Trump-Endorsed Candidate Mark Burns Tells Holocaust Denier Stew Peters That There Is ‘A Skyrocket Of Attacks Against Christians’

In a conversation with Holocaust denier and Nazi sympathizer Stew Peters, Pastor Mark Burns blamed President Biden for “a skyrocket of attacks against Christians and Christian churches.” Burns also claimed that being transgender is “an evil from the gates of Hell,” that America “is a Christian nation,” and that, if elected, he will “push back any laws that are contrary” to “God’s Word.”

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AZ State Senator Anthony Kern Appears On Rumble Show Of Holocaust Denier Stew Peters

On May 1, 2024, AZ State Sen. Anthony Kern made a guest appearance on the Rumble show of Stew Peters. Peters is a Holocaust denier and Nazi sympathizer with a history of violent, racist, anti-LGBTQ, and antisemitic rhetoric. Kern, who was recently indicted for his role in Donald Trump’s fake electors plot, claimed that God was “raising up” Trump and Peters.

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Charlie Kirk Interviews Self-Described ‘Egirl’ Who Was Fired Over Bigoted Post

On the Apr. 24, 2024 episode of The Charlie Kirk Show, Turning Point USA founder and president Charlie Kirk interviewed Chloe Happe — a self-described “egirl” who lost her job over a bigoted post on X (formerly Twitter). Kirk praised Happe’s account as “very entertaining” and defended her posts, stating that “no one should be fired from their job” for posts like hers.

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Matt Walsh: White Nationalist Group VDARE Is Being Targeted For Its ‘Unpopular Beliefs’

Daily Wire host Matt Walsh devoted a segment of his eponymous online show to defending the white nationalist group VDARE. After criticizing Scotland’s newly passed hate crime law, Walsh criticized New York Attorney General Letitia James for investigating VDARE, claiming the group is being unfairly targeted for its “inconvenient and unpopular beliefs.”

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Right-Wing Influencer Arrested Over Jan. 6 Appeared On White Nationalist Rumble Show

Right-wing influencer Isabella Maria DeLuca was recently arrested and charged in relation to the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol. DeLuca, who faces five charges including theft of government property, has also appeared on the show of Holocaust-denying white nationalist Stew Peters, where she lamented America’s “declining white majority.”

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Jeff Younger: ‘We Have To Keep Alive The Threat Of Political Violence’

After losing a bitter custody battle over his twin children — as well as a race for the Texas House of Representatives — anti-LGBTQ bigot Jeff Younger has only grown more extreme. In a conversation with Nazi sympathizer Stew Peters, Younger, who fought to keep one of his children from socially transitioning, made antisemitic remarks and appeared to embrace political violence.

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Stew Peters: Nazi Book Burnings Were ‘Awesome’ And Adolf Hitler Was A ‘Hero’

White nationalist broadcaster Stew Peters praised the Nazi regime over their infamous book burnings and persecution of LGBTQ people. Peters, who denies the Holocaust and has given a platform to Neo-Nazis and other antisemites, claimed that these book burnings were “awesome,” and referred to Adolf Hitler as a “hero.”

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Tucker Carlson: ‘If Biden Wins A Lot Of People Are Going To Jail, Certainly Including Me’

During an appearance of The Adam Carolla Show, Tucker Carlson claimed that he’ll go to jail if Biden wins a second term. Carlson compared his situation to that of the African People’s Socialist Party, a Pan-Africanist group whose members face federal charges for acting as foreign agents on behalf of the Russian government.

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Chaya Raichik: Frivolous Defamation Suits Against Her Critics ‘Might Be Worth It’

On Feb. 20, 2024, anti-LGBTQ extremist Chaya Raichik appeared on an X Space hosted by Josie Glabach (a.k.a. “The Redheaded Libertarian”). Raichik, who uses her Libs of TikTok account on X to smear LGBTQ people as pedophiles, responded to accusations that her rhetoric was connected to the death of a nonbinary Oklahoma student who was reportedly attacked in a school bathroom.

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6 Months of ‘Tucker On X’

Six months ago, disgraced former Fox News host Tucker Carlson debuted his online show Tucker on Twitter (now known as Tucker on X). It was, at least in spirit, a continuation of his successful primetime show, Tucker Carlson Tonight — which he used to boost fringe, far-right voices.

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