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Leaked letters show MP’s ‘considerable unease’ over Labor’s private school tax hike

Leaked letters show MP’s ‘considerable unease’ over Labor’s private school tax hike

The controversial state government plan has drawn criticism from one of its own members, who also voted for it in parliament.

  • by Annika Smethurst


Jubilant to hostile: How a done deal blew up in the nursing union’s face

Jubilant to hostile: How a done deal blew up in the nursing union’s face

A collapsed pay deal has left the union reeling, insulted members are calling for long-time Victorian branch secretary Lisa Fitzpatrick to stand down and its industrial action is in disarray.

  • by Henrietta Cook and Jewel Topsfield
The YIMBY plan to oust the NIMBYs from local councils

The YIMBY plan to oust the NIMBYs from local councils

Candidates at the coming local government elections will be asked to pledge that they will not block apartment developments, as YIMBY and pro-housing groups seek to expand their clout in key inner-city areas.

  • by Royce Millar and Rachael Dexter
Nationals grassroots members go nuclear over Welcome to Country ceremonies

Nationals grassroots members go nuclear over Welcome to Country ceremonies

The Victorian Nationals rank and file want a future Coalition government to back nuclear power and to axe funding for Welcome to Country ceremonies.

  • by Annika Smethurst
Jacinta Allan’s Labor faces trouble as the west gets wild

Jacinta Allan’s Labor faces trouble as the west gets wild

After a decade of golden years under Daniel Andrews, his replacement is facing a storm of problems that have trashed Labor’s vote.

  • by Rachel Eddie and Kieran Rooney
Teen died after getting 64 prescriptions from 31 doctors

Teen died after getting 64 prescriptions from 31 doctors

The death of a 16-year-old who overdosed after receiving three prescriptions for addictive drugs in the days before his death has triggered a coroner’s warning that many GPs are ignoring a watchlist to prevent “doctor shopping”.

  • by David Estcourt
Gas shortfalls could force businesses offshore

Gas shortfalls could force businesses offshore

Business leaders are threatening the government that gas insecurity might force them to quit Victoria.

  • by Kieran Rooney, Broede Carmody and Annika Smethurst
‘Supply gap’: Labor was warned last year Victoria will run out of gas

‘Supply gap’: Labor was warned last year Victoria will run out of gas

The energy department warned a plan to switch Victorian homes and businesses to electricity instead of gas will not happen fast enough to make up for predicted gas shortages.

  • by Annika Smethurst
Melbourne Uni students agree to end building occupation

Melbourne Uni students agree to end building occupation

Organiser Dana Alshaer said the students would disband the protest once the university committed to disclose its ties to weapons companies on Thursday morning.

  • by Sherryn Groch
Labor dumps GP payroll tax after poll shows primary vote slump

Labor dumps GP payroll tax after poll shows primary vote slump

Bulk-billing GPs will be exempt from payroll tax and other doctors will be spared the impost for a year after health clinics threatened to shame the government over its “tax on health”.

  • by Broede Carmody, Rachel Eddie and Annika Smethurst
Jacinta Allan is slowly marching Labor off a cliff of Daniel Andrews’ making

Jacinta Allan is slowly marching Labor off a cliff of Daniel Andrews’ making

Though the state election is still two years away, a damning poll for Labor doesn’t paint a pretty picture for the Allan government.

  • by Annika Smethurst