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    Telstra boss Vicki Brady

    Why so many top executives start in accounting, consulting

    BOSS delves into the career paths of the senior executives at Australia’s 20 biggest companies to discover where they started – and the critical skills and experience they gained.

    • Sally Patten

    Autonomy the key to career paths at this consumer giant

    A shift in career planning and transparency in job ads have been central to keeping Unilever’s employees engaged.

    • Prashant Mehra

    The secrets to a happy workplace revealed

    In a world where many leaders are putting in place back to office mandates, the best places to work prioritise freedom and choice.

    • Amantha Imber

    Planning delays transformed into social housing solutions at Toga

    Property developer Toga turns vacant apartments and retail spaces in projects awaiting planning approval into pop-up accommodation for vulnerable communities.

    • Larry Schlesinger

    How we picked the award winners

    The AFR BOSS Best Places to Work ranks the best workplaces in Australia and New Zealand across nine different industries.

    • Amantha Imber

    Ventia creates careers for people with disabilities

    ASX-listed infrastructure services company Ventia has increased the representation rate on some government contracts to 9 per cent.

    • Larry Schlesinger


    Education can open all kinds of doors for him.

    You can break out of a career plateau. Here’s how

    Great leaps are possible. Two people who’ve stuck the landing share their best tips.


    by Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong

    There are methods for feeling less guilty about doing nothing.

    How to beat the busyness curse

    If you’re filling every waking hour with something to do, you may be overcompensating for not wanting to be idle – but there is a middle path.

    • Arthur Brooks
    Gen Z and younger Millennials have a new way of framing the work/life balance.

    Great work: Gen Z’s anti-hustle ethos may hurt their careers

    A new survey shows the number of anti-hustle job ads has risen 30 per cent since the pandemic as employers emphasise work-life balance to entice young workers.

    • Sophia Money-Coutts
    Mark O’Brien outside Bistro Moncur in Woollahra, Sydney, on April 11.

    Bruce Lehrmann’s lawyer, Mark O’Brien, is on a losing streak

    Losses in high-profile cases have experts wondering if Sydney’s client-friendly defamation culture is changing.

    • Aaron Patrick
    Setting yourself a goal to lose weight may not work.

    The four steps that change your behaviour - and achieve goals

    Rather than setting goals, we are better off finding cues to trigger new habits.

    • Amantha Imber

    How to fix construction’s female problem

    The gender pay gap in construction is entirely not surprising when the female participation in the industry is so low. Here are five strategies to fix it.

    • Alison Mirams

    Exclusive Subscriber Offer - Entrepreneur Summit

    Financial Review subscribers receive a 15% discount on in-person tickets to this event on June 25, 2024.

    Chris Kiefer, a company manager, works from his Melbourne home.

    The rise of the home husband

    Changes in the structure of work make it more likely wives will go to the office and men will work from their abode.

    • The Economist