got me for Kathie, Susan, and Morris... but you can't imagine the rest of them!" It seems like there are probably several cold cases that should be getting a fresh look.

Antikythera Fragment #12 - Files, Saws and Reamers - Constructing The Antikythera Mechanism [27:56]

You know when you sit down for a meal in front of the computer and you just need something new to watch for a bit while you eat? If you search /r/videos or other places, you'll find mostly short videos. But while you're eating, you don't want to be constantly fumbling around with the mouse, loading video after video. You just want to **Click and Consume**. Discord:

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Antikythera Fragment #12 - Files, Saws and Reamers - Constructing The Antikythera Mechanism [27:56]

GeoWizard tries to cross England in a perfectly straight line pt. 2: "This might be the most dangerous obstacle I've ever come up against" [33:39]

You know when you sit down for a meal in front of the computer and you just need something new to watch for a bit while you eat? If you search /r/videos or other places, you'll find mostly short videos. But while you're eating, you don't want to be constantly fumbling around with the mouse, loading video after video. You just want to **Click and Consume**. Discord:

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GeoWizard tries to cross England in a perfectly straight line pt. 2: "This might be the most dangerous obstacle I've ever come up against" [33:39]

Confused Japanese Historians Describe Contact With First Europeans (2024) - voices from the past narrates first hand accounts of first contact between Europeans and the court of Oda Nobunaga in 1543 [00:30:04]

tl;dw /r/Documentaries is reddit's main subreddit for documentaries. Please read the our community rules.

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Confused Japanese Historians Describe Contact With First Europeans (2024) - voices from the past narrates first hand accounts of first contact between Europeans and the court of Oda Nobunaga in 1543 [00:30:04]

Nintendo's Cancelled Retro Studios Games (New Discoveries) [43:42]

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Nintendo's Cancelled Retro Studios Games (New Discoveries) [43:42]

Why The US South Is Insanely Religious [21:00]

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Why The US South Is Insanely Religious [21:00]

What was Durst’s childhood actually like?

The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst

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What was Durst’s childhood actually like?

I probably didnt pay close enough attention to the series, but I do remember Lewin pointing out RD’s lies while he was on the stand, stating frisbees werent invented until 1957 and uno in the 70’s. If those tales were a lie, does anyone know truthful things about Durst’s childhood? I’m curious about if he was violent before his mothers passing or not?

The Pigloos?

Hosted by Jeremy Clarkson! Clarkson's Farm season 3 is now Available on Amazon Prime Video!

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The Pigloos?

How had that not already been thought of? I don't know the first thing about farming, and even less so about raising pigs. I'm just wondering how the idea of a little piglet safe zone hadn't already been thought of, if in fact, up to 25% of piglets can die by getting squished by their mom's? Was that even the real reason those pigs tragically passed away??

I loved that whole season! Watched the whole thing in one go yesterday, and I'm not gonna lie, I was in tears at the end of that one episode... time's up, I'm afraid... 😭

Spot the Hypocrisy

Anti-monarchist community that supports Prince Harry & Meghan Markle's humanitarian efforts. We also discuss media literacy and manipulation, colonialism, sexism/misogyny, racism, mental health, and activism.

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Spot the Hypocrisy

Guy records all the bugs and snakes he finds in the rainforest while looking for Dinospiders. They are living fossils from the Carboniferous period (330 million years ago). [18:57]

You know when you sit down for a meal in front of the computer and you just need something new to watch for a bit while you eat? If you search /r/videos or other places, you'll find mostly short videos. But while you're eating, you don't want to be constantly fumbling around with the mouse, loading video after video. You just want to **Click and Consume**. Discord:

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Guy records all the bugs and snakes he finds in the rainforest while looking for Dinospiders. They are living fossils from the Carboniferous period (330 million years ago). [18:57]

Angel Bumpass tells her story

“Accused: Guilty or Innocent?” follows the stories of people facing trial for serious crimes they are accused of committing. Each claim to be not guilty or that their actions were justifiable. The series offers an extraordinary and compelling account of what happens when someone is charged with a crime and sent to trial – all solely from the perspective of the accused and their legal defense. Airs on Thursdays 9pm ET.

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Angel Bumpass tells her story

Angel Bumpass - YouTube

I'm glad she's out, but I've always wondered how to reconcile the fingerprints, leading me to think she had to have been there.

It's in 4 parts. Let's discuss what she says....

I have started creating a docu-series about addiction & homelessness

The place to watch, discuss, unravel a case, submit links to theories, evidence, or just anything doc related. This is also a place to just enjoy viewing and discussing Doc’s live together. Please submit a documentary title in the Nominating threads and PLEASE vote in our Polls. All are welcomed to post or begin a thread about all things doc related. Even if you just want to discuss something you’ve just watched about or would like to watch here. ALL Feedback is always welcome here.

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I have started creating a docu-series about addiction & homelessness

Hi guys,

I'm not sure if this is allowed here (and I would love suggestions of which sub-reddits to post this to) but I wanted to share the trailer for a docu-series I've been working on.

It follows primarily people struggling with homelessness and addiction, but I've also conducted interviews with people who have recovered from those conditions and built excellent lives, as well as mental health professionals and volunteer workers who are devoted to contributing to a positive change (those interviews are currently in post-production and not yet published), and I would love any feedback you guys might have to offer. Is this something you guys would enjoy watching, and if not, what would make it so?

Thank you in advance,


The Silent Majority

The REAL Reason Finding A Job Seems Impossible [17:11]

You know when you sit down for a meal in front of the computer and you just need something new to watch for a bit while you eat? If you search /r/videos or other places, you'll find mostly short videos. But while you're eating, you don't want to be constantly fumbling around with the mouse, loading video after video. You just want to **Click and Consume**. Discord:

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The REAL Reason Finding A Job Seems Impossible [17:11]

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