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Biden Welcomes President William Ruto to White House as Kenya Prepares to Deploy to Haiti

HeadlineMay 24, 2024

President Biden said he will designate Kenya as a “non-NATO ally” as President William Ruto visited the White House Thursday. The largely symbolic title was announced as Kenya prepares to deploy its forces to Haiti as part of an international security mission. The U.S. has pledged to contribute money, logistical support and equipment. Biden justified the U.S. involvement in Haiti during a joint press conference with Ruto.

President Joe Biden: “Haiti is in an area of the Caribbean that is very volatile. There’s a lot going on in this hemisphere. And we’re in a situation where we want to do all we can without us looking like America once again is stepping over and deciding this is what must be done.”

Meanwhile, in Kenya, police are violently cracking down on environmental activists in the village of Uyombo as they protest the construction of a nuclear reactor. At least three people were arrested Tuesday.

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