Elijah Schaffer: ‘Every Single Leader Who’s Involved In The Replacement Of White People In Their Own Country Should Be Hung By The State’

On a portion of his Nightly Offensive show which was broadcast on YouTube, Elijah Schaffer called for the execution of any leader responsible for the “replacement of white people.” Schaffer made the comments while ranting about multiculturalism, “Zionists” who “hate white people,” and Sikh members of the Canadian police force who wear turbans.

Schaffer played a TikTok video of a group of Canadian Sikh police officers, commenting on the fact that they are allowed to wear their turbans in accordance with their religious customs. He declared that by wearing their turbans they were “stripping the identity of Canadians” with an “Anglo-Celtic background.”

“When a boy dresses up as a cop, what does he wear?” he asked. “A hat. Not a turban. Okay? You’re taking away the purpose, the vision, the longevity of a country, and you create confusion. Multiculturalism not only creates an increase of crime, it not only causes an increase of other related offenses — violence — but it also leads to social destruction.”

Schaffer said that “Zionists” who “hate white people” are to blame for multiculturalism in Western countries. He also called for the execution of any leader who aids in the “replacement of white people” — a nod to the white supremacist “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory.

“And the E.U. said Europe will be multicultural. Which really we know just means less white,” he claimed.”

“‘Kay? It just means not white. And that’s fucked up. You know, you racist shitheads. For trying to remove white people. These people should all be killed by the state. Every single leader who’s involved in the replacement of white people in their own country should be hung by the state.”

“And again, because YouTube will say you’re promoting violence — no I’m not asking anyone to go kill anyone,” he added, realizing his diatribe might violate YouTube’s terms of service. “No. I’m saying they’re traitors to their own country, and the punishment for treason should be death. And that’s reality. It’s been like that for millennia. It should remain like that.”

From the May 15, 2024 episode of Nightly Offensive

Elijah Schaffer: Like, look, this is what I mean by multiculturalism. A lot of Sikhs are nice people, okay? And I know plenty of Sikh people and they’re very kind, okay? I’m not making a judgment that because you’re a Sikh or because you are brown that you’re inherently valueless or you wouldn’t be a great neighbor or I couldn’t be friends with you. What it is is a question of identity. It’s a question of the identity, not just of individuals but the identity of a nation.

Which is why I’ve said there should be no problem, even in a populist, nationalist society, of a Sikh person visiting. There’s nothing in my body that sees a turban and immediately goes “Hey, I hate you.” What I do begin to hate though is when you’re taking away and you’re stripping the identity of Canadians. Of Canada — this Anglo-Celtic background, these individuals. And you go “What do you mean?” It’s like well already you’re wearing turbans instead of the hat.

Part of the identity of Canada is these Royal Mounted Police. We have our Western hats. In the U.K., in the United States, we have a look. Well, what, we can’t — they can’t wear those hats, ’cause they have to religiously not cut their hair and wear these turbans. Which, again, I respect. All the power to ya, brotha. But not in my country. Because we’re not — we’re not Sikh. And that’s when you bring in these traditions, it changes the identity of your country.

Well what’s the importance of identity? Everything. A man’s purpose. When a boy dresses up as a cop, what does he wear? A hat. Not a turban. Okay? You’re taking away the purpose, the vision, the longevity of a country, and you create confusion. Multiculturalism not only creates an increase of crime, it not only causes an increase of other related offenses — violence — but it also leads to social destruction. Because a non-unified society of non-unified background means non-unified goals. Which means division. Which means control. And that’s what it’s about.

Really, I know that Zionists hate white people. The ones — and there’s a whole story on that. I mean, you know, there’s a whole reason. And they’re moving these people into our countries to destroy us. But also there is something a little bit biblical and end-of-the-world apocalyptic about it too, because ultimately what they’re trying to do is remove populism, nationalism for control to move towards a one world government, or at least a unified one Western government, right?

So they don’t want this — and the part of the way they do that is by creating this multiculturalism. And the E.U. said Europe will be multicultural. Which really we know just means less white. ‘Kay? It just means not white. And that’s fucked up. You know, you racist shitheads. For trying to remove white people. These people should all be killed by the state. Every single leader who’s involved in the replacement of white people in their own country should be hung by the state.

And again, because YouTube will say you’re promoting violence — no I’m not asking anyone to go kill anyone. No. I’m saying they’re traitors to their own country, and the punishment for treason should be death. And that’s reality. It’s been like that for millennia. It should remain like that. And the fact that we have traitors making those of us who are populist nationalists appear to be the traitors — it’s scandalous.