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[–]CelticsEAS1000 4469 points4470 points  (67 children)

Kyle Lowry has officially been sent to the gulag

[–]jagerhero 1698 points1699 points  (54 children)

Dude tried Spo through the media and found out the hard way what happens

[–]Netsrecollectionsmayvary 924 points925 points  (47 children)

Yah, if pat told prime LBJ and Dwyane he’ll ship them out before he questions Spo, Kyle was on borrowed time once he publicly went there with Spo :/ especially when he wasn’t performing as well.

[–]RaptorsFireNickNurse 306 points307 points  (44 children)

what he do?

[–]Netsrecollectionsmayvary 1017 points1018 points  (43 children)

LBJ and Dwyane tried to talk Pat into coaching them instead of Spo and/or were feeling out Spo getting fired.

 Pat had everyone gather downstairs during one of the practices with Spo and said something like “I’ll trade any of you before I touch him; don’t come into my office and tell me to fire a coach.”

[–]RaptorsFireNickNurse 706 points707 points  (26 children)

but what did Lowry do?

[–]RaptorsDrKurgan 551 points552 points  (20 children)

He said (paraphrasing): I hope it's temporary and that I can be back in the starting line up and do what I do.

[–]CelticsBouldershoulders12 583 points584 points  (16 children)

I mean compared to what Lebron and Dwade tried to do to spo I don’t think what Lowry did was as reprehensible 😭

Was there some beef going on?

[–][MIA] Jason Williamsebolarama86 500 points501 points  (5 children)

Nah it wasn’t about beef. Kyle absolutely didn’t say anything out of line. He’s just been absolutely terrible for the last month plus and had way more value to Miami as a contract they could move for someone who can actually contribute.

[–]CelticsBouldershoulders12 98 points99 points  (1 child)

Ahh gotcha so just more of a business move

[–]RaptorsThedudeguyman 84 points85 points  (0 children)

He's just old and playing bad and not reading the room great.

I think people are just joking though about getting shipped because ofit.

[–]jagerhero 341 points342 points  (3 children)

Showed up late to shoot around, so Spo benched him (he hasn’t been playing well). Than when asked about not starting he said “it’s a one time thing”.

[–]survive2024 149 points150 points  (2 children)

well, technically he was right..

[–]San Francisco WarriorsAlexanderLeonard 4639 points4640 points  (96 children)

Miami doing a trade? Pat woke up

[–]Maverickssivy83 1717 points1718 points  (64 children)

He was waiting till the divorce was finalized

[–]MagicBased_and_JPooled 1556 points1557 points  (54 children)

Floridians who got divorced in the last year: Erik Spoelstra, Pat Riley, me.

Built different.

[–]Thunderblacksoxing 725 points726 points  (10 children)

I didn't even know you three got divorced. Damn. Hope you all are OK.

[–]RocketsJinFuu 336 points337 points  (9 children)

Load management in a Throuple can be rough

[–]Wizardslycosid 108 points109 points  (6 children)

The most important ability is availability.

[–]vain11_11 36 points37 points  (5 children)

I dissagre. I am available, but that doesn't help anyone.

[–][TOR] Kyle Lowrykwokinator 31 points32 points  (4 children)

You never know, have you tried trying out for the Pistons recently?

[–]Bullschitownbulls92 94 points95 points  (19 children)

Didn’t Pat just attend a charity event with his wife last night?

[–]SupersonicsShiva- 108 points109 points  (7 children)

They are memeing on Spo.

At least I hope so, cause I'd honestly be insanely sad if he got divorced after 50+ years.

[–]HeatFireFoxTres 64 points65 points  (4 children)

I feel like at that point you just gotta wait it out until one of you dies first.

[–]__init__m8 35 points36 points  (3 children)

Nah fuck that life's short bro. Divorce her like she's Anthony Bennett.

[–]LebanonFallenLemur 139 points140 points  (7 children)

Got divorced in the morning, believe it or not.

[–]seymour_hiney 69 points70 points  (6 children)

need to find out what happened at the charity event

[–]SpursJos3ph 51 points52 points  (0 children)

she was a tax writeoff

[–]Corgi-Ambitious 75 points76 points  (2 children)

It's funny - this is how quick rumors get started.

