Bulk update user profiles with LDAP directory or API

The following methods let you update user profiles with data from your organization's LDAP directory or other source.

Rich profile information connects users

When you add profile information to user profiles, people in your organization find it in many Google services:

  • Individual and group addresses autocomplete as users enter them in Google services like Gmail, Google Docs, and Drive.
  • Calendar intelligently suggests meeting rooms based on the location and number of guests (requires Calendar setup).
  • Users find profile information in Google services. For example, when users point at or tap someone’s profile photo, they open a person information card.

    Hover over a user

  • Users see organization relationships. If you add a manager email for all user profiles in an organization, then Google automatically generates a reporting chain. For example, this is used for People recommendations and Post analytics in Currents. Available in Google services on Android and iOS, as well as in Cloud Search on all devices.

    " "

What you can update

You can add, edit, or delete the following information:

  • Secondary email address—An address that is outside your domain
  • Phone numbers, physical addresses
  • Desk location (if you set up buildings in Calendar)
  • Job title, manager email, department, and cost center (manager email required for some Currents features)
  • Employee ID and employee type
  • Organization-specific custom attributes
  • A user's primary email address and display name

You can also let users update some of their profile settings, including name, photo, and work location. Note: Gmail users can change their display name themselves.

How the Directory profile displays information

Person information card

" "

1 Name

2 Profile photo

3 Email

4 Phone number

5 Job title / Department

6 Desk location: Building, floor, floor section

7 Links

Contacts sidebar in Gmail

" "

1 Name

2 Job title / Department

3 Email

4 Phone number

5 Desk location: Building, floor, floor section

6 Manager's email address

7 Reports: Based on reports' manager's email address


Available user profile fields

To set the profile information that is shared throughout Google services, edit the following fields.

Profile value Example Admin console field Directory API property GCDS attribute
Name Elisa Beckett Rename user name
  • Given name
  • Family name
Profile photo   Photo Users.photos Not available
Email address elisa.beckett@ink-42.com Primary email primaryEmail Primary email
Phone number 1 949-555-0198 Phone phones[]
  • Work phone numbers
  • Work mobile phone numbers
  • Home phone numbers
  • Fax numbers
  • Mobile phone numbers
  • Assistant's number
Address 123 Google Way, Inktown, CA 99999 Address addresses[].formatted*
  • Street Address
  • P.O. Box
  • City
  • State/Province
  • ZIP/Postal Code
  • Country/Region
Job title Account Manager Job title organizations[].title Job title
Manager's email kat.deburgh@ink-42.com Manager's email relations[].type.manager Manager's DN
Department Marketing Department organizations[].department Department
Organization Ink 42 Change organization name organizations[].name Company name
Desk location Building B-2-151C
  • Building ID
  • Floor name
  • Floor section
locations[] with type=desk
  • Building ID
  • Floor name
Links Directory | Personal site Not available websites[] Websites

* When you update user profiles with the Directory API, we recommend you update both the addresses[].formatted property and individual address properties. Individual address properties aren't synchronized to the Admin console or Directory.

Related topics

For other ways to update user profiles, go to:

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