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greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous Wednesday February 15, 2023 21:43 by International anarchist organisations   text 1 comment (last - saturday march 18, 2023 10:30)
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The earthquakes of 6 February and their aftershocks have devastated entire regions. The death toll is in the tens of thousands and continues to rise. Access to water, electricity, gas, food and other basic necessities is reduced or non-existent for millions of people.

Our comrades in anarchist organisations, grassroots unions and popular organisations are working together and are directly involved in the relief efforts.

We are now launching a fundraising drive to support the work of these organisations.

[Castellano] [Português] [Italiano] [Deutsch] [Türkçe] [Français]

international / anarchist movement Friday August 12, 2022 23:44 by Felipe Corrêa   text 58 comments (last - wednesday march 22, 2023 21:19)
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Felipe Corrêa

The steady revival of organized Anarchism in the anglosphere has led to a re-engagement with the fundamental strategic questions of Anarchism. In what way should a revolutionary organization be structured? How should a revolutionary organization struggle for reforms? What role does the revolutionary organization play in the revolutionary process? In grappling with these questions the most novel contemporary insights have undoubtedly come from the Anarchist movement in Latin America, where the tradition of organized, class struggle anarchism was growing and successfully struggling whilst in the anglosphere it was languishing in a long period of decline.

In the spirit of clarifying and spreading the debates of Latin American Anarchism to the anglosphere, I contacted Felipe Correa in early 2022 and asked him questions that various comrades had raised during reading groups and informal discussions concerning the tendency – questions that could not be easily answered by the texts available to us. His extensive response to my questions, ranging from the notion of power, the role of organizations, and the relation between Anarchism and class politics, offers valuable and unique insight into this important tendency.


iberia / historia del anarquismo Friday July 29, 2022 02:16 by Varias organizaciones anarquistas   text 99 comments (last - friday march 24, 2023 15:07)
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Cuando los pueblos se levantan son imparables y son capaces de cambiar la historia. Estos sucesos de repiten cada cierto tiempo y ponen en cuestión el desarrollo normal del “sentido común” capitalista de que no hay alternativa. ¡Claro que la hay! La acción de los pueblos rebeldes, que pusieron sus cuerpos para derrotar regímenes autoritarios, dictaduras o golpes de estado, demuestra la importancia del poder popular y la preparación revolucionaria para que se produzcan grandes transformaciones sociales.

El 19 de julio se celebran los aniversarios de la Revolución Española de 1936 y el de la Revolución de Rojava de 2012. Los dos procesos indican la tremenda capacidad de los pueblos, si bien nuestra tradición reivindica la Revolución de 1936 por estar impulsada por aquella gente que profesaban nuestras mismas ideas.


greece / turkey / cyprus / repression / prisoners Sunday June 05, 2022 23:10 by Various anarchist organisations   text 128 comments (last - friday march 24, 2023 10:23)
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Mahmut Demir

We have recently sadly learnt that Turkish state repression has struck our comrade, Mahmut Demir – a member of Karala, an organisation which is part of our international coordination – who has been sentenced to 6 months and 7 days in prison without even having a hearing.

This prison sentence was imposed following the complaint of a fascist informant, for “Public humiliation of the Turkish nation, the Republic of Turkey, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, the government of the Republic of Turkey and the judicial organs of the state”. Our comrade, who learned of the reasons for the decision via mail delivery, was not even summoned by the police or the prosecutor's office to testify or defend themselves throughout the trial.

[Castellano] [Italiano]

internacional / movimiento anarquista Thursday May 19, 2022 21:02 by Varias organizaciones anarquistas   text 12 comments (last - wednesday march 15, 2023 06:04)
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Primero de Mayo 2022

1 de mayo de 1886! Hoy hace 136 años que la clase obrera estadounidense creó una experiencia invaluable para las próximas luchas de las clases trabajadoras de todo el mundo al decir "¡esta lucha es nuestra última lucha!". Ella sigue siendo una victoria hoy por hoy. La exigencia de "8 horas para trabajar, 8 horas para dormir, 8 horas para lo que queramos" para reemplazar las 16 horas de trabajo y los ataques del capitalismo contra las vidas de las clases trabajadoras en el siglo XIX se convirtió en una huelga general en Estados Unidos. La huelga general ha sido una de las armas más significativas de la acción anarquista como una ganancia para la historia de la lucha de clases.

La lucha por las 8 horas nunca ha sido vista como una simple petición de reforma por parte de los anarquistas. Los y las anarquistas lucharon para reemplazarla por una revolución social con la afirmación: "independientemente de nuestra jornada de trabajo, sea de 2 horas o de 8 horas, este tiempo es esclavitud si trabajamos para los patrones".

