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Just when I thought I was healing from Bridgerton Brain Rot, they dropped the trailer: A Recap.

Discussion of the show Bridgerton on Netflix. This show is based on the Bridgerton book series by Julia Quinn. Each book in this eight book historical romance series features a member of the Bridgerton family. Premiered Dec 25, 2020. Season 2 premiered May 16, 2024.

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Just when I thought I was healing from Bridgerton Brain Rot, they dropped the trailer: A Recap.

I know many of you asked me to recap Part 2, but I'm literally foaming at the mouth over a 2 minute trailer in the meantime, so let's promenade through it together! Shall we?

  • Wide shot of the ton? Already sending a shiver down my spine. I'm unwell and nothing has happened yet.

  • PENELOPE IS WHISTLEDOWNING IN A CARRIAGE! If you read the books, you know that Colin may or may not be following her. BOOK STYLE REVEAL FEELS IMMINENT.

  • Queen Hyacinth is jaw on the floor over the latest love match. We love to see it. Hugs all around!!!!

  • Eloise, I love you but at least pretend to be happy, baby girl.

  • Okay, Lord Anderson, gossip king that you are. I know you're trying to get an invite to the upcoming Bridgerton nuptials 👀

  • Mr. Finch is GIDDY AS HECK at the announcement. The girls spitting out their tea and Portia having a minor stroke? GOOD! PENELOPE JUST WON REGENCY ERA'S VERSION OF THE BACHELOR.

  • Polin in a church!! BOOK POLIN STANS, UNITE.

  • "I have always loved you." CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT IT'S LIKE FOR COLIN TO HEAR THAT? You're gonna have to chain me to a water heater when they show us this full scene. I'm going to run through a wall if you don't.

  • THE TWIRL! HE LOOKS SO HAPPY! I LOVE HAPPY PUPPY COLIN. I will protect this man with my whole life. Put me between him and Eloise. Use me as a human shield if you must.

  • "He will find out" Okay, El, girl, you got me there...

  • Kate and Anthony are back from their heir-making-bootcamp and they are GLOWING.

  • "You must admit it's all rather sudden" Anthony maybe if you came up for air from under the sheets for more than two seconds you would noticed your brother is a Penelope addict. 100% Benedict is gonna be like "I knew the whole time"


  • The quick shots of the mirror scene over Colin smugly defending his decision. HOT! Man knows what he wants!! And he's going to look it straight in the eye via mirror.

  • Anthony acting so scandalized by the "swiftly" comment like he didn't absolutely crawl through the Bridgerton garden on his hands and knees to compromise Kate Sharma.

  • "Are you going to duel with your own brother?" Benedict will absolutely drag anyone in his family, just name a time and a place. He's locked and loaded.

  • "Here is to truly knowing each other. Completely." Women were not allowed to receive higher education but Eloise Bridgerton still somehow managed to get a PHD in being a messy girl.


  • What is all this ink?! UMMMMM, she's just writing "Penelope Bridgerton" over and over and over again in a journal... stop asking questions and just keep smooching!!!

  • Luke Newton, you will always be famous. The second she says she's been writing letters that man really said, "Okay you're being soooo fake with me rn" with his face ALONE. NO DIALOGUE, ONLY LINES HE NEEDS ARE THE ONES BETWEEN HIS EYEBROWS.

  • This scene of Eloise screaming at Penelope is NOT on the same day or time as the other scene where she's yelling right after the announcement or at the engagement party!!! How many times will she yell at Penelope before Penelope tells him? I would have been like dang call him in here rn I can't do this anymore, you're stressing me OUT.

  • "Whistledown is power." Honestly babe, let it go. Aren't you tired? This is like Will Mondrich refusing to give up his bar. Just go be rich and make out with your hot husband forever in peace.


  • MORE TWIRLING! FOREVER DANCE PARTNERS. I am Regina George's mom with a camcorder over my shoulder to record a 2 minute 18 second trailer of my babies falling even more in love.

