Melbourne Uni students occupy to cut ties with Israel

Students at Melbourne Uni have occupied the Arts West building three weeks after they began their encampment in solidarity with Gaza.

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Labor’s cost of living band-aids in budget leave real problems ignored

Labor’s budget is about making it look like the government is acting on the cost of living, in the hope of dampening the anger workers feel about it in time for an election in the next year.

End systemic pressures inside the family to end violence against women

The problem is not straightforwardly men’s power over women but the unbearable pressure on everybody to perform socially recognisable gender roles in a nuclear family.

NTEU at Sydney Uni backs the academic boycott of Israeli universities

Sydney University staff have passed an unprecedented motion that will push forward the movement in Australia for the boycott, divestment and sanction of Israel.

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Climate action

Labor locks in gas expansion in new crime against the climate

Labor’s new gas strategy pledges its support for a massive fossil fuel expansion, going all out to back mining industry profits.

An Israeli Jewish activist speaks: ‘Today I don’t believe in the Zionist entity at all’

Solidarity spoke to an anti-Zionist Jewish activist in Israel about why a handful of dissenters continue against all the odds.

Racism and Indigenous rights


AUKUS billions won’t deliver jobs bonanza for SA

The AUKUS subs will come at an outrageous cost, but will also do little to deliver jobs, the UK experience shows.

Sexism and LGBTIQ

Matildas’ success caught up in a wave of nationalism

The widespread admiration for the Matildas has been a blow against sexism but it has also fuelled nationalism.


Modi’s Islamophobia on full display as India faces election

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on track to win India’s upcoming election, giving him a third term in office and allowing him to cement his reactionary and racist agenda.

Long reads

White Australia and the labour movement

This is the text of the 2023 Alex Macdonald Memorial Lecture, delivered by Phil Griffiths. With thanks to the Brisbane Labour History Association.

Radical history and theory

How colonial war led to revolution in Portugal

The revolution in Portugal beginning 50 years ago in 1974 with a revolt in the army, saw workers take control of hundreds of factories, writes Luke Ottavi

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