Stew Peters Promotes Claim That The Capitol Was Built By A Race Of Giants

White nationalist Stew Peters recently unveiled the trailer for his network’s latest propaganda film. Titled Old World Order, it promotes the so-called “Tartarian Empire” conspiracy theory, which posits that buildings such as the Chicago Federal Building and the U.S. Capitol were built by a race of technologically-advanced giants who were wiped out in a great “mud flood.”

And any evidence for this race of giants was — of course — either destroyed or covered up by wealthy elites, such as the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.

The trailer shows photos of ornate buildings, including the Milan Cathedral, the Chicago Federal Building, the U.S. Capitol, and the Palace of Justice of Brussels. It then cuts to various people who claim that these buildings appear too large to have been built by “people of our height,” and were actually “built by the prior civilization.”

After the trailer, Peters interviewed the film’s director Sean Hibbeler — a flat earther and 9/11 truther who frequently reposts Peters’ bigoted content on X (formerly Twitter). Hibbeler claimed that the film serves as an “introduction to this psyop,” because while people may have heard of “Tartaria,” it was only “one of many empires that were hidden from us.”

He explained that “we didn’t build” the buildings highlighted in the film, but rather “found” them.

“If you look at some of these older buildings in your community, will actually say — will actually admit some stuff, Stew. It’ll say ‘founded in 1898,'” Hibbeler said. “Okay. Alright, I’ll take that. But then when you go on their website it says it was constructed in a year. The timelines don’t make any sense, Stew.”

As applied to buildings, the word “founding” refers to when the foundation was constructed.

When Peters asked Hibbeler why this was being covered up, Hibbeler claimed that elite figures want to prevent us from knowing about the existence of giants and their technological achievements — particularly being able to harness energy from the “ether.”

Ether is a “theoretical universal substance believed during the 19th century to act as the medium for transmission of electromagnetic waves.” According to Hibbeler, old photographs of buildings actually show “transmitters” on top, which operated by “pulling in the energy from the ether” — a form of “wireless energy.”

The second reason for the cover-up, he said, was to keep people from believing in creationism.

“But real quick on the giants, you can’t have Darwinism, you can’t have evil-ution, you can’t have Big Bang with giants,” Hibbeler said.

“We’re supposed to be coming from monkeys, we can’t have giants. So they created this whole system for many, many facets. There — it wasn’t just one reason. Many reasons: technology, giants, you know, covering up the fact that there was previous civilizations here before us that possibly had more technology than we do now.”

But what about photos of buildings from the 20th century while they were clearly under construction? Hibbeler told Peters that those were all faked too, thanks to the “photoshopping” skills of the Detroit Publishing Company — a defunct photographic publishing firm that specialized in producing color postcards.

“They would actually go in a dark room — in the negative room, back in the day — and they would etch and mask things,” he said. “They would take a building and put it here. They would take a building out, and remove it and make a white sky there — it was called vanilla sky. This is how they manipulated our history.”

From the May 20, 2024 episode of The Stew Peters Show

Sean Hibbeler: Old World Order’s kind of a one-on-one introduction to this psyop, really. ‘Cause a lot of people don’t know about it. They’ve heard about it, or they’ll hear the word Tartaria.

Stew Peters: Yes.

Sean Hibbeler: That’s just one piece of it. That’s one empire. That’s where Russia was. Okay? I mean that’s where Russia is now. That’s where Tartaria was. [It’s] one of many empires that were hidden from us. The reason, like you said earlier, that they wanted to hide it is because — well, number one, they don’t want people to know that we didn’t build these buildings. We found these buildings. If you look at some of these older buildings in your community, will actually say — will actually admit some stuff, Stew. It’ll say “founded in 1898.” Okay. Alright, I’ll take that. But then when you go on their website it says it was constructed in a year. The timelines don’t make any sense, Stew. Okay? For people back then to have horse and buggy, wooden cranes — you’re not building stone and marble palaces, Stew.

Stew Peters: Right. Yeah. No.

Sean Hibbeler: That’s not gonna happen.

Stew Peters: Yeah, the cranes just weren’t sufficient enough to hold that kind of weight. Why are they lying to us? What is it that they’re trying to cover up?

Sean Hibbeler: Where do I start? I mean let’s start with giants, number one. I mean, we don’t wanna talk about anything that’s in the Bible, right? We have to put that away. We have to put that to rest. So this whole, you know, theory with Einstein and removing the ether from the periodic table, are you kidding me? They removed it. Why? Because God gives us free energy, everyone. We have free energy. That’s why a lot of these buildings, the old architect, you’ll see the actual transmitters on top of the buildings. What is that doing? It’s pulling in the energy from the ether. And back in the day, Stew, it would be wireless technology. Wireless energy. You look at some of these old world fairs in the late 1800s, it’s glowing like a theme park. Doesn’t make any sense. And this is not something we’re taught in school for many reasons.

But real quick on the giants, you can’t have Darwinism, you can’t have evil-ution, you can’t have Big Bang with giants. We’re supposed to be coming from monkeys, we can’t have giants. So they created this whole system for many, many facets. There — it wasn’t just one reason. Many reasons: technology, giants, you know, covering up the fact that there was previous civilizations here before us that possibly had more technology than we do now.

Stew Peters: So, I mean, um, what about all these dinosaur bones that they’re uncovering? Are dinosaurs fake, too?

Sean Hibbeler: 100% fake. Now I will say this: There were big birds. There were big elephants. There were big alligators. There were big everything — including humans.

Stew Peters: Everything was just massive. Everything was big. Look at some of the doors that you’ve included in this film. I mean, why in God’s green earth would we ever need doors that big? Buildings that massive?

Sean Hibbeler: We don’t. We never did. And we don’t now. That’s why we don’t build that way now. We never — you see the construction now. It’ll take 15 years to knock out a cube. I mean literally a tall, rectangle skyscraper. 15 years sometimes it takes to make these ugly buildings where it’s literally carbon-copy floors. And you look at the old architecture. For me, it would take — it would take them 20 to 30 years back then. Because they gotta go with their horses and donkeys and go all the way to Spain, or wherever the marble was, come all the way back. How were they bringing it up? How were they bringing it to the site? There — and when you look at some of these “construction photos” of the past — and this will be in the film, ‘kay, for everyone doubting this topic, you’re gonna see what’s gonna happen here — they — there was a company called the Detroit Publishing Company.

Stew Peters: Okay.

Sean Hibbeler: They were known for “photoshopping.” Back in the day it was Victorian photography manipulation. ‘Kay? They would actually go in a dark room — in the negative room, back in the day — and they would etch and mask things. They would take a building and put it here. They would take a building out, and remove it and make a white sky there — it was called vanilla sky. This is how they manipulated our history. Through fake construction photos and through taking credit of “Oh no, we built these buildings.” But when you look at the timeline you’ll notice that it’s impossible.