  • THE CLOCK STRIKING MIDNIGHT!!! Eloise giving Penelope a dirty look!! Go drink some lemonade with your BFF Cressida, this is a party, ELOISE! (I sound like such an Eloise hater but I promise I'm not she is just giving me IBS the way she's looming over this entire engagement with a loaded gun)

  • "COLIN I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF." (girl why would you want to, we know that man loooooves to take care of you!! let him LIVE!)

  • "THEN WHAT GOOD AM I TO YOU" protective colin bridgerton??????? put it in a syringe and stab me in the heart rn I want it in my VEINS (also new theory unlocked that he has been suspicious of her this entire time and even before she tells him she's LW he starts following her to make sure she's safe... he's such a Penelope stan it's crazy)

  • Lady Tilley if you hurt Benedict, we as a subreddit, will collectively have to fight you I am so sorry... I don't make the rules. Also who is that MAN! He's giving vampire.

  • Violet doesn't have time to deal with Colin's wife's secret, she is doing gardening ONLY rn.

  • "LADIES DO NOT HAVE DREAMS, THEY HAVE HUSBANDS!" DOES PORTIA KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! (in my comment on the original trailer post in this sub, milliebear1030 pointed out that it looks like Portia is holding LW as she says this!!!!!!!!!!!!)

  • WHEN HE KISSES HER SHE IS WEARING THE CLOAK AND THE SAME HAIR CLIP FROM WHEN HE SAYS "THEN WHAT GOOD AM I TO YOU??" WE ARE GETTING MAKE UP MAKE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (this is going to be the hottest kiss of the season I just know it)

  • Not the shirtless insert, no face, just abs. shondaland really said "we know you're all dying of thirst. come and get your lemonade"

  • Benedict's love story is realllllllly on display in this trailer, if they aren't preparing us for him to be S4, we are getting played harder than Colin with the LW reveal.

  • The way Kate and Anthony are making out... they are trying to do Next Day Heir Delivery.

  • All the butterflies flying everywhere, is it just me or is this whole trailer giving Hogwarts? I love it!!!!

  • Lots of Cressida but not an ounce of Debling in sight. Spinster era loading big time!!!

  • If I have to see Colin upset for more than .002 seconds, I'm going to need a mental health professional on site as I watch.

I think I am going to be sick. Please sound off in the comments below about what I missed and how you are all coping over the next ten days.

Also no wedding and no masquerade ball in trailer... hmmmmm. I hope they're just saving them for later.

Bridgerton Star Nicola Coughlan Raises $1.2 Million for Palestine Children in Need

A safe haven for anyone who loves Colin and Penelope from the Netflix show Bridgerton and books by Julia Quinn and wants to chat with others about Polin as well as other topics of the ton! 🌻🐝

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Colin still committing to the bit (looking for purpose in protecting others). My man, you are ENOUGH.

Discussion of the show Bridgerton on Netflix. This show is based on the Bridgerton book series by Julia Quinn. Each book in this eight book historical romance series features a member of the Bridgerton family. Premiered Dec 25, 2020. Season 2 premiered May 16, 2024.

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Colin still committing to the bit (looking for purpose in protecting others). My man, you are ENOUGH.
  • r/BridgertonNetflix - Colin still committing to the bit (looking for purpose in protecting others). My man, you are ENOUGH.
  • r/BridgertonNetflix - Colin still committing to the bit (looking for purpose in protecting others). My man, you are ENOUGH.

He looks so proud saying this🤣

A safe haven for anyone who loves Colin and Penelope from the Netflix show Bridgerton and books by Julia Quinn and wants to chat with others about Polin as well as other topics of the ton! 🌻🐝

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He looks so proud saying this🤣

swiftly indeed Mr. Fingerton

Colin is like- yep, compromised Penelope Featherington and I am proud of it.

