
This page is a log of the money FNL and supporters have fundraised:

Utopia Screening: $400

Green Left Weekly invited FNL to speak at their screening of John Pilger’s film Utopia. They passed the bucket around for donations to FNL

ACAB members punk show fundraiser  $2,085

ACAB member personal donation – $70

ACAB members punk show fundraiser $1,114

ACAB member birthday party fundraiser bar $350 

ACAB member ‘birthday donation drive’:

  • $200
  • $50
  • $50
  • $60

Paypal donation from public $50

Recurring Donation from public $20

Recrurring donation from public $20

Paypal donation from public $200

ACAB member fundraising $100

Total Fundraising so far: $4,769

Total Spendings so far: $1,643.59

Balance: $3,125.41

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