That original comment saying "he waited until the divorce was finalized" was referring to Spo's divorce, but was ambiguous, so could've meant Pat. Next comment runs with that assumption saying Spo and Pat both got divorced. Hundreds of upvotes.

There's literally nothing out there about Pat getting divorced, and he's happily been with his wife for 50 years lol.

[–]SupersonicsShiva- 51 points52 points  (3 children)

Don't say that, I'd be really sad if Pat Riley divorced after 55 years...

[–]SurgeFlamingo 58 points59 points  (2 children)

They asked Pat when his trouble with his wife started and he answered “55 years ago”

[–]Pacersflowerboyinfinity 48 points49 points  (0 children)

That’s great company at least. Boys night out?

[–]Supersonicsfieryscribe 82 points83 points  (1 child)

Wanted to save Terry from having two Christmases and two birthdays

[–]HeatDalliLlama 33 points34 points  (0 children)

That was Spo getting a divorce not Pat

[–]HeatOibrigade 123 points124 points  (17 children)

i think it's more like Lowry's attitude and play woke Pat up

[–]KnicksHoyaDestroya33 93 points94 points  (3 children)

That MFer was so washed last year till he faced us. Fuck that guy.

[–]KnicksHallal_Dakis 35 points36 points  (2 children)

Can we sign him and keep him on the bench just so that doesn't happen again?

[–]Knicksatribecalled506 30 points31 points  (9 children)

I know he’s washed but damn he also had bad vibes?

[–]OrganizationFar6086 81 points82 points  (6 children)

Was talking to the media about how he expects to start when he got benched. Even though lately he’s been completely unproductive in his minutes

[–]SunsHarukiMuracummy 12 points13 points  (1 child)

He said this avg like 8/3/3 or some shit which is hilarious

[–]HeatKyleShanadad 136 points137 points  (6 children)

First non salary dump trade since 2020 when he traded for iggy and crowder

[–]HeatLeBosh_Wades 56 points57 points  (1 child)

Put some respec on King Solomon Hill’s name

[–]HeatDwyaneWade305 58 points59 points  (0 children)

Finally finished taking his medication.

[–]RaptorsJnbjgjbb 3593 points3594 points  (190 children)

Even if it’s unprotected that’s a great deal for Miami

[–][WAS] Wes UnseldTurbo2x 1844 points1845 points  (28 children)

Offloading Lowry for a decent contributor is worth sending a pick out for sure 

[–]SupersonicsOnLevel100 483 points484 points  (17 children)

And they put that draft capital to work now instead of waiting until 2028

[–]Knickssyllabic 236 points237 points  (15 children)

they finally got jimmy some help and committed to paying luxury tax throughout the duration of jimmy's contract

[–]SupersonicsShiva- 122 points123 points  (12 children)

People who hate on Micky don't seem to understand... he does pay the tax. What he doesn't want to do is keep paying the repeater tax. (Which yes, I know much different tax rules now -- but the point is, he was never a Robert Sarver).

[–]HeatPhenomenon0fCool 25 points26 points  (8 children)

Mickey also doesn’t pay the tax for a team he doesn’t believe has a chance to win anything.

Miami was a great team and borderline contender all the while carrying $30m in cap space that just wasn’t getting it done. This helps us now & keeps Rozier on a below market contract for 3 years.

If he can have a Jalen Brunson-esqe performance for us we’re going to be 1 of the last 2 teams playing basketball again.

[–]Bullschitownbulls92 41 points42 points  (1 child)

They will probably make moves to get under the second apron

[–]HeatRogRoz 45 points46 points  (0 children)

And it gives Miami, an over the cap team, another contract to use in a future trade, if needed. Having Lowry 30 million expiring would have helped us stay below the second apron next season but would have made it so only Martin was the player we could "add" now we have another, quality player on the team

[–]RaptorsCheechers23 86 points87 points  (16 children)

[–]Knicksrydogs 14 points15 points  (14 children)

Unprotected picks from any team are so valuable. I think solid trade for both teams.

[–]CelticsSquimJim 318 points319 points  (45 children)

It makes sense for both teams. Sold trade imo

[–][BOS] Terry RozierKing_Of_Pants 93 points94 points  (16 children)

The only question would be whether they were better off holding out for a pick from someone else.

