The MRC's Selective Focus On Gun Massacres

The Media Research Center was obsessed with gun massacres involving alleged transgender people -- but didn't really want to talk about the gun massacre involving a straight white teen whose parents bought him the gun he used.

Related: The Putin Boosters At WND • WND's Other Russia Apologists, Part 2

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WND Shows More Love For Putin

WorldNetDaily touted Tucker Carlson's softball interview with the Russian dictator and his naive propaganda tour of Moscow -- then tried to laughably argue that Donald Trump is being treated just like Alexei Navalny, whom Putin had killed in prison.

The Sour State Of The MRC's Union

The Media Research Center used President Biden's State of the Union addresses to bash him and to lash out at any media outlet that didn't hate the speeches as much as it did -- while also pretending to read the minds of correspondents.

Newsmax's Anti-Haley Shenanigans

Newsmax's coverage of Nikki Haley's Republican presidential campaign was largely negative. Was it because she didn't place enough ads on Newsmax?

Economist Wars At The MRC

Amid its touting of biased economists who peddle right-wing, anti-Biden narratives, the Media Research Center obsessively attacked Paul Krugman for not playing along -- and ignored Larry Kudlow apologizing for his doomsday economic predictions.

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