Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society
Thank you for your support over the years. The research grant that funds TSAS has come to an end as of 2023. If you wish to be included on a mailing list for any new project related to terrorism, security, and society in Canada that may emerge, please contact
Our Executive Committee is currently comprised of the following academic members:
Lorne Dawson
Veronica Kitchen
Aurélie Campana
Ron Levi
Sara Thompson
Karine Cote-Boucher
Garth Davies
Alex Wilner
TSAS has one staff person, and that position that is currently filled.
When TSAS provides funding to principal investigators (PIs) of projects, they have the right to hire assistants as needed. Typically, PIs of TSAS projects hire graduate students under their supervision as research assistants. TSAS does not control or intervene in this hiring process. Therefore TSAS does not hire Research Assistants or offer Post-Doctoral positions directly.
Anyone interested in being considered for a research assistant with TSAS is invited to review the details of the projects funded by TSAS and to contact individual PIs to inquire about possible positions.