Maybe an LA pick carries more weight.

But the league is so hard to read you're really just splitting hairs at that point.

[–]76ersLambchops_Legion 156 points157 points  (14 children)

Lowry being an expiring is probably an attractive part of why they wanted to do it

[–]Sad-Mathematician-19 97 points98 points  (3 children)

Yeah. Him and Hayward are coming off the books for just over 60 million combined.

Hornets can keep a lot of that space open to acquire more bad contracts in exchange for picks next year.

[–]guywithoutchange 46 points47 points  (2 children)

Exactly. They ave a young core of Ball, Williams, and Miller who are all 22 and under. They’re positioning for the future. Tanking, acquiring future draft capital by trading older players and probably trying to maneuver expiring contracts and cap space into more assets. Terry didn’t fit their timeline. A future first and an expiring contract does

[–]Raptorsmaliciousmonkee 47 points48 points  (0 children)

lol i think that's the only reason they wanted to do it

[–]BMomemir 15 points16 points  (8 children)

I'm new to NBA , why would a expiring contract be good for a team ? Doesn't that mean they have to sign him again?

[–]76ersGreatForestDragon 96 points97 points  (0 children)

It's precisely because they don't want to sign him again, and can clear that salary off the books after the season.

[–]NuggetsOHotDawnThisIsMyJawn 55 points56 points  (2 children)

The part that other comments left off is salary matching. Yes, the expiring contract is good because it gets the player off your books, but if you don't want the player they why do they get included in the trade at all?

When you do a trade in the NBA, if you're over the salary cap (which is basically every team that's trying to win), the salaries going out and coming in have to be close to each other. Draft picks count as $0 for the purposes of matching.

So, if you want to trade a player and get a draft pick back in compensation, then you have to get the other team to throw in a player whose salary is close to what you're sending out. But, since that player is only being included to make the salaries match, by definition it's someone that you don't actually want. The best possible scenario is a player who's getting paid enough this year to make salaries match but whose contract is expiring so that you're not committed to them beyond the end of the season.

Remember, you didn't want this player, they're only part of the trade to make the salary matching work for what you really wanted to do - trade a player for a draft pick.

It's not always player-for-draft pick, there are also player-for-player scenarios where this happens, but the reason is always the same (salary matching).

[–]PacersLooseMoose13 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Expiring contracts are attractive for teams looking to rebuild because it means he’s off their payroll after the season, giving them much more flexibility

[–]Hornetsroodypoo926 249 points250 points  (29 children)

Great for us!!! Free of Terry he made zero sense on our team lol. He will be good for Miami probably

[–]HornetsScrypto 154 points155 points  (15 children)

Choosing to pair him with Lamelo long term over Monk after 2020 was a terrible mistake. Rozier is not bad but his game never really meshed with Lamelo's as a guard duo. Cliff insisting on making him the PG when Lamelo got hurt also has killed us for 2 years now (although that's also on Mitch too for completely failing to acquire a serviceable backup point)

[–]Raptorsscarfox1 14 points15 points  (0 children)

I thought it kind of made sense, Lamelo was the PG but has the height to defend guards, and Rozier was the SG on offense but could defend most PGs on defense etc.. and he can shoot the three, score a lot.. obviously can't go on forever but the rest of the team was crap so it didn't work.

[–][BOS] Paul Piercepoeope 35 points36 points  (7 children)

I was gonna say you don't have a back up anyway lol

[–]HornetsScrypto 48 points49 points  (6 children)

We have Ish Smith who is probably the most useless player of all time if his admittedly sexy mid range isnt falling

[–]Netsrtels2023 19 points20 points  (2 children)

Rozier is a good piece for a contending team, but for a rebuilding team like Charlotte he doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Not good enough to be a superstar you can build around, not young enough to be part of a young core. LaMelo is 22, Miller is 21, Rozier is 29. Who knows, maybe if LaMelo and Miller take a step forward they could package this pick with some of their own and trade for a true superstar?

[–]San Francisco WarriorsImTheBestNerd 51 points52 points  (1 child)

Lottery protected. Becomes unprotected the next year if it doesn’t convey.