It's nice to see Anthony be so cool about it( Kate effect!!) Though he probably should be worried about getting a special license. After all Colin is a Hungry Boi🤣

also loved Benedict teasing Anthony about the duel.🤣

Anyone else emotionally ruined again now that the trailer for Part 2 released?

A safe haven for anyone who loves Colin and Penelope from the Netflix show Bridgerton and books by Julia Quinn and wants to chat with others about Polin as well as other topics of the ton! 🌻🐝

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Anyone else emotionally ruined again now that the trailer for Part 2 released?

After Part 1 I was completely feral. 4 weeks wait for Part 2? How will I survive? I was on the sub every morning and night, read the book, watched every youtube clip from the press tour and fan edits, and also listened to the What a Barb podcast rewatches. Once we hit the two weeks left mark which was only 4 days ago, I finally felt calm again. Like ok I got this far, I can make it! Then today the trailer dropped and now I feel like I'm dying again. Only this time there is far less content for me to consume because I already consumed most of it. I don't want to spoil everything completely, but I'm running out of coping mechanisms. Maybe I'll be more normal tomorrow. Someone please commiserate with me!

Toronto Advance Screening: Discussion Thread

A safe haven for anyone who loves Colin and Penelope from the Netflix show Bridgerton and books by Julia Quinn and wants to chat with others about Polin as well as other topics of the ton! 🌻🐝

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Toronto Advance Screening: Discussion Thread

Hello everyone,

This will be the main discussion thread for the advance screening of episode 5 taking place in Toronto. Please keep all screening discussions contained to this thread. We are requesting that you do not make any new threads outside of this one for now.

Comments in this thread do not need spoiler tags as long as they are discussing episode 5. Comments do require spoiler tags if they are discussing verified spoilers for any other episode. Unverified spoilers for episodes 6, 7 and 8 are still not allowed on the sub.

Outside of this thread, you must use spoiler tags when discussing the plot of episode 5. Please also be mindful to not include spoilers in the titles of any and all posts.


Penelope *Nicola* Featherington epitome of romantic lead heroine appreciation post

Discussion of the show Bridgerton on Netflix. This show is based on the Bridgerton book series by Julia Quinn. Each book in this eight book historical romance series features a member of the Bridgerton family. Premiered Dec 25, 2020. Season 2 premiered May 16, 2024.

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Penelope *Nicola* Featherington epitome of romantic lead heroine appreciation post
r/BridgertonNetflix - Penelope *Nicola* Featherington epitome of romantic lead heroine appreciation post

These bros make the most hilarious faces in season 3 together

Discussion of the show Bridgerton on Netflix. This show is based on the Bridgerton book series by Julia Quinn. Each book in this eight book historical romance series features a member of the Bridgerton family. Premiered Dec 25, 2020. Season 2 premiered May 16, 2024.

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These bros make the most hilarious faces in season 3 together

Gossip as I might, this author cannot tolerate a lie

Discussion of the show Bridgerton on Netflix. This show is based on the Bridgerton book series by Julia Quinn. Each book in this eight book historical romance series features a member of the Bridgerton family. Premiered Dec 25, 2020. Season 2 premiered May 16, 2024.

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Gossip as I might, this author cannot tolerate a lie

Not to spoil too much, but this last line in the new trailer is pulled right from the book and I am here for it and so relieved this plot will be staying from the books.

It makes the edits of the earlier trailer a bit less stressful for me. I don't know how to avoid spoilers in the discussion, so if you haven't read the book or don't want spoilers avoid the comments.

But if you did read the book, thoughts on how it will all go down? Any one else relieved?

Well played Netflix

Discussion of the show Bridgerton on Netflix. This show is based on the Bridgerton book series by Julia Quinn. Each book in this eight book historical romance series features a member of the Bridgerton family. Premiered Dec 25, 2020. Season 2 premiered May 16, 2024.

