Abilities not exams: Victorian students testing a new measure that could replace ATAR

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Abilities not exams: Victorian students testing a new measure that could replace ATAR

By Robyn Grace

Victorian students are among the first in the country to undertake a new assessment that some experts hope could ultimately replace the ATAR.

Three Victorian schools are among the first nine to sign up to the Australian Learner Competency Credentials, part of a University of Melbourne national initiative that aims to overtake the traditional definition of student success based on exam rankings.

Wurun Senior Campus principal Chris Millard (left), student Kobe Hope and leading teacher Lucy Marshall.

Wurun Senior Campus principal Chris Millard (left), student Kobe Hope and leading teacher Lucy Marshall.Credit: Darrian Traynor

Students in the Melbourne Metrics project – the banner under which the initiative runs – are measured on capabilities including critical thinking, collaboration and communication, to provide employers and universities with a rounded view of their skills, rather than just their university entrance rank.

The Australian Education Union called this month for the ATAR system to be recast to better reflect a student as a whole person, but credentials for learning have long been divisive in the Australian educational landscape.

Some experts say reducing university selection to an ATAR score diminishes students’ other skills and achievements. Others have warned that learner profiles are based on subjective assessments open to influence.


Since 2020, 40 Melbourne Metrics partner schools have helped develop a system for teachers to assess students through their schoolwork in a way researchers hope will ease fairness concerns. They say anecdotal evidence also points to better student retention and engagement.

The inaugural Australian Learner Competency Credentials initiative was issued to 254 students in nine schools in Victoria, NSW, South Australia and Western Australia late last year. About 30 more schools are expected to issue the credentials this year.

Melbourne Metrics has also called for the next intake of secondary schools to explore the utility of new metrics with tertiary admissions authorities.


Kobe Hope is one of 24 students at the public Wurun Senior Campus, in Fitzroy, who will receive the new credential.

While he’s still hoping for an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) good enough to get him into music or psychology, Hope said the learner certificate would give employers certified data on his strengths.

He said many students would get behind the certificate as an alternative to the current education system, with its focus on test results.

“A lot of students have gotten tired of that system and seen the flaws in it,� he said.

Fewer students are opting for an ATAR: in 2022, 10.9 per cent of Victorian students chose the unscored route, more than double the 4.1 per cent in 2018. The VCE Vocational Major and Victoria Pathways Certificate also give students more options than a traditional ATAR-to-university route.


Melbourne Metrics has been working with employers and universities admissions authorities for four years to incorporate learner credentials into transitions from school, matching students to appropriate pathways instead of ranking them with exam results.

Professor Sandra Milligan, executive director of Melbourne Metrics, said while ATAR still mattered to some students (“If you want to do medicine at Monash, it really counts�), the project had revealed there was “enormous appetite� to assess students in a deeper way.

“You can assess more broadly,� Milligan said. “You can recognise kids in the breadth of what they can do. External stakeholders like universities and employers want to know that stuff … but the system is going too slowly.�

At Wurun, local industry has been heavily involved, advising on desirable skills for non-uni pathways.

Leading teacher Lucy Marshall said every business leader told students their ATARs would soon be forgotten.

“We need to prioritise what’s going to give us the most knowledge of the capabilities that students are trying to develop and then take that forward ... into employment, to tertiary studies and being successful as lifelong learners,� she said.

“It’s not just for the tertiary sector. Imagine being able to walk in [to a job interview] with your résumé and say, I have validated data here that says I’m really good at problem-solving, working in teams and all the things we know that they want. I think there’s real value in that too.�

Learner certificates have not yet been used in tertiary admissions, but the Melbourne Metrics team certifies an ATAR alternative for Australia’s independent Big Picture schools which is now accepted by 50 per cent of universities.


Teresa Tjia, chief executive of the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre, said the ATAR continued to provide a fair and nationally consistent measure of academic achievement. But, she said, the administrative body was engaging with schools and research groups on future student assessment.

“Our engagement explores the possibility and potential value of incorporating student capability, discipline knowledge and other emerging sources of student information into future admissions processes in Victoria,� she said.

Greg Ashman, the deputy principal of Victoria’s high-performing Ballarat Clarendon College, said the ATAR was still the fairest way of allocating limited university spaces to those most likely to succeed in those courses.

He said the learner credential was attempting to measure general skills “that don’t really exist�.

“Therefore, when you try to assess critical thinking, you inevitably end up assessing something else,� he said. “Often this will effectively be things like reading comprehension or writing that would be better assessed by straight exams in these skills.�

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