[–]KnicksTheeTaiwaneseYankee 20 points21 points  (0 children)

That's a solid trade.

[–]NBAspidersilva09 631 points632 points  (12 children)

For context: Lowry is averaging 8 points 4 assists and 1 steal in 28 minutes per game while shooting 43/38/83 on low attempts. Rozier is averaging 23 points 7 assists and 1 steal in 35 minutes per game while shooting 46/36/85 on much higher attempts. Heat got a major upgrade and almost 10 years younger. Essentially just dumping Lowry who will probably become a buyout guy and spending a future 1st to acquire a guy who will be way more useful in those guard minutes. Gotta love it as a Heat fan. As a Hornets fan, I'd just be optimistic that was the best offer they were getting for Rozier.

[–]NetsPeanutFarmer69 214 points215 points  (2 children)

But does Terry flop at nearly the same rate or have half the ass of Kyle Lowry?

[–]sixwax 11 points12 points  (0 children)

You mean a low center of gravity

[–]Netsj__p__ 58 points59 points  (2 children)

It’s crazy that Scary Terry is still under 30. Feels like forever ago when he was terrorizing Eric “I don’t wanna be here” Bledsoe in the playoffs.

[–]HornetsImChz 17 points18 points  (1 child)

I have a feeling Terry is gonna be great in Miami. He’s built for that kind of system. He’s not a PG, so that could be rough if they’re really expecting him to be a floor general, but this is a straight upgrade otherwise.

[–][SAS] Derrick WhiteKuyaJohnny 710 points711 points  (8 children)

solid trade for both sides

Lowry will be bought out I assume

[–]RoseGardenForever 213 points214 points  (5 children)

Good move for Charlotte, save long term money, and add draft capital. The team wasn't doing anything this year or next, might as well trade Rozier while he has value.

[–]HornetsSaulPepper 104 points105 points  (2 children)

We literally traded Rozier at his highest value when he was with us. This season is his highest in assists and points IIRC

Edit: Searched at basketballref and its literally his highest season in average pts and ast. tov too but that's a given. And at least TRo will be happy working in the playoffs. Im really happy with this trade.

[–]FaZeWasian 1779 points1780 points  (87 children)

100% a buyout, bring the GROAT home masai

[–]CelticsSalahManeFirmino 545 points546 points  (71 children)

He's going to the Sixers

[–]CelticsFlyingMocko 774 points775 points  (29 children)

Sixers fans shitting on Lowry for being fat and washed is going to be comedy.

[–]76ersdat_waffle_boi 178 points179 points  (16 children)

I wonder if his days at Villanova will make the poor play any more bearable to sixers fans

Oh who am I kidding

[–]76ersNoTransportation888 72 points73 points  (1 child)

His nova/philly ties had no bearing on how much everyone hated him when he and Ben Simmons tried to get in a fight like 5 years ago or whenever that was lol.

Back when Ben had heart

[–]Celtics BandwagonTheAlphaCarb0n 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Lol it's been so long that the idea of Ben Simmons getting chippy just doesn't register for me.

[–]CelticsFlyingMocko 94 points95 points  (4 children)

He’s one of your own.

He’s literally a Philly native lol

[–]76ersclickstops 46 points47 points  (0 children)

Dude went to Cardinal Dougherty. Very well known but now shuttered catholic school. Wild.

[–]PelicansAnotherStatsGuy 28 points29 points  (7 children)

Wait. He went Villanova? Shouldn’t he be going to the Knicks then? You know Hart and Brunson?

[–]76ersdat_waffle_boi 44 points45 points  (3 children)

Yeah he went to nova and is from Philly. He’d be a perfect fit for the Knicks

[–]Culinaryboner 11 points12 points  (2 children)

His Nova team was fun as hell. 4 guard lineup back when teams still played big. Foye, Ray, him, and I want to say Nardi. Think Lowry was the official 4

[–]76ersshakehasbignuts 98 points99 points  (20 children)

Bro is beyond cooked

[–][TOR] Amir JohnsonIanicRR 191 points192 points  (9 children)

18 years for a short dude like Kyle is crazy. He's had a great career but yeah, he's done. Maybe as a mentor for Maxey off your bench, but he won't contribute on the court.

