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    Kenneth Rogoff


    Kenneth Rogoff is a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund and Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Harvard University.

    Kenneth Rogoff


    Bank of England: central bank independence is neither old nor particularly sacrosanct.

    Why inflation will be back, sooner than you think

    Central banks cannot be as independent as we like to believe. And they would always rather avoid a recession than avoid inflation.


    Until very recently, in fact, the notion that a high public-debt burden could be problematic was almost taboo.

    Magic debt thinking collides with inflation and higher rates

    Since the GFC, economists have suggested that using debt to finance government spending is a free lunch. But the tide has turned in the past two years.


    Nvidia is on track to rival Apple’s market capitalisation.

    Why the dismal state of US politics is fuelling the AI boom

    With political gridlock in Washington the norm, the sharemarket is betting that Nvidia is less likely to face anti-monopoly regulation.


    The mood at Davos was upbeat.

    Davos was upbeat, but don’t count on a soft landing

    China’s slowdown, lacklustre Europe and no US fiscal tightening in an election year means the risks to global growth are still on the downside.


    China’s property downturn has battered its economy.

    Every chance that 2024 is going to be rockier than 2023

    The worst fears of a year ago did not happen. But the world economy is carrying too many stored-up problems for 2024 to be quiet.


    November 2023

    Runaway inflation exceeds 100 per cent in Argentina.

    Emerging markets have ignored the ‘Buenos Aires consensus’

    Serial debt-defaulting countries have stunned economists by thriving though prudent policies advocated by the IMF.

    May 2023

    The east side of the US Capitol in the early morning.

    US debt ceiling debate is really about power

    The idea of both sides that debt is always free as long as it is used the ‘right’ way is stupefyingly naive.

    April 2023

    TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew testifying to Congress.

    TikTok is the sound of the clock ticking on globalisation

    Compromise does not seem to be possible between the Biden administration and a social media sensation that has America hooked.

    February 2023

    The consequences of the Russia’s war on Ukraine are still far from clear.

    Why it is far too soon to be optimistic on the economy

    A rebound in China or a shallow recession in Europe do not offset the uncertainty over the war in Ukraine.

    January 2023


    The coming financial contagion

    A sustained wave of monetary tightening could expose unexpected vulnerabilities in the global financial system.

    November 2022

    Sam Bankman-Fried, co-founder of collapsed crypto exchange FTX.

    Cryptocurrency will survive. But will there be any point to it?

    Digital currencies will get over Sam Bankman-Fried. But it may be at the cost of the anonymity that makes them so useful to many of their most devoted users.

    The Communist Party of China’s 20th National Congress featured a leadership shakeup that replaced market-oriented technocrats with Xi loyalists,

    China’s diminishing returns under Xi

    With the Chinese government even less inclined to adopt market-oriented reforms, a smooth landing from the real estate meltdown looks less likely than ever for China’s faltering economy.

    October 2022

    British Prime Minister Liz Truss and Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng need to come up with better plans and better explain them to the public.

    Britain is not an emerging market – yet

    While talk of an outright UK default is overblown, it is not unreasonable to anticipate a painful reckoning just short of that outcome.

    August 2022

    China’s Ding Liren is vying to be the next world champion.

    The Ukraine war and China’s rise will determine the world chess champ

    Ding Liren will receive enormous help from the Chinese tech community ahead of next year’s championship match. His Russian rival may not get similar support.

    July 2022

    Reducing global emmissions and investing more in green energy sources will not be painless.

    Why energy prices will stay high even if global economy tanks

    Energy prices will remain elevated and volatile until a robust carbon price is able to fast-track alternative green investments away from fossil fuels.


    May 2022

    Fed chairman Jerome Powell has been in the firing line.

    The Fed doesn’t deserve all the inflation blame

    Central banks around the world have had to navigate extraordinary political pressure in recent years amid an uncertain inflation outlook.

    The global economy could be flying into a perfect storm.

    Brace for the global recession trifecta

    Gloomy forecasts for the US, Europe and China tend to underestimate how downturns in one region may compound the difficulties of others.

    March 2022

    Protesters at a rally in Hamburg. Germany has finally realised the need to increase its defence spending.

    Brutal invasion should be a wake-up call for Western politicians

    I am amazed by how many of my otherwise well-informed friends are asking why Europe does not mount a stronger military response to Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Part of the answer, is its egregious lack of preparedness.

    February 2022

    Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies had a monster 2021 but have been hit hard in the new year.

    Slow Fed right to be wary digital dollars

    In a democracy, the US central bank will get one shot at an official cryptocurrency. It needs to be sure the gains outweigh the risks.

    January 2022

    Commuters in Brazil. The IMF says soaring debt levels, rising inflation, and simmering banking problems in places such as Brazil are less threatening than the pandemic.

    IMF must stop playing Santa to emerging markets on the brink

    By morphing into an aid agency during the pandemic, the IMF’s no strings loans have created a financial mess that needs cleaning up.