N64.Dev - A gargantuan list of N64 development resources, toolchains, and other things to get you started developing on the Nintendo 64.
Everdrive Store - The Official Creator of the Everdrive X7 and Everdrive V2.5 Flash Carts. Other Official Re-Sellers include Stone Age Gamer and Everdrive.me.
Ultra64.ca - The Ultimate Resource for anything related to N64 Development (Official Docs, Software, Tools, etc).
N64Homebrew - A sub for N64 Programming, Homebrew Discussion, & Creation.
N64 Hardware Modifications - Lots of useful info for doing modifications to your console, controllers, or other N64 accessories!
r/Everdrive64 - subreddit for discussing and getting information on the Everdrive 64 line of Flash-carts.