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    Pilita Clark


    Pilita Clark is an associate editor and business columnist at the Financial Times. She writes a weekly column on modern corporate life, as well as features and other articles.

    Pilita Clark


    The humble email sign-off is not what it used to be

    It is not exactly clear when the sign-off turned into yet another tool in the arsenal of self-promotion deployed in so much of modern corporate life, but I do not see it fading any time soon.

    This Month

    How much fun should you have at work?

    Jokes at work need to be deployed with skill and care. Yet, the best are glorious and the working world would be a far better place if we had a great deal more of them.

    Dozens of men have more than five separate domestic violence victims each.

    Domestic violence is also a workplace issue

    Governments should take the lead on the problem, but other groups can do more, including employers. Companies can achieve much more than many imagine.


    Universities are catching hundreds of students in a new wave of alleged cheating using ChatGPT or other artificial intelligence.

    ChatGPT essay cheats are a menace to us all

    Some universities are increasing face-to-face assessments to discourage AI cheating. Academics should be encouraged to expose the problem, not deterred from fixing it.

    • Updated

    Why it doesn’t pay to be a working-class professional

    Social class is a bigger barrier to career progress than gender or ethnicity, a study by KPMG in Britain has shown.



    Time warp. Empty restaurants in the Sydney CBD at the start of the pandemic.

    The pandemic still warps our sense of time

    It is almost a year since the WHO declared COVID-19 was no longer a global public health emergency, so shouldn’t we have reset by now? Not necessarily, say academics.

    Has the push for female equality gone too far?

    Ireland’s failure to modernise constitutional language on the role of women suggests reluctance to go further with equality. What’s going on?

    • Updated
    Companies mandating their workers return to the office will live to regret it, says a top executive of Atlassian.

    The misery of motormouths in meetings

    The ability to interrupt yammering windbags who steal time is a sorely underrated skill.

    Qantas CEO Vanessa Hudson.

    Vanessa Hudson is not alone. Why women teeter on ‘glass cliff’

    Female workers are deemed more likely to rise to the top when the job is dire, the risk of failure is high and men are less interested in the gig.


    The rising menace of absurd job titles

    From “global general counsel” to “chief growth officer”, terrible epithets confuse and infuriate, but they are also increasing.

    The new world of work is creating its own fault lines.

    Work from home if you want but don’t expect a pay rise

    Remote working is linked with lower wage growth, higher productivity and happier staff.

    Why ignoring modern business thinking can be key to success

    The inventor of the AeroPress disregarded conventional wisdom about marketing, pricing and almost everything else on how to run a profitable business.

    MBA graduates were more likely to expand their companies with acquisitions rather than organic growth.

    Why your MBA might be a giant waste of money

    The cover story CEOs with an MBA were noticeably worse at sustaining superior performance than the MBA-free ones.


    Jet lag is down to exposure to darkness and light.

    I have tried jet lag fix calculators. Here is what I learnt.

    Science now understands how to fend off debilitating jet leg. It’s just that airlines and employers have not caught up.

    December 2023

    Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the International Monetary Fund.

    The perils of mangling a colleague’s name

    Mispronouncing a co-worker’s name at work can be hazardous – and not just if it’s the boss.


    November 2023


    Managers worry staff have a second job on the sly

    I’ve never imagined I could take advantage of the freedom to work remotely to get another full-time job on the sly. But apparently it’s a thing.

    More than two-thirds of American workers say they have dealt with a toxic boss.

    The inescapable tyranny of working for a toxic boss

    The prevalence of pernicious management and workplaces is difficult to measure - but numerous scandals show it is a problem in every sector.

    • Updated

    Collecting for a colleague’s gift is an office nightmare

    Technology is upending the age-old act of chipping in for a farewell gift.

    October 2023

    Why expenses are a fraught form of fraud

    The Citi sandwich case shows why some rule-benders get a lot more sympathy than others. If a company wants to fire someone, the easiest way to do it is to go through their expenses.

    The ghastly modern office needs a reboot

    Hybrid working has exposed wasteful, outdated designs that one Silicon Valley boss wants to blow up.