[English] [Italiano] [Türkçe]


Sat 25 Mar, 16:09

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textSky Anarchy Mar 24 13:59 by Jacob Hutchison 0 comments

What Is Sky Anarchy?
Sky Anarchy is a new adventure. It's part of a wider project of addressing the issues of aviation and its relationship with anarchy and the left in general. Through this I hope to open up our movement to the possibilities and hopefully to educate our comrades on aviation past, present, and it's hypothetical future. All feedback is welcome.

capitalism.jpg imageCapitalism Is the Disaster Mar 23 06:26 by Pink Panther 0 comments

An article examining the underlying link between disasters.

1517671_1199237206768129_7348846615584991693_n.jpg imageThoughts on Revolution Mar 22 04:45 by Wayne Price 0 comments

In response to a paper by the anarchist Ron Tabor in which he re-thinks revolutionary politics.

postneno.jpg imageNeno Vasco por Neno Vasco: fragmentos autobiográficos de um anarquista Mar 21 01:34 by Thiago Lemos Silva 0 comments

Apresentação ao livro Neno Vasco por Neno Vasco: fragmentos autobiográficos de um anarquista

pottier1.jpg imageΟ σοσιαλιστής πο_... Mar 20 16:41 by Π. Αργυριάδη
ς 0 comments

Ο σοσιαλιστής ποιητής Eugène Pottier - Πρώην μέλος της Κομμούνας 

Tου P. Argyriades


Εκδότη του περιοδικού «Κοινωνικό Ζήτημα»

5, Boulevard Sail:t-Michel, 5

Και στα γραφεία του Socialist, 17, rue du Croissant 


download.jpg imageMalatesta για τoν Πόλεμο κ^... Mar 15 18:53 by Wayne Price 0 comments

Άρθρο που δημοσιεύτηκε στην επιθεώρηση Black Flag Anarchist Review 2. Ο Wayne Price είναι ακτιβιστής, συγγραφέας και θεωρητικός του αναρχισμού και του επαναστατικού αντιεξουσιαστικού σοσιαλισμού. Μετάφραση Δημήτρης Πλαστήρας

quico_sabate.jpg imageΣαμπατέ: Aντίστασ ... Mar 13 19:28 by Αργύρης Αργυριάδης 0 comments

Μερικές σημειώσεις εξ αφορμής της ταινίας για τον αναρχικό αντιφασίστα αντάρτη «Κίκο Σαμπατέ» που προβάλλεται αυτές τις μέρες (Φεβρουάριος 2023) στην Ισπανία. Ο αναρχικός Francesc Sabaté Llopart, γνωστότερος ως “El Quico”, συμμετείχε στον ισπανικό εμφύλιο πόλεμο, στην αντιναζιστική αντίσταση στη Γαλλία αλλά και στον ένοπλο αγώνα κατά του Φράνκο. Ο Sabaté αποτέλεσε τον κατ’ εξοχήν δημόσιο κίνδυνο για το καθεστώς του Φράνκο πραγματοποιώντας αρκετές δολοφονίες φασιστών και ένοπλες ληστείες για τη χρηματοδότηση της αντίστασης.

textCapitalism’s war without end or Class War? Feb 26 22:44 by Dreyfus 9 comments

On the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine the AnarCom Network (UK) continues to argue that a new tendency is emerging - an internationalist revolutionary class struggle realignment, as a response to the reality of war and its existential threat. As Anarchist Communists we support the No War But The Class War position.

The following article originally written in 2014 by comrades in AnarCom marking the Russian occupation of Crimea in the 100th anniversary of the First World War.

300_0___20_0_0_0_0_0_earthquake_solidarity_1.jpg imageAppel anarchiste international à la solidarité: Tremblement de terre en Turquie, en Syrie ... Feb 19 02:59 by International anarchist organisations 0 comments

Les tremblements de terre du 6 février et leurs répliques ont dévasté des régions entières. Le nombre de morts se chiffre en dizaines de milliers et continue d'augmenter. L'accès à l'eau, à l'électricité, au gaz, à la nourriture et aux autres produits de première nécessité est réduit ou inexistant pour des millions de personnes.

Nos camarades des organisations anarchistes, des syndicats de base et des organisations populaires travaillent ensemble et sont directement impliqués dans les efforts de secours.

Nous lançons maintenant une campagne de collecte de fonds pour soutenir le travail de ces organisations.

