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Love & sex

  • Will Stubbs and Merrkiyawuy Ganambarr-Stubbs in December 1994

    The moment I knew: she left $50 on my bed and a note that said ‘buy yourself another bottle of wine’

  • missionary position, from the feet

    This is how we do it: ‘I want missionary every night – but I’m trying to be more adventurous’

    Alice says she’s boring sexually, so she and Elliot are trying to spice things up
  • A composite photo of Laura and Paddy together, both smiling and wearing black.

    Blind date: ‘I’ve given up trying to understand the male psyche’

    Laura, 33, a PR consultant, meets Paddy, 30, a camera assistant and part-time gardener
  • Judge 25th May - WEB

    You be the judge: my parents want to donate their old furniture to us – should my partner accept it?

  • Painting: Au café, dit l’Absinthe by Jean Beraud.

    My wife has put on weight and I’m no longer attracted to her. What should I do?

  • Arwa Mahdawi

    Sex-positive feminism had its moment – and now it has been replaced by voluntary celibacy

    Arwa Mahdawi
  • ‘Intimacy is difficult.’

    My wife and I used to love sex – but now I’m out of shape and she has painful knees

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  • Anona and Nadeem.

    Blind date: ‘My shirt went straight in the wash when I got home’

  • Maz and Gianluca Blind Date composite photo

    Blind date: ‘She yawned when I was talking – but she told me she was just tired’

  • Scott and Maria

    Blind date: ‘What did she make of me? Who is this weird Brit?’

  • Trisha and Neil

    Blind date: ‘I warned him if he was less than complimentary, my girls would hunt him down’

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  • Sarah (left) and Joanna posing with the flags of Antigua and Barbuda and St Vincent and the Grenadines respectively in London, 2021

    How we met
    How we met: ‘We went straight into sharing a bed and a bathroom with no door’

  • The,Journey,Of,A,Thousand,Miles,Begins,With,A,Single<br>The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step quote and girl going far away by dirty country road; Shutterstock ID 375538585; purchase_order: -; job: -; client: -; other: -

    Ask Philippa
    I have a dream job and family, but I really want to write novels

  • ‘Intimacy is difficult.’

    Sexual healing
    My wife and I used to love sex – but now I’m out of shape and she has painful knees

  • Sad couple-01

    Ask Annalisa Barbieri
    I’m yearning for a third child to recreate the large, loving family I grew up in

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