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Well played Netflix

Over the past 2 1/2 weeks i have watched and rewatched Part 1, consumed Reddit and different discussions (spent more time than normal on my phone than I should at work. Super behind), watched YouTube reactions and PR interviews. Finally yesterday ai felt like I was in a good place to really get work done and chill out a little before the new episodes air…

But nope….

Netflix goes and drops a full trailer… and here I am… again

Why is makes sense for the LW reveal to come AFTER they got engaged

A safe haven for anyone who loves Colin and Penelope from the Netflix show Bridgerton and books by Julia Quinn and wants to chat with others about Polin as well as other topics of the ton! 🌻🐝

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Why is makes sense for the LW reveal to come AFTER they got engaged

I, like many others after finishing Bridgerton season 3 part 1 was a little disappointed when I saw that Polin was going to get engaged before the LW reveal, but I think I'm starting to understand why it actually makes more sense from a literary standpoint.

Think about it in the books, when the LW reveal happened, Colin's anger seems a little unjustified, especially considering the fact that they had only just become closer friends, and there would be no situation where Pen would tell Colin, and no motivation to.

Now, if we look at the show, despite the fact that Colin and Pen are much closer, if we look at their friendship, there has always been a bit of a power imbalance stemming from Pen constantly pining after him. And even though they leveled out the playing field in the beginning of season three (with Pen losing hope in Colin ever reciprocating her feelings and Colin apologizing for what he said last year, learning to value Pen more), there is still a bit of a rift between them.

Plus, in Pen's eyes, they are just friends (whether she likes it or not), and she sees no reason to tell him such a big secret. In her eyes, their friendship will be fleeting, something that will fade away once one of them chooses a spouse and moves on with their lives, and she would never want to ruin that by telling him she is LW. The harms in her eyes FAR outweigh the benefits.

Also, let's not forget how Eloise reacted when she found out; she completely cut Pen out of her life and refused to hear her out or let her back in (despite her still caring for her, which I appreciate the show doing). Colin is her only friend now, and she would never want to lose that.

Now back to my original point, at the beginning of the carriage scene, Pen never would have expected for Colin to propose; she didn't even think that he would even think of her in the light, so when he confesses his feelings for her and they christen the carriage, it is all coming as a complete surprise to Pen; she could never believe that "someone like Colin Bridgerton" could ever like her. So once they are engaged and she starts to realize the level of his feelings, that's when she realizes how screwed she is.

Basically, if they are engaged, Colin feeling upset and hurt by her not telling him she was LW makes far more sense and makes his anger more justified. Plus, it would kind of reflect what happened with Marina (with the difference being that Pen truly cares for him and would tell him before they properly tied the knot), which also explains why he would have such a big reaction.

  • Discussion of the show Bridgerton on Netflix. This show is based on the Bridgerton book series by Julia Quinn. Each book in this eight book historical romance series features a member of the Bridgerton family. Premiered Dec 25, 2020. Season 2 premiered May 16, 2024. members
  • Welcome, fellow members of the ton, to the discussion of Bridgerton Netflix hit based off the book series by Julia Quinn members
  • A safe haven for anyone who loves Colin and Penelope from the Netflix show Bridgerton and books by Julia Quinn and wants to chat with others about Polin as well as other topics of the ton! 🌻🐝 members
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  • Welcome to Kanthony! A subreddit devoted to Kate Sharma /Viscountess Kathani (played by Simone Ashley) and Anthony (played by Jonathan Bailey) Bridgerton known as Kathony/Kanthony. Bridgerton Show and Book lovers, unite and immerse yourselves in discussions, fan art, theories, and the magic of their romance. Join us as we celebratd the explosive chemistry between these two amazing characters. Welcome to the Kanthony community, where their love story never ends! members
  • Subreddit for Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story on Netflix which aired on May 4 2023 and the novel. A limited prequel series based on the origins of Queen Charlotte, that centers on the rise and love life of a young Charlotte. The spinoff also tells the stories of young Violet Bridgerton and young Lady Danbury. members
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