300_0___20_0_0_0_0_0_earthquake_solidarity.jpg imageΔιεθνές αναρχικό... Feb 18 18:56 by Αναρχοκομμουνιστικές οργανώσεις 1 comments

Είναι σαφές ότι το Κράτος και οι υποστηρικτές του ενδιαφέρονται περισσότερο για τη διατήρηση του καπιταλιστικού συστήματος παρά για τη σωτηρία των ζωών δεκάδων χιλιάδων ανθρώπων. Αυτός είναι ο λόγος για τον οποίο διαταράσσουν και καθυστερούν την αλληλεγγύη και την αλληλοβοήθεια της βάσης.

statement_turkce.png imageTürkiye, Suriye ve Kürdistan’da Deprem – Dayanışma Çağrısı Feb 18 15:07 by Çeşitli anarşist organizasyonlar 0 comments

6 Şubat depremleri ve artçıları tüm bölgeleri harap etti. Ölü sayısı on binlerce ve artmaya devam ediyor. Milyonlarca insanın suya, elektriğe, gaza, yiyeceğe ve diğer temel ihtiyaçlara erişimi ya azaldı ya da hiç yok.

Anarşist örgütlerdeki, halk örgütleri ve sendikalarındaki yoldaşlarımız; birlikte çalışıyor ve yardım çabalarına doğrudan katılım sağlıyorlar.

Şimdi bu kurumların çalışmalarını desteklemek için bir bağış kampanyası başlatıyoruz.

statement.png imageCampaña de solidaridad: Terremoto en Turquía, Siria y Kurdistán Feb 18 14:49 by Diversas organizaciones anarquistas 0 comments

El terremoto y la serie de temblores secundarios del 6 de febrero de 2023 han dejado una estela de devastación masiva en regiones enteras. A la fecha, el número de muertes se encuentra en los cientos de miles y se proyecta seguir aumentando. Además, millones de personas no tienen acceso al agua, la electricidad, el gas, la energía y otros básicos.

Nuestros compañeros y nuestras compañeras de organizaciones anarquistas, populares y procesos sindicales de abajo están trabajando en conjunto, involucrados/as directamente en los esfuerzos de socorro. Ahora estamos lanzando una campaña de recolección de fondos para apoyar su trabajo.

cab.png imageChamado à solidariedade: Terremoto na Turquia, na Síria e no Curdistão Feb 18 14:30 by Várias organizações anarquistas 1 comments

Os terremotos de 6 de fevereiro e seus tremores secundários devastaram regiões inteiras. O número de mortos está nas dezenas de milhares e continua a aumentar. O acesso à água, eletricidade, gás, alimentos e outras necessidades básicas é reduzido ou inexistente para milhões de pessoas. Nossos camaradas em organizações anarquistas, sindicatos de base e organizações populares estão trabalhando juntos e estão diretamente envolvidos nos esforços de socorro. Estamos agora lançando uma campanha de arrecadação de fundos para apoiar o trabalho dessas organizações.

textAppello internazionale di solidarietà anarchica Feb 18 02:16 by Varie organizzazioni anarchiche 0 comments

I terremoti del 6 febbraio e le loro scosse di assestamento hanno devastato intere regioni. Il bilancio delle vittime è di decine di migliaia e continua a salire. L'accesso all'acqua, all'elettricità, al gas, al cibo e ad altri beni di prima necessità è ridotto o inesistente per milioni di persone. Le nostre compagne e i nostri compagni delle organizzazioni anarchiche, dei sindacati di base e delle organizzazioni popolari stanno lavorando insieme e sono direttamente coinvolti nei soccorsi. Stiamo lanciando una raccolta di fondi per sostenere il lavoro di queste organizzazioni.

textAre Anarchists Giving in to War Fever? Feb 18 01:22 by Wayne Price 2 comments

My response to an article, “British Anarchism Succumbs to War Fever” by Alex Alder. That article expresses dismay that many anarchists, in Britain and Eastern Europe and elsewhere have come to support the Ukrainian side of its war with Russian imperialism. It regards this perspective as a betrayal of anarchism, internationalism, and anti-militarism.