[–]CelticsFlyingMocko 75 points76 points  (7 children)

Guy was crying about not starting while averaging 2 points on sub 20% shooting days ago to the media…

I don’t think he’s ready to accept a mentor role unless it’s in Toronto.

[–]Late-Channel7899 36 points37 points  (1 child)

He could start in Toronto with IQ lol

[–]SpursNotSerbian 25 points26 points  (3 children)

He could start for us lmao

[–]Toronto Huskieslarrylegend1990 9 points10 points  (1 child)

Can he make passes into the post? Because thats the only prerequisite for Spurs

[–]CelticsSalahManeFirmino 95 points96 points  (6 children)

He's useless in the regular season, but he still has his Kyle Lowry moments now and then in the playoffs.

Case in point, the motherfucker was +26 in 24 minutes in Game 7 against us last year.

[–]MaintenanceSad4288 50 points51 points  (2 children)

People forget too quickly. Game 7, Kyle made some very smart plays and decisions that killed Boston. But like they say it's a 'what have you done for me lately' league.

[–]HeatSeref15 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Kyle made great plays all through the playoffs last year. Jimmy's 56 point game? Heat take the lead on a Jimmy dunk that came off a Lowry swipe when he saw Giannis hesitating to call timeout. Jimmy's crazy stepback that game? Lowry set a smart backscreen on the inbound to give Jimmy like 3 paces on Jrue which got him the space for the shot. Knicks game 1? Jimmy rolled his ankle and Kyle grabbed the rope--hit clutch middy after clutch middy, strip after strip on the Knicks to hold the lead. Knicks game 6 in the clutch, Knicks were behind but on a run and closing the gap--Lowry gets a momentum-killing strip on I think RJ Barrett on the baseline. Celtics game 1 or 2 the Celtics were on a crazy 2nd quarter run and Lowry iced it himself with like 8 straight points including back to back transition threes.

Unfortunately, you have to go through 82 games of preamble before you get to the real season. Lowry suits the playoffs still, but to last through and contribute to a regular season his body just can't keep pace.

[–]NBAaiden3buckets 35 points36 points  (4 children)

Nah Hornets actually need a backup point guard

[–]Charlotte BobcatsNotManyBuses 17 points18 points  (3 children)

We’re gonna try to re route him but honestly I don’t really mind him teaching the young guys. Better than the corpse of Ish Smith

[–]76ersMilk_Choice 24 points25 points  (0 children)

one man’s corpse is another man’s corpse

[–]yrogreg 105 points106 points  (2 children)

Fun fact: Terry Rozier is the 2nd most efficient pick and roll ballhandler this season despite Nick Richards being his best big man roller.

Fun fact: Bam Adebayo ranks second in efficiency among the top 10 rollers in pick and roll despite not having a top 30 pick and roll ballhandler on his team.

[–]Heatjustblametheamish 61 points62 points  (0 children)

Keep going I’m almost there

[–]Hornetsdank-kush 1671 points1672 points  (153 children)


[–]HeatOh51Melly 1350 points1351 points  (79 children)


[–]Hornetsanother_newAccount_ 833 points834 points  (19 children)

Sign of a good trade lmao

[–]beatboxofchocolates 219 points220 points  (17 children)

Kind of reminds me of the Dwight to the Lakers trade where everyone involved got worse. 

[–]Heatiankstarr 52 points53 points  (10 children)

No shot going from Lowry to Terry is going to make us worse; Kyle was our rock bottom lol

[–]quinoa 44 points45 points  (1 child)

Vuce broke out in that at least

[–]Heathorrorboii 50 points51 points  (53 children)

Was he bad?

[–]Hornetsdank-kush 250 points251 points  (27 children)

He’s terrible to watch in a role we forced him into where he’s like the second option, way too much dribbling and just a constant ballstopper. I think he has the ability to become an elite 4th option in Miami if he kills his bad habits he had with us.

[–]CelticsIm__Ron__Burgundy 158 points159 points  (17 children)

Problem is I don’t think he views himself as that. Maybe he does and I’m wrong, but his last few years in Boston just gave me zero indication he’s going to be okay with going back to not being the high usage player he is for Charlotte.

