Krystal Barter, the Australian woman who counselled Angelina Jolie

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This was published 6 years ago

Krystal Barter, the Australian woman who counselled Angelina Jolie

By Jenna Clarke

Prior to her ovariectomy Angelina Jolie requested a meeting with fellow BCRA 1 sufferer and Pink Hope founder Krystal Barter.

Barter launched her prevention of hereditary cancer charity in 2009 while in a hospital bed recovering from a preventative double mastectomy – four years before Jolie's surgery. She also had one of her ovaries and both her fallopian tubes removed last year as 25 women in her family have battled cancer. While she was undergoing that surgery, her grandmother died after a 30 year fight against recurring cancers.

Krystal Barter, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt at the Unbroken premiere in Sydney.

Krystal Barter, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt at the Unbroken premiere in Sydney.

Like Barter, Jolie has also had preventative surgery in the hope of avoiding both breast and ovarian cancer and the pair met prior to the premiere of Unbroken.

"I know I've got to do it," Jolie told Barter about the plans to undergo her second procedure.

Krystal Barter with first lady Margie Abbott.

Krystal Barter with first lady Margie Abbott.Credit:Vivian Gray

"We've both watched the women we love face cancer, I just hugged her and said thank you for speaking out and giving preventative health organisations like ours a voice and a platform," Barter said.

"Brad was wonderful. Their love is so genuine. He kept asking me a lot of questions about the recovery process."

That process will be a long one as Jolie is now experiencing medically induced menopause.


Barter says that, along with having "no nipples", is a small price to pay.

"As Angelina says 'knowledge is power' and because of her informative, empowering and resourceful opinion piece a lot of people around the world will start thinking about what they can do to prevent cancer, not fight it."

If you have niggling concerns about your risk of hereditary cancer, visit to talk to an online genetic counsellor that will help you assess your risk and navigate your journey.

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