I, on the contrary, think that this solidarity with the Ukrainians is a very good thing. It is completely consistent with revolutionary anarchism.

earthquake_solidarity_1.png imageErdbeben in Türkei, Syrien und Kurdistan: Internationaler anarchistischer Solidaritätsaufr... Feb 17 20:41 by Verschiedene anarchistische Organisationen 0 comments

Nachdem wir im Zuge der Erdbebenkatastrophe in der Türkei vor einigen Tagen bereits zu Spenden an den Kurdischen Roten Halbmond aufgerufen haben, gibt es nun einen Spendenaufruf aus der internationalen anarchistischen Bewegung, der von uns und unseren Schwesterorganisationen getragen wird.
Spendet für die Hilfsarbeit unserer anarchistischen Genoss:innen in der Türkei und des Kurdischen Roten Halbmonds! Nichts ist stärker als die Solidarität von unten!

anarhists_and_dual_power.png imageΑναρχικοί και δυ^... Feb 17 16:18 by Matt Crossin 1 comments

Οι αναρχικοί θα πρέπει να έχουν κατά νου τα λόγια του Peter Kropotkin γι’ αυτό το θέμα και την προειδοποίησή του προς τους εργάτες που αρνούνται να εγκαταλείψουν τέτοιες τακτικές για επαναστατικό αγώνα:
«Δούλεψε για εμάς, καημένο πλάσμα που πιστεύεις ότι μπορείς να βελτιώσεις την τύχη σου με συνεταιρισμούς χωρίς να τολμήσεις να αγγίξεις ταυτόχρονα την περιουσία, τη φορολογία και το κράτος! – Κράτα τους και μείνε σκλάβος τους!» (Π. Κροπότκιν, «Σύγχρονη επιστήη και αναρχισμός», 1914).

earthquake_solidarity.png imageInternational anarchist call for solidarity: Earthquake in Turkey, Syria and Kurdistan Feb 15 21:43 by International anarchist organisations 1 comments

The earthquakes of 6 February and their aftershocks have devastated entire regions. The death toll is in the tens of thousands and continues to rise. Access to water, electricity, gas, food and other basic necessities is reduced or non-existent for millions of people.

Our comrades in anarchist organisations, grassroots unions and popular organisations are working together and are directly involved in the relief efforts.

We are now launching a fundraising drive to support the work of these organisations.

signal20230130234529_002.jpeg imageLevantamiento Popular en Perú – Enero 2023 Feb 05 18:05 by Coordenación Anarquista Latinoamericana 0 comments

En Perú se ha consumado una situación política bastante extraña: el presidente disuelve el Parlamento y el Parlamento a su vez, desplaza al presidente y coloca en su lugar a la vicepresidenta. Esta situación que a simple vista puede parecer una disputa o puja de poderes dentro del marco liberal burgués, pero tiene raíces más profundas y que hoy vemos consolidarse en un Golpe de Estado.

textComunicado da CAB às organizações amigas e parcerias de luta Feb 01 05:27 by Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira 0 comments

Comunicado sobre a saída de organizações da CAB e a manutenção do projeto de organização nacional do anarquismo especifista no Brasil.

textCAB's announcement to the fellow organisations and comrades Feb 01 05:08 by Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (CAB) 0 comments

Communiqué about the withdraw of organisations from CAB and the maintenance of this national anarchist-specifist project in Brazil.

download.jpeg imageAustralia: State of the union movement Jan 27 18:58 by MACG 0 comments

The union movement must be rebuilt and as soon as possible. It will only be harder the more the movement declines. Rebuilding can only be done through a rank and file insurgency. There may be times and places where it is appropriate to organise new unions (for example in entirely unorganised parts of the workforce, or where the existing union is wholly on the side of the bosses and cannot be recaptured by its members). Most workers, though, will not break with the officials until they are already mobilised and a practical decision is in front of them, so the insurgency must operate largely within existing unions.

waranarchyandgoats1015x1024.png imageLessons for Anarchists About the Ukraine War from Past Revolutions Jan 24 08:40 by Wayne Price 2 comments

Anarchists can learn important lessons in relation to the Ukraine-Russia war by looking at the Spanish revolution of the thirties and the movement against the Vietnam-US war of the sixties.

download.jpg imageComunicado da CAB sobre a saída d'organizações Jan 22 17:32 by x 0 comments

a CAB informa

Credit: Wall Street Journal imageChinese Workers Fight Back Jan 21 18:16 by MACG 0 comments

The working class of Australia has no interest in a war against Chinese workers and Chinese workers have no interest in a war with us. Militarization and war is a ruling class game. We have far more in common with each other than either of us do with the ruling classes of our countries. And just as so many Chinese workers (under much harsher conditions than our own) have had the bravery to fight the bosses and politicians who exploit and oppress them, rather than embrace a nationalist fight against ‘foreign forces’, we should also recognise that our main enemy is here at home. They manage our workplaces and make our laws. The only war worth fighting is the class war against them.

