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This Month

Hardest Geezer Russ Cook running through Sahara Desert.

‘Hardest Geezer’ finishes 16,300km run across 16 countries in 352 days

Briton Russ Cook had hoped to jog the length of Africa in 240 days, the equivalent of more than a marathon every day. Sandstorms and robberies intervened.

  • Mehdi El Arem


Why this CEO is happy to admit he is ‘not particularly smart’

Intrepid Travel chief James Thornton says he did “OK” at school and isn’t that smart. But he was CEO by the age of 35.

  • Sally Patten and Lap Phan
Runners on the Harbour Bridge during the Sydney Marathon.

Sydney scraps half-marathon

In a bid to be part of the World Marathon majors, Sydney has scrapped the 21km race from this year’s event in September.

  • Updated
  • Zoe Samios


It’s easy to get started with running at any age.

How to start running when you’re over 40

The positives of running are myriad and can include improved heart and lung health, increased joint strength and a reduction in the risk of chronic illnesses.

  • Ally Oliver


If endurance or high-intensity training makes you happy, keep going. If not, consider other forms of exercise.

How to cut through the mental blocks to exercise

Reframe the reasons you aren’t exercising as genuine obstacles and devise a plan to overcome them.

  • Danielle Friedman

Why high-income earners love to run

A recent study shows a strong correlation between being well paid and participation in running. Here are four reasons why.

  • Daniel Arbon
Angus Ferguson at breakfast at Bills in Double Bay, Sydney

Why this executive ditched networking dinners for ice baths

Domain customer head and BOSS Young Executive Angus Ferguson has a sauna and ice bath most mornings, and has started taking clients too.

  • Updated
  • Sally Patten

December 2023

Workers get bonuses for jogging at one Chinese firm.

Forget year-end bonuses for working hard – this firm rewards joggers

A Chinese paper maker has decided to scrap annual payouts for something healthier – a monthly wad of cash based on how much its employees exercise.

  • Shirley Zhao

November 2023

On’s Cloud X 3 shoes.

How these trainers became known as ‘shoes for accountants’

On’s Swiss sneakers with the distinctive toothy outsoles are reaching a 2010s-Allbirds level of ubiquity – for better or worse.

  • Ashley Fetters Maloy
There is plenty to be gained by putting one foot in front of the other, even if it’s just around the block.

Even short, slow runs have big health benefits

Jogging just three kilometres a few times a week at a leisurely pace can help you live longer and reduce your risk of disease, say researchers.

  • Markham Heid
Robin Whitely running in the Abbott World Marathon Majors in Chicago last month.

This exec’s current challenge? To outrun his 13-year-old son

Hitting the road every morning “satisfies my competitive instincts”, says Viatris Australia’s marketing boss.

  • Life & Leisure

October 2023

Gavin Basserabie, co-founder of ConfidenceClub, on the running surface he loves most – the soft sands of Bondi Beach.

This CEO loves soft sand running at an iconic beach

Entrepreneur and investor Gavin Basserabie gets up early three times a week to keep fit and revel in the beauty of Bondi.

  • Life & Leisure
Runners taking part in the 26.2 mile (42.2 kilometre) New York City Marathon.

Here’s what it’s like to run in the annual New York City Marathon

On November 5, some 50,000 runners from around the globe will once again pound the streets of the Big Apple – those who manage to secure an entry, that is.

  • Fiona Harper

September 2023

Courtney Dauwalter is the first person in history to win the three major 100-mile mountain trail races.

The woman smashing running records while hallucinating in loose shorts

Courtney Dauwalter may be the toughest female runner in history. The American, who loves lollies, nachos and beer, is obliterating ultra-marathons.

  • Rebecca Byerly

July 2023

How to make friends in midlife if you’re male.

Like many men, I had few close friends. So, I began a friendship quest

Males tend to face a harder time than females making and maintaining friendships and it appears to be getting only worse. Here’s how I tried to help myself.

  • Leonard Felson

June 2023

Dirt road in Monument Valley Tribal Park, Utah.

What it’s like to run through the vast red landscape of Moab

A marathon just for women channels ‘Thelma & Louise’ through the canyons and desert plains of this iconic region of Utah in the American southwest.

  • Fiona Harper

April 2023

Here’s how you can use short-distance running to help meet your goals

SIRAP film production studio founder Paris Thomson says if you visualise success, it just might happen. It’s all about getting into a state of flow.

  • Life & Leisure

February 2023

Nick Haan hits his stride during Room to Read’s Sydney Fastest Executive race.

This exec disliked running at first. Here’s how he learnt to love it

Despite getting chased by a bull once, IMC Financial Markets’ technology boss Nick Haan starts his day with a great “stress-management tool”.

  • Life & Leisure

December 2022

Geoffrey Smith running in his Brisbane environs.

It’s the high that keeps this CEO lacing up his running shoes

Not to mention all you need are your legs and a little bit of masochism, says Australian Spatial Analytics’ Geoffrey Smith of his passion for road-pounding.

  • Life & Leisure

November 2022

Calvin McDonald prefers training for a race more than the race itself.

How this CEO gets his team to do triathlons with him

Lululemon CEO Calvin McDonald trains twice a day. “If it matters, you get it done.”

  • Lauren Sams