26 May 2024

Voices from Gaza’s Rubble Call Out To Global Humanity for Rescue

[Photo: Third mass grave found at al-Shifa hospital site May 8. 2024. Isrsel-Palestine News.]

By Mahboob Khawaja, PhD

Editor's Note
The International Court of Justice has called on Israel to halt invasions into Gaza and to reopen the border at Rafah. The world calls out for an immediate cease-fire and to allow aid to flow freely into Gaza. the US government also backs a cease-fire while claiming that protests against Israel’s continued invasion are “anti-Semitic” and a threat to Jews. Joining the media across the spectrum who have somehow missed the fact that many of the demonstrators are Jewish. AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) is a longstanding lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies in the US. They do NOT represent Jews in America, and they do support the continued march to the right in Israel that has brought Israel Netanyahu and his far-right coalition.

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19 May 2024

11,000% Return: Trump’s $1 Billion Offer Could Yield $110 Billion Windfall for Big Oil

[Photo: Texas oil field courtesy Roughly Daily.]

By Jon Queally
Source:  CommonDreams

Editor's Note
Trump’s “barter” with big oil: Give me $1 billion for my campaign and I will deregulate and give you (more) tax breaks. The estimated return to big oil would be roughly $110 Billion. Is this even legal?

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Category: 2024, Corporate - Corporatization, Corruption, fossil fuels, Guest, Trump | Comments Off on 11,000% Return: Trump’s $1 Billion Offer Could Yield $110 Billion Windfall for Big Oil
18 May 2024

Poisoning the American Mind: Student Protests in the Age of the New McCarthyism

[Photo:” Students being arrested in the United States for protesting against Israel’s genocide on Palestinians. Photo: X/@ShayoniMitra.
“via the Orinco Tribute]

By: Henry A. Giroux
Source: Counterpunch

We live in an age of increased disasters and encroaching fascism. This is a historical moment marked by a systemic attempt by an emerging authoritarianism to disable language and dissent of any substantive meaning, remove actions from the grammar of moral witnessing, and disassociate power from institutional justice. As all levels of society are hollowed out, notions of democratic community, the social contract, and compassion give way to a politics in which all matters of responsibility are individualized, privatized, and removed from broader systemic considerations. The habits of oligarchy are animated by fear and reproduced through relentless attacks on human possibilities, while “the disorder of real history is replaced by the orderliness of pseudo-history.”[1] In a time of widespread suffering and unrest, higher education is feared for its critical functions, and students are expected to be silent, unresponsive to wider social issues, and ignore the relationship between the dynamics of power, marginality, and knowledge.  Amid the expansion of the military-industrial complex and the carceral state, faculty, and students are expected to look away or inward, unresponsive to the language of imagined futures.

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15 May 2024

Israel Lost the War and America Betrayed Humanity in Gaza

[Photo: Gazans in the rubble, Sinistra In Europa, Nov. 21, 2023.]

By Mahboob Khawaja, PhD

Global Mankind vs. Political Wickedness

Rationality requires objective reasoning and it is not coming for an impending cataclysm of the Israeli onslaught on Rafah