[–]HeatDalliLlama 48 points49 points  (8 children)

He also was trying to get paid then wasn’t he?

[–]CelticsIm__Ron__Burgundy 56 points57 points  (5 children)

I mean that’s kinda my point, he went on a press tour complaining about his role as the backup for a team with legitimate title aspirations in search of a bag. Credit to him, he got it, but now he’s been the lead ball handler in Lamelo’s absence putting up stats and, well, points to Charlotte

I don’t blame him for it. But I think he sees himself as a lead guy and I’ll be curious how his play style meshes with Butler, Herro, and Bam. Maybe he adapts, if there’s a team I would trust to get that out of him it’s (unfortunately) you guys. But I’ve just never been a big Terry guy.

[–]MitchLGC 33 points34 points  (9 children)

Absolutely not. He was really good. The problem was when guys got hurt and he was forced into being pg1, which is not what he is

[–]Charlotte BobcatsFatMamaJuJu 19 points20 points  (6 children)

He'll be an off-ball catch and shoot guy for the Heat which is his best role. He'll be very good for them

[–]Icy-Lime-9760 607 points608 points  (30 children)

Love the wording, a 2027 first round pick and, oh yea, Kyle Lowry.

[–]HeatNumber333 221 points222 points  (29 children)

Lowry is going to get bought out and inevitably be rumored to sign with the Lakers or 76ers.

[–]Thunderblacksoxing 66 points67 points  (19 children)

It's amazing how that shit always happens.


[–]LakersTrumppered 71 points72 points  (15 children)

ehhh... 99 times out of 100 those vets end up doing jack all.

there's a reason those players become available for the minimum in the middle of the season... and it's not because they're still capable of contributing to high level championship basketball

[–]HeatSmokin_on_76ers_Pack 21 points22 points  (6 children)

Honestly if Kyle was getting paid a vet min he’d be great. Problem is he’s getting paid 30m a year……..

[–]76ersindoninjah 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Can't you always sign someone to the minimum if you have an open roster spot?

[–][PHI] Eric Snowgustriandos 420 points421 points  (32 children)

Rozier on the heat is guaranteed to bite the sixers or Celtics in the ass

[–]dropdatdurkadurk 86 points87 points  (19 children)

I havent watched nearly as much Heat this season as in the past but my first thought is there's alot of overlap between Herro's and Rozier's skill set. They really going to close playoff games with both....idk

[–][PHI] Eric Snowgustriandos 112 points113 points  (0 children)

I’d bet against them closing games with both but I think if rozier pushes richardson out of their rotation that’s a significant boost.

[–]HeatDalliLlama 34 points35 points  (6 children)

They do have some overlap, Terry on surface is probably a better finisher. Tyler still has work to do there. But we used to run Herro and Duncan together to close. Our defense turns up regardless in the playoffs and Terry may not be some amazing defender causes he’s small, but he has active hands.

[–]HornetsDat_one_lad 25 points26 points  (2 children)

Ngl Terry if he gets fully immersed with the defensive philosophy of the Heat could be better than Herro, there have been times where he has looked like a genuine 2 way player and he had grit

[–]yrogreg 15 points16 points  (0 children)

The whole point is that Herro NEEDS to play more off-ball (more wannabe Klay, less wannabe Steph) to play to his strengths. Herro as a de facto PG was NOT working for our offense. Terry coming in allows for that.

The Heat have been in desperate need for another capable scorer AND a guard who can get into the paint and run the pick and roll. Basically 2020 Dragic.

[–]Thundermido0o0o 75 points76 points  (0 children)

Great pickup for Miami!

[–]HeatSeriousAdult 71 points72 points  (3 children)

No offense to Lowry but just moving him at all is an upgrade. Moving him for Rozier is a home run.

[–]CelticsDazzling-Reason-5140 415 points416 points  (23 children)

this is my 9/11

[–]GrizzliesEatDeeply 269 points270 points  (3 children)

You can already imagine the bang as Scary Terry hits a contested late 3 against Celtics for the eight seed Heat

[–]HeatPhenomenon0fCool 48 points49 points  (0 children)

10th* seeded Heat, have some respect

[–]Buckspifhluk 103 points104 points  (6 children)

Bucks Celtics 76ers end of season purposely lose to avoid Miami round 1 will be epic. Or maybe we'll get lucky and they get 4 or 5 seed.

