Cheating discomforts legitimate users. This includes, but is not limited to, automating/autoplaying flash games, utilizing database leaks, exploiting glitches, buying/selling things on Neo for real-life (and/or crypto-) currency/goods/services, trading NP items for NC items (and vice versa), and trading pets for NP/NC items (and vice versa).
These things are against Neo's, and r/neopets' rules. This is not a community that encourages illegitimate actions.
Remember the human
We're a friendly community - please don't be rude to each other. We're here to escape the horrors/responsibilities of outside life, and take care of our pixelated pets. Personal attacks, slurs, threats, harassment, sexism, racism, homophobia, discrimination, or general outward hostility towards another person are not allowed. Don't incite or encourage witchhunting; if you're concerned about a user, report them to the sub-mods (for breaking r/neopets rules) or on Neo (for breaking site rules).
No spamming/reposting
Avoid low-effort posts, common reposts, or posting about the same topic multiple times in a short amount of time. Use the search function to check if something has been posted already. Use the daily/weekly threads if applicable, and/or try to contain multiple posts of the same topic in one single thread.
No begging/freeloading
Begging for the hard-earned goods of others is against Neopets rules. Play a lot, and you'll strike some luck! Feel free to ask around for gameplay tips though, or check out our helpful wiki resources :)
Note that veiled attempts to ask for items are also not allowed. Posts that appear to be doing this may be removed at moderator discretion.
Keep it on-topic
If you'd like to talk about other stuff in your life, we have a Discord server which has space for more casual conversations.
Respect others' privacy
Unless you have the express consent of the person/people involved, remove any identifying details (usernames, pets, names etc) from posts/screenshots you share on the sub.
No self-promotional spamming
Some neopets-related promotional posts/comments are allowed if you are an active member of the subreddit. A maximum of 10% of your contributions can be promotional; the other 90% should be meaningful and active engagement in other conversation here.
No guild recruitment posts
We do not allow guild recruitment posts on the sub, partly to discourage spam and partly to avoid the risk of in-game offences (e.g. mentioning Reddit on Neopets).
No recruitment/referral posts for other sites or Neopets clones
Referral or recruitment posts to other petsites or Neopets clones will be removed as spam. Discussion posts relating to Neopets clones may be allowed at moderator discretion, but should not include recruitment for users or developers, user research request (e.g. surveys) without prior moderator approval, referral code requests, or drama from other fansites. Please refer to the subreddit wiki for more details.
No AI content on r/neopets
We do not allow any AI content to be posted on r/neopets. This includes but is not limited to: AI generated imagery, AI generated text/lists, and AI generated audio.
Please check for recent similar posts
Before making a post about a current event on neopets (ie. festival of neggs, advent calendar, altador cup, etc.) and especially about the prize(s) from any current events, please check if there are already similar posts up, or if we have a megathread for the event/prizes.