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    Personal Finance


    We expect the next official June quarter trimmed mean inflation data to print at least 0.9 per cent to 1 per cent.

    Opportunities aplenty for yield buyers

    There is a rich array of opportunities available for investors searching for relatively safe and liquid yields.

    • Christopher Joye
    Debt recycling is a strategy used by the rich to get richer.

    How the rich use this tax strategy to get richer

    For many people, debt is a scary word. But debt can help build wealth so long as you’re careful about it.

    • Michelle Bowes

    Decades after tycoon’s death, his family is suing each other over a mansion

    Tech tycoon’s widow says she felt ‘used and abused’ in a dispute that pitted her three children against her – and each other.

    • Duncan Hughes
    Ensure you have exposure to assets that can hold value or even rise in adverse conditions.

    The economy is turning and your investment portfolio needs attention

    Residential mortgage-backed securities might be a good option in a weakening economy.

    • Giselle Roux
    Bonuses, the sale of shares or property and redundancy payments can push you into Division 293 territory.

    I’m a high earner about to encounter Division 293 tax. What can I do?

    You may want to consider reducing your taxable income below $250,000 by claiming allowable deductions such as donations to charity.

    • John Wasiliev
    There will be an undersupply of shopping centres in coming years.

    Why shopping centres are a good investment prospect

    Population growth, a robust employment market and rising incomes will stoke retail spending, and much of the extra money will end up in shopping centres.

    • Sam Tamblyn
    An extra $16.5 billion will be spent on road and rail projects.

    How to buy property that cashes in on the ‘big build’

    Being located within 1.6 kilometres of a hospital or major activity centre increases prices by an average of 1 per cent.

    • Richard Wakelin
    Jess Brady spent four months in and out of hospital after a major health scare.

    ‘I spent four months in and out of hospital thanking my old boss for this advice’

    After a potentially life-threatening gallbladder condition, Jessica Brady has two goals: Listen to her body, and make sure young people are prepared for the worst.

    • Lucy Dean

    What to do if you are asset rich but cash poor

    Four strategies to help your assets and savings work harder as the cost of living grows.

    • Updated
    • Duncan Hughes
    Adrian Orr, governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand.

    Kiwis outplay Aussies in monetary policy game

    The New Zealand central bank has given its Australian equivalent a dancing lesson in political independence.

    • Christopher Joye
    There are 635,000 rich Australians, representing around 2.5 per cent of the total population.

    There are 635,000 rich Australians. Are you one of them?

    Once, being a millionaire made you wealthy. But the goal posts have shifted, and a two-storey house with in-ground pool doesn’t really cut it any more.

    • Michelle Bowes
    After June 30 unused contribution limits from the 2019 financial year will expire.

    How to claim a $157,000 tax deduction while turbocharging super

    Anybody who can make extra concessional contributions of this magnitude should seriously consider doing so.

    • Michael Hutton
    Being the trustee of your own fund does not put you above the law.

    ‘It’s my money’ attitude leading to illegal super withdrawals

    Early release of super is only supposed to allowed as a last resort. So why are so many people being approved to use it for dental work?

    • Peter Burgess
    Aligning risk appetite can be tricky.

    I’m a risk-taker but he plays it safe. How do we invest as a couple?

    Mismatched risk appetite is a common problem in relationships. How can couples get over this hurdle when investing together?

    • Penny Wise

    ‘I lost my 95-year-old mother’s $1.6m life savings to scammers’

    Great-grandmother Elaine Spring is ‘too frail’ to be told that the proceeds of the sale of the family home are gone.

    • Duncan Hughes
    Underperformance is closely correlated to the fees charged by active fund managers.

    More zeros than heroes in active funds management

    Don’t be fooled by short-term performance data and carefully assess after-fee returns.

    • Ben Smythe
    Cash often moves a portfolio toward the lower end of the expected return spectrum.

    Why holding too much cash can be harmful to your wealth

    As a standalone asset class cash has long underperformed bonds, property, and shares.

    • Maziar Nikpour
    People queue to access Centrelink offices in March 2020.

    JobSeeker, JobKeeper cut wealth inequality

    Lower-income households benefited the most from early COVID government payments, but higher-income households had the greatest gains in the recovery.

    • Lucy Dean
    Population ageing will increase demand for pathology services.

    This routine health test is an investment opportunity

    The share prices of pathology companies are below pre-pandemic levels and the world will need more blood tests.

    • Mark Draper
    Jacqui Henderson, a member of the Financial Services Council’s expert working group on digital advice, says the federal government needs to get the regulatory settings right  by reducing onerous paperwork.

    The future of financial advice is digital – and human

    AI-powered apps are touted as a big part of the solution to providing affordable financial advice en masse, but winning people’s trust is a key challenge.

    • Joanna Mather