[–]BucksWhileDizzy4503 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Yeah. Celtics, please keep kicking ass.

[–]HeatPersimmonProper8173 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Scary fucking Terry

[–]WarriorsMC-Jdf 570 points571 points  (85 children)

...That's it?

[–]GrizzliesLacabloodclot9 61 points62 points  (5 children)

Lowrys an expiring, frees up a lot of cap room for Charlotte which you can’t have too much of with the new CBA coming

[–]PacersHoopsMcCann750 45 points46 points  (2 children)

Hornets need to clear cap space so they can give someone like DeRozan or Tobias Harris an egregiously large deal.

[–]NBAaiden3buckets 305 points306 points  (31 children)

Terry wanted to go to the Heat, don’t think Charlotte had much leverage here

[–]Heatlopea182 153 points154 points  (2 children)

He has multiple years left on his contract with no player option.

[–]PelicansGood_NewsEveryone 71 points72 points  (0 children)

We talking about leverage with Terry Rozier lol

[–]Bullspcmasterthrow 87 points88 points  (2 children)

Terry Rozier did not have the clout to pick where he was getting traded, come on now

[–]WarriorsMC-Jdf 193 points194 points  (18 children)

Even though Rozier made no sense at all in Charlotte for years I feel like they could've gotten more than a Heat 2027 1st Round pick tbh.

[–]Hornetsswanbearpig 162 points163 points  (0 children)

Uh they also got Kyle Lowry /s

[–]Mr_Unbiased 88 points89 points  (10 children)

What team would've given up more for Terry? Most good teams are set at their guard position. Denver could've used him maybe but he might not be happy playing 15 minutes a night behind Murray. He will start for the Heat.

[–]Nuggetsoffcourtissues 26 points27 points  (1 child)

Denver couldn’t have made that trade with work with our contracts without trading a starter

[–]PelicansAnotherStatsGuy 19 points20 points  (1 child)

It’s a good deal. Charlotte just needs assets around LaMelo at this point. Draft picks, young players, midsize, flippable contracts.

[–]PacersHoopsMcCann750 39 points40 points  (13 children)

If you told Charlotte before the season they could get an expiring contract and a first for Rozier, they would have been crying tears of joy. People are overvaluing a good half a season from him.

[–]Hawksbraggpeak 133 points134 points  (0 children)

We can’t avoid Scary Terry

[–]RaptorsJohn___Titor 50 points51 points  (0 children)

Damn, he wrote the pick first.

[–][BOS] Jaylen Brownoslassen 389 points390 points  (42 children)

Miami came out on top here for sure

[–]CelticsFlyingMocko 388 points389 points  (33 children)

You don’t get more of a Heat Culture player than Scary Terry. Bro is oozing with dawg per 36 lmao

[–]CelticsSalahManeFirmino 201 points202 points  (26 children)

He's also a natural fit for that Gabe Vincent/Kendrick Nunn scoring guard role, except he's way, way better as a shot maker.

[–][BOS] Jayson Tatumyoukrocks 84 points85 points  (25 children)

In fairness he’s also way worse as a defender

[–]LmBkUYDA 215 points216 points  (14 children)

Until Spo gets his hands on him 👀

[–][BOS] Jayson Tatumyoukrocks 122 points123 points  (4 children)

Shit I wish I could tell you you’re wrong but that man is going to turn Terry into GP using a blood magic ritual

[–]HeatDame2Miami 43 points44 points  (3 children)

Someone grab a rooster from the street, quick!

[–]Heatmelikeybacon 25 points26 points  (0 children)

Just literally open your door. Those fuckers are the new peacocks of south Florida.

[–]rajwade695 21 points22 points  (3 children)

I mean he has 6'9 wingspan.