parsons.png imageΗ Λούσι Πάρσονς Jan 20 19:00 by Γιάννης Βολιάτης 0 comments

Παρ’ όλες τις διώξεις και τις παρενοχλήσεις από τις αρχές, η Πάρσονς συνέχισε και κατά τα τελευταία χρόνια της ζωής της να δίνει φλογερές ομιλίες σε απεργούς εργάτες, να στηρίζει αγώνες και να καλεί σε κατάληψη των μέσων παραγωγής. Χαρακτηριστικά είχε δηλώσει πως “Η αντίληψή μου για την απεργία είναι πως δεν πρέπει να καλούμε σε μια απεργία, ώστε να απεργήσουμε απλά, να βγούμε (από το εργοστάσιο) και να πεθάνουμε της πείνας, αλλά να παραμείνουμε μέσα (στο εργοστάσιο) και να καταλάβουμε τα μέσα και την ιδιοκτησία που είναι απαραίτητα για την παραγωγή“.

fontenis.jpg imageManifesto Comunista Libertário Jan 18 23:16 by Georges Fontenis 0 comments

I – Necessidade da vanguarda
II – Natureza do papel da vanguarda revolucionária
III – De que forma pode ser exercido esse papel de vanguarda revolucionária?
I – Unidade ideológica
II – Unidade tática, método coletivo de ação
III – Ação coletiva e disciplina
IV – Federalismo ou democracia interna
I – Aspectos da dominação burguesa: o capitalismo e o Estado
O capitalismo
O que é o capitalismo?
O Estado
II – As características do comunismo libertário
Comunismo: da fase inferior à fase superior ou comunismo perfeito
Comunismo libertário
Comunismo libertário e humanismo
III – O fato revolucionário: a questão do poder e do Estado
O que é a revolução?
O período de transição
A ditadura do proletariado
O poder operário direto
A defesa da revolução
Poder revolucionário e liberdade
O papel da organização anarquista específica e o papel das massas
IV - A moral comunista libertária
Nós combatemos as morais
Nós temos uma moral?
Nossa moral

far_argentina.jpg imageΜερικές σκέψεις ^... Jan 13 18:24 by Dmitri 2 comments

Το 2023 η FAR συμπληρώνει 15 χρόνια ως αναρχική πολιτική οργάνωση. Και όπως πάντα, οι στρογγυλοί αριθμοί προκαλούν ισορροπία. Το ότι υπάρχει αναρχισμός στον 21ο αιώνα δεν συζητιέται πια από κανέναν, το ότι υπάρχουν πολλά ακόμα να γίνουν. Το ότι η οργάνωσή μας καταφέρνει να διατηρείται, να αναπτύσσεται και να επηρεάζει διαφορετικές κοινωνικές σφαίρες είναι το σημείο στο οποίο στεκόμαστε και σχεδιάζουμε να συνεχίσουμε να χτίζουμε τον ειδικό αναρχισμό στην Αργεντινή. Σε επαφή και μόνιμο διάλογο με συντρόφους από διαφορετικά σημεία της χώρας, της Λατινικής Αμερικής και του κόσμου.

espero, Nr. 6, Januar 2023, 282 Seiten, zahlrreiche Illustrationen. Mit dem Themenschwerpunkt: Anarchismus und Revolution. imageDie neue Winterausgabe: espero, Nr. 6 (Januar 2023) Jan 11 18:14 by Daniel Birk 0 comments

Soeben erschienen: espero, Nr. 6, Januar 2023, 282 Seiten, zahlrreiche Illustrationen. Mit dem Themenschwerpunkt: Anarchismus und Revolution.

images2.png imageΗ Karala για την Ροζάβα &... Jan 09 15:07 by Karala 0 comments

Το βράδυ της 19ης Νοεμβρίου, τα εδάφη της Ροζάβα και του Νότιου Κουρδιστάν βομβαρδίστηκαν από πολεμικά αεροσκάφη της TSK (Τουρκικός Στρατός). Το YPG ανακοίνωσε ότι βομβαρδίστηκαν το κέντρο της πόλης του Κομπάνι, ένα νοσοκομείο στον λόφο Μιστενούρ, το δάσος του Κομπάνι, το εργοστάσιο παραγωγής ενέργειας, οι σιταποθήκες και πολλά χωριά. Οι εισβολείς, που δεν μπορούσαν να επιτύχουν αποτελέσματα με χημικά όπλα και πολυάριθμες επιχειρήσεις εισβολής για μήνες, έστρεψαν την κατεύθυνση προς τη Rojava, που είναι τα εδάφη της επανάστασης αυτή τη φορά.

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