Elijah Schaffer Leans Into Holocaust Denial

Far-right propagandist Elijah Schaffer has not been shy about his antisemitic beliefs, having blamed Jews for “destroy[ing] our Western civilization” and controlling the Atlantic slave trade. More recently, however, Schaffer has turned his Rumble show into a platform for Nazi apologia and Holocaust denial.

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Jake Shields Boasts Of Dinner With White Supremacist Nick Fuentes

On a recent livestream, Holocaust denier and white supremacist Nick Fuentes revealed that he had dinner with ex-MMA fighter Jake Shields. On X (formerly Twitter) Shields confirmed his meeting with Fuentes, praising him as a “polite, thoughtful[,] intelligent man” and asking Elon Musk to restore his account.

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Elijah Schaffer: Jews ‘Subverted’ And ‘Destroyed Our Western Civilization’

On his Nightly Offensive show, racist propagandist Elijah Schaffer went on an ugly, antisemitic rant about Jewish people. Although Schaffer usually refrains from explicitly mentioning Jews, he told viewers that they “subverted and sort of destroyed our Western civilization.” He also said that the Allied forces “weren’t the good guys” in World War II.

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Stew Peters: Nazi Book Burnings Were ‘Awesome’ And Adolf Hitler Was A ‘Hero’

White nationalist broadcaster Stew Peters praised the Nazi regime over their infamous book burnings and persecution of LGBTQ people. Peters, who denies the Holocaust and has given a platform to Neo-Nazis and other antisemites, claimed that these book burnings were “awesome,” and referred to Adolf Hitler as a “hero.”

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Stew Peters Finally Embraces Holocaust Denial

X owner Elon Musk recently visited Auschwitz alongside right-wing commentator Ben Shapiro. The trip took place two months after Musk endorsed a blatantly antisemitic conspiracy theory that Jews are “flooding their countries” with “hordes of minorities.” And it didn’t sit well with white nationalist Stew Peters, who spread falsehoods about the Holocaust.

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Lara Logan Compares Trump Supporters To Victims Of The Einsatzgruppen

On the Oct. 2, 2023 episode of his Rumble show, white nationalist Stew Peters spoke with former CBS reporter Lara Logan. Logan, who was banned from two right-wing networks — Fox News and Newsmax — for making offensive Holocaust comparisons and spreading QAnon conspiracies, told Peters that there are “collaborators” in America who would be willing to turn over Trump supporters to the Einsatzgruppen.

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‘Fresh & Fit Podcast’ Lets Nick Fuentes Spew Hours Of Bigotry

On July 7, 2023, the hosts of the Fresh & Fit Podcast had white nationalist Nick Fuentes as a guest on a pair of livestreams. During these livestreams, Fuentes engaged in his usual displays of bigotry: calling for a majority white country, condemning interracial relationships and women’s rights, praising Adolf Hitler, denying the Holocaust and, at one point, using the N-word.

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In 2021, RFK Jr. Told QAnon Influencer That Vaccine Mandates Violate The Nuremberg Code

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is one of the country’s most vocal anti-vaxxers with longstanding ties to far-right figures and conspiracy theorists. On Mar. 29, 2021, Kennedy appeared on Bards of War, a podcast hosted by Scott Kesterson, a QAnon influencer who pleaded guilty in 2017 to stealing thousands of dollars in donations collected for a friend’s cancer treatment.

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Amazon Is Selling Books By A White Supremacist Publishing Company

As the largest and wealthiest online retailer, Amazon.com allows customers to by any number of products — from clothes and toys to books and CDs — with the click of a button. And, while Amazon has rules which ostensibly allow it to review and remove products which promote hate speech and calls to violence, it is nevertheless selling multiple books which glorify Nazi Germany, fascism, antisemitism, and white nationalism — all from a small, Pennsylvania-based publishing company.

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Neo-Nazi Activist Wants To ‘Desensitize’ White People To Hitler And Holocaust Denial

On the Dec. 10, 2021 episode of his Modern Politics show, Neo-Nazi Warren Balogh attempted to give advice on how to win normal white people over to Neo-Nazism and Holocaust denial. Balogh — who previously expressed outrage at people who said they would have killed baby Hitler — told viewers to discuss topics that conservative white people care about to appear more credible and respectable before broaching the subject of Nazism, Adolf Hitler, and the Holocaust.

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