
Hazzard moots funding lifeline for Family Court's domestic violence service

The future of the Family Court of Australia's only domestic violence support service in Sydney may have been handed a lifeline after the state government backtracked on its initial refusal to fund the embattled service. 

The Women's Family Law Support Service, which has operated out of the Family Law Court in Sydney's CBD for almost a decade, had repeated requests for funding knocked back by the NSW government, prompting domestic violence services to scramble for ways to fund it.

The service, which has one full-time worker and a number of volunteers, is being kept afloat by the Marrickville Women's Refuge, a homelessness shelter, after charity provider Domestic Violence Management Service announced last September it could no longer fund the position.

Refuge manager Tracey Robinson said the shelter had reassigned Sruti Sinha, one of its three full-time staff members, to the Family Court office but couldn't afford to do so without jeopardising the shelter's day-to-day functions. 

"We pay for that position from our current funding. It has created a few problems for the refuge as we are now down one worker," Ms Robinson said. 

The refuge is now seeking an additional $75,000 funding to maintain the WFLSS role or to employ another full-time staff member at the shelter. 


Ms Robinson said Family and Community Services Minister Brad Hazzard, whose portfolio includes the funding arrangements for the state's homelessness shelters, formally rejected the refuge's request for additional funding last week, on the grounds a court assistance service fell outside his portfolio. They were advised to contact the Department of Justice instead. 

While most of the service's clients are from NSW, with at least 50 per cent from the Sydney region, its future has been mired in confusion over which NSW government department should address funding issues, or whether the federal jurisdiction of the Family Court meant the issue resided with the federal Attorney-General.

But on Friday, Mr Hazzard told the Herald he would reconsider the refuge's proposal, and would discuss the issue with his cabinet colleagues with a view to devising a joint funding model.

"Clearly the refuge has had a role for years helping women who have had a tough time with domestic violence and part of that has been providing support through the Family Court.

"That is a little unusual because a state-funded refuge is providing support to a Federal Court, but nevertheless it's arguably a very important service and one I'm happy to try and see if the various state agencies could consider a joint funding model."

Mr Hazzard said he might also seek Commonwealth assistance for the service.

The joint funding initiative has been backed by independent MP Alex Greenwich, who wrote to Premier Mike Baird on Thursday, asking the departments to co-ordinate their efforts to ensure the service's survival.  

"It's clear there are crossovers among the portfolios but there needs to be a mechanism where the various departments can work together in the best interests of the victims rather than passing the buck to other ones."

Ms Robinson said the WFLSS had assisted more than 3000 clients since it began operating in 2007, with the latest audit showing that more than 80 per cent of the women who accessed the service between July and October 2015 had histories of domestic violence.

"A lot of these women turn up unrepresented, they're by themselves, they have no idea how the court system works, and they just need some guidance and support through the process."

The Family Court, including Chief Justice Diana Bryant, has also called for the service to be retained.

In a letter supporting the service's funding proposal, a spokesperson for the court noted: "The judges and staff have been most supportive of the service and did not wish for it to cease."

Ms Robinson said the decision to save the WFLSS was made at the 11th hour, with a memorandum of understanding signed with the Family Law Court Registry a week before the service was due to cease operating on September 25, 2015.

"I spoke to my board immediately and said is there any way we can take over the service. It was too vital a service to have lost entirely."

Gillian Cohen, general manager of Domestic Violence Service Management, said the charity had unsuccessfully lobbied the NSW government to help fund the service since August 2014, before deciding to close the service last year.

"We stretched our budget to keep it open as long as possible, but it was not possible to do it without eating into grant money, which is allocated for other areas."

Ms Cohen said the service had never received federal funds and had been funded directly by the NSW government up until 2011.

To get help for yourself, or someone you know, call the national domestic violence hotline on 1800 737 732 or Mensline on 1800 600 636.