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The assault on Rafah and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine

Securing the US-dominated reorganization of the Middle East requires the systematic crushing of organized resistance by the Palestinian people to Israeli domination, which is only possible through extermination and mass displacement.

Andre Damon

Israeli anti-war activists speak with the WSWS

In the face of a media blackout and intimidation, there is a growing protest movement in Israel against the Netanyahu regime’s war on Gaza. The WSWS spoke with two members of one of the protest groups.

Tom Peters, Jean Shaoul

Ten years of Spain’s pseudo-left Podemos party

The recent departure of Podemos from Spain’s PSOE-Podemos government brought to a close another strategic experience of the international working class with the pseudo-left.

Alejandro López

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan demand abolition of broker system; India: Tea plantation workers in Assam protest unpaid wages; Australia: New South Wales ambulance paramedics strike over rostering; Victorian TAFE teachers escalate action for improved enterprise deal.

The fight against war and the tasks of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei

The Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party, SGP), German section of the International Committee of the Fourth International, held its party congress from 12 to 15 April. We are publishing here the resolution that was unanimously adopted by the delegates.

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

National 24-hour strikes of public sector workers in both Greece and Portugal over wages; protests in Iran continue over poor pensions, wages and working conditions; Ghana’s judicial workers begin indefinite walkout over non-payment of allowances

German Foreign Minister Baerbock’s war visit to Kiev

The plans pursued by German Foreign Minister Baerbock and Defence Minister Pistorius for the expansion of air defences in Ukraine are aimed at preparing for direct NATO intervention in the conflict against Russia.

Johannes Stern

The welcome reappearance of actor Kevin Spacey

One unsubstantiated claim, which when tested in a courtroom five years later took a jury 45 minutes to dismiss, led to Spacey being driven out of the film, television and theater world.

David Walsh

League of imperialist criminals denounces the International Criminal Court

US President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken have joined hands with the fascistic Christian fundamentalist Republicans Mike Johnson and Lindsay Graham to condemn the ICC and assert the right of Israel and the United States to commit war crimes with impunity.

Jordan Shilton, Andre Damon

University of Michigan police violently clear anti-genocide encampment

Four students were arrested and several more injured after riot police assaulted the peaceful encampment early Tuesday morning. The police attack came less than two weeks after the lecturers’ union forced through a poverty contract that doubled as a political betrayal of the students and workers, who have protested for months against the Gaza genocide.

Jacob Crosse

Berlin: Thousands demonstrate against genocide in Gaza

On Saturday, in the German capital, Berlin, some 10,000 people demonstrated against the genocide perpetrated by the Israeli regime with the support of the imperialist powers against the Palestinian population in Gaza.

Our reporters

Taiwan, the “Axis of Genocide” and Holocaust amnesia

To legitimize their support for the Gaza genocide, Taiwan’s rulers are seeking to whitewash today’s German establishment and the complicity of Zionist organizations, along with the “democratic” imperialist powers, especially the United States and Britain, in the Holocaust.

Shih-Yu Chou
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