Greenberg (film)
Greenberg is a 2010 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Noah Baumbach. The film stars Ben Stiller, Greta Gerwig, Rhys Ifans and Jennifer Jason Leigh. Greenberg was produced by Scott Rudin Productions and distributed by Focus Features. The film's soundtrack features the first film score by James Murphy.
Although the film received positive reviews, it was a box office bomb, grossing $6 million against a $25 million budget.
Florence Marr (Greta Gerwig) walks the Greenberg family dog, Mahler. She picks up Phillip Greenberg's dry cleaning and heads back to his house, where the entire family is packing for a trip to Vietnam. Phillip (Chris Messina) explains that his brother, Roger, will be staying in the house while they are away, and he asks Florence to help Roger if he needs anything. His wife, Carol (Susan Traylor), confides that Roger has just been released from a hospital after suffering a nervous breakdown.
Roger is a carpenter and has been hired by Phillip to build Mahler a dog house. It is implied throughout the film that Roger actually does little work, and Carol is skeptical about him actually finishing the project.