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International students

Colleges face mass closures as students from whole continents banned

Colleges face mass closures as students from whole continents banned

Hundreds of private colleges face closure as the government pushes ahead with its plan to slash migration.

  • by Daniella White


Nearly half of Sydney Uni’s students come from overseas

Nearly half of Sydney Uni’s students come from overseas

The institution was the only NSW university to post a surplus in 2023, although it underpaid casual academics about $70 million.

  • by Daniella White
‘Chaos reigns’: The countries that have dodged Australia’s student visa crackdown

‘Chaos reigns’: The countries that have dodged Australia’s student visa crackdown

The government wants universities to cut their reliance on this market. It’s also a country with one of the highest visa approval rates.

  • by Daniella White
Universities face bans for breaching foreign student caps

Universities face bans for breaching foreign student caps

The dramatic intervention, introduced by Education Minister Jason Clare in parliament, aims to force down migration.

  • by Angus Thompson
Cut reliance on Chinese and Indian students, government tells universities

Cut reliance on Chinese and Indian students, government tells universities

University chiefs are being told to channel international students into courses that fill Australian skills shortages, deepening a dispute over federal plans to cap their annual intake.

  • by David Crowe and Daniella White
Inside Labor’s drastic cap on overseas students – and the urgent meeting it’s triggered

Inside Labor’s drastic cap on overseas students – and the urgent meeting it’s triggered

Universities will be forced to stop a surge in overseas students, sparking fears about the impact on the $48 billion industry.

  • by David Crowe
International students are trying to stay on in record numbers

International students are trying to stay on in record numbers

Coalition sources said immigration and homeownership would be central to Peter Dutton’s budget-in-reply speech as he develops an anti-“Big Australia” election narrative.

  • by Paul Sakkal
Minister vows to ‘weed out the bottom feeders’ in university system

Minister vows to ‘weed out the bottom feeders’ in university system

Private colleges have been told to stop recruiting fake overseas students within six months or risk losing their licences.

  • by David Crowe
Across a university moat, pro-Israel and pro-Palestine groups face off

Across a university moat, pro-Israel and pro-Palestine groups face off

Pro-Israel supporters harassed a student encampment at Monash overnight while a Jewish rally confronted the University of Melbourne’s pro-Palestine camp on Thursday.

  • by Sherryn Groch
The Perth suburbs with the highest concentration of international students

The Perth suburbs with the highest concentration of international students

In two local government areas in WA, more than 10 per cent of the rental market is taken up by international students – well above the national average.

  • by Holly Thompson
Inside the plan that could rein in vice chancellor salaries and overhaul uni boards

Inside the plan that could rein in vice chancellor salaries and overhaul uni boards

A new taskforce to police how universities are run will be pitched to state education ministers, as figures reveal the extent of corporatisation of university councils.

  • by Sherryn Groch