[–]United Statesnicklovin508 14 points15 points  (0 children)

He can be a good defender, showcased it with the C’s

[–]Heatlopea182 111 points112 points  (4 children)

Getting a FRP for Rozier isn’t bad business for Charlotte either

[–]Knickssyllabic 44 points45 points  (1 child)

everybody wins

terry got his bag, he gets to go to a real team with his money

charlotte gets a pick

heat gets the offensive boost they need

[–]NBAReignOnWillie 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Charlotte gets to start moving in a different direction, this roster core has been bad/mediocre for far far too long

[–]Celticsiamgarron 15 points16 points  (1 child)

As if a Heat/Celtics series wasn't spicy enough

[–]CelticsRrypl 177 points178 points  (3 children)

Congratulations to Terry Rozier the Third on the ECFMVP award against the Celtics of Boston

[–]Celticscimmanonrolls 66 points67 points  (0 children)

terry will average 28 and jimmy will get the award again

[–]Raptorspskill43 60 points61 points  (6 children)

Feels like this one has been brewing for a while and now I understand where that news about rozier interested in joining Miami came from

[–]Heatsunsetbo 12 points13 points  (0 children)

his last tweet activity were 2 retweets, haslems jersey retirement and a wade birthday post. guy is a huge heat fan lol

[–]graveyeverton93 26 points27 points  (0 children)

The East now is fucking quality!

[–]HeatIRanOutOf_Names 129 points130 points  (0 children)

Not even giving up Jovic or anything, just a first and a corpse.

[–][LAL] Austin ReaveswoKaaaa 75 points76 points  (0 children)

Holy shit, very nice pickup for the Heat. I love Terry

[–][IND] Bojan Bogdanovićbrucewayne1935 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Damn this is pretty huge for Miami

[–]mangusta123 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Great pick for the Heat, lowry was beyond washed

[–]BucksFlipMoBitch 36 points37 points  (4 children)

Good for both sides

[–]Timberwolvesakulkarnii 15 points16 points  (1 child)

Heat finally make their big guard acquisition

[–]CelticsEffeminateSquirrel 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Scary Heat, Scary Terry

[–]HeatTakeOff_YourPants 14 points15 points  (3 children)

I haven’t seen a single person from either fan base complain. Hornets fans, did we just become best (okayest) friends?

[–]HornetsPeachyCoke 12 points13 points  (0 children)

It's honestly a pretty great trade. Terry has really grown on me over his time here and I'll be rooting for him in the playoffs for sure.

[–]ThunderHeadlesshorsman02 13 points14 points  (1 child)

I love this for Miami they have seemed to be lacking a PG this year and Terry is a heavily underrated player, he will fit right in with heat culture

[–]scavengerpro23 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Pat Riley: no fat chicks allowed

[–]LakersBodegaDaddy 13 points14 points  (0 children)

heat so scary

[–]gatorman18 11 points12 points  (0 children)

23ppg scoring PG averaging 7 apg for Lowry and a pick that most likely won’t amount to anything? Sign me up!

[–][NBA] Magic JohnsonCdrShprd 24 points25 points  (9 children)

Dame cost (estimate) 2 FRPs, Jovic, Jaquez, Herro, Lowry and Heat are stuck in the second apron for his entire contract paying him 60m in 2 years 

Rozier cost 1 FRP and Lowry, and the Heat get further away from the second apron while also gaining a trade exception

[–]Heatergonelsa 29 points30 points  (1 child)

I hate how it ended but Kyle was so instrumental in 21 and this season with running the ship when Bam and Jimmy where out. I wish it didn’t end this way, thank you king

[–]ZoroChopper10 43 points44 points  (1 child)

That’s absolutely nothing lol

Miami gonna benefit a lot for this

Terry was so fun to watch in 2018 playoffs glad he can ball out in playoffs again

[–]MagicTurk0luu 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Im pretty fucking afraid of Terry in Miami

[–]FerdinandDavid 41 points42 points  (5 children)

Reroute Lowry please don't leave him to rot in Charlotte

[–]HeatAdraf45 27 points28 points  (9 children)


[–]HeatScuderiaEnzo 16 points17 points  (1 child)

Hello Boston 👋🏽

[–]United Statescaptaincumsock69 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Hola amigo

[–]HeatKarma_Puhlease 8 points9 points  (0 children)

JJJ with the #18 pick, Scary Terry with the #whatever pick in however many years, and we didn't give away all our assets for Dame. It's been a good year for the front office.

[–]Spursnothalaman 7 points8 points  (0 children)


[–]Celticspapi617 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Fuck me that's a good deal