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BIL threw wine bottle across the tent BIL threw wine bottle across the tent
Personal Drama

My new brother drank waaay too much at our wedding over the weekend & chucked a wine bottle across the tent we rented for our outside wedding luckily no one was sitting behind him as the dinner reception was over.

He was sitting at a table with a few of his cousins, none of which it seems mentioned to him to dial it back because before I could send my husband to speak to him he tried to rip a table cloth of an adjacent table in true magician fashion.

After spending the last year DIYing the wedding, and the last 48 setting it all up this obviously really upset me. I told my husband if he didn’t knock it off I wanted him taken to bed.

A few drunk apologies later he goes to bed, and then this morning skips the breakfast we had planned & is gone before anyone else is even awake.

He also spent some time “helping the bartenders” but we’re not really sure we’re the money he said he took for the drinks went. Very glad the original bartenders turned over what money they did get before letting him go back there. Also wish they never would’ve let him back there

Never was close with him before and after this to say I’m annoyed is an understatement.

Husband thinks myself and family over reacted a bit.


For clarity sake, it was a toonie ($2) bar with family friends doing us a favour bartending. Before taking their break they brought us all the money they collected from their bar shift and they took their tips!

They did not realize how drunk/what kind person my brother in law is when they allowed him to take over well they had a break.

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Cut off “Friend Group”, along with MOH title. Cut off “Friend Group”, along with MOH title.
Need to Vent

I was honest with her about the struggles I was experiencing in life.

  1. Locked down on going to the gym, meal prepping, to help bring back my confidence and strength. I found out I can’t lose weight naturally, and it was discouraging. Been trying to find a doctor that will help, but that has also been discouraging. I only have Medicaid, so not much coverage.

  2. I applied back to college, family hasn’t been as supportive as I hoped they’d be. It’s been an emotional time for me as the reason I dropped out was because my Mom attempted suicide twice during my sophomore year - her alcoholism was getting significantly worse (would find her on the floor when I’d come home).

  3. My Mom’s alcoholism has changed my brain chemistry more than I thought it would. I constantly worry about her because she still drinks heavily, chain smokes, and I almost lost her last year. I’m heavily considering cutting her and my Dad out of my life this year and it’s also something that has been weighing on me heavily.

  4. Trying to find a new medicine to aid my ADHD. Been trying to find a psychologist to test me for ADHD - once again, hit a wall. Due to Medicaid. I’m exploring meds that treat ADHD, without having the diagnosis. It’s been difficult to do things all over again, (due to depression, anxiety and PTSD) and it’s been frustrating.

  5. I was open with her about my financial struggles, and how going to school means earning even less (I make 13 dollars an hour).

  6. She thought that I had put my boyfriend on a pedestal, when in reality I was taking so much time trying to focus on my health, my financial responsibilities, and my mental health that I was barely seeing my boyfriend even though we lived together. I couldn’t get through to her no matter how much I explained.

Then, most of all - about the friend group that we were involved in. I never felt accepted there, and quite uncomfortable. There were many times that they disrespected me, and excluded me from events, and I never bothered to say anything. If you want to look at that post explaining the things they did, here it is.

She wasn’t very happy with me, but I spoke my truth and I’m not sorry about it. She cussed me out again, and honestly, it’s been a really hard day. I told her that I would never imagine throwing dirt onto her name, and that I meant every well wish that I told her in my last text. In the last text I told her and her fiancé how I hoped that they had a beautiful wedding, and a life together, that she deserved the world, that I was forever thankful for the friendship we shared. I told her I respected her decisions and wouldn’t disrespect her. Then, I told her since seeing the repost she made (it was a TikTok video that was talking about how happy she was to cut her friend out of her life) I was going to take the hint. If you want to see the post I made originally about dropping my MOH title, it’s in the beginning of the post. I’m on mobile and it won’t let me edit unfortunately.

I told my boyfriend about this, and his exact words were, “This all seems very intentional. As if she didn’t want you to be there herself.” Which hurt to hear, but in reality, looking at it from the outside I come to the same conclusion. I partially dropped my MOH title because of the situation with the friend group, I was afraid I wouldn’t meet her expectations during this time of my life (and also she never communicated to me her expectations at all). I did this four months before her wedding because I didn’t want to inconvenience her more by making this decision at a later time. It wasn’t easy, and I’ve been crying for days. Maybe this is part of the journey back to myself?

She also proceeded to message my boyfriend after I blocked her, called me a “fucking pussy” and disregarded all the times the friend group blatantly disrespected me/made me feel unwelcome. I don’t really care at this point, she’s hated every person in the group one point or another. It’s inevitable that another person will be removed because she hates them too.

My sister isn’t asking me to be in her wedding party. My sister isn’t asking me to be in her wedding party.
Need Advice

My only sister and I are 4 years apart. We have always struggled with our relationship but when I got married I asked her to be my maid of honor. My parents paid for the wedding and insisted that she be my maid of honor because it was the right thing to do. Now (a few years later) she is getting married and again my parents are paying for the wedding. She is not asking me to be either the maid of honor or a bridesmaid. The maid of honor will be her soon to be sister in law who she has known for a year. They are wanting my kids to be involved in the wedding - mainly for my daughter to be the flower girl. Honestly I don’t really know how to feel or react to this? I know it’s her day and her choices but I feel hurt knowing that the same expectations my parents had set for me won’t apply to her, that I won’t even be a bridesmaid, and yet they still want my daughter to play a part in the wedding.