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Mandela’s party support plunges for first time in 30 years

Mandela’s party support plunges for first time in 30 years

South Africans sense momentous change as the ANC captures only 40.61 per cent of the vote share by Saturday morning, with 95.1 per cent of the votes counted.

  • by Gerald Imray and Mogomotsi Magome


Meghan named ‘Ifeoma’ in Nigeria on first visit after doing genealogy test

Meghan named ‘Ifeoma’ in Nigeria on first visit after doing genealogy test

The Duchess of Sussex acknowledged Nigeria as “my country” during her trip with Prince Harry, who met her after a visit to the UK.

  • by Chinedu Asadu
Suffer the little children. It is ever the way, from Rwanda to Gaza

Suffer the little children. It is ever the way, from Rwanda to Gaza

They are the innocents, and it is never their fight. But it is the children of conflict who always suffer the most.

  • by Tony Wright
Dodging machetes and crossing sandstorms, ‘Hardest Geezer’ runs length of Africa

Dodging machetes and crossing sandstorms, ‘Hardest Geezer’ runs length of Africa

Russ Cook crossed 16 countries over the equivalent of 385 marathons – more than 16,300 kilometres – surviving machete-wielding villagers, desert sandstorms and crippling bouts of food poisoning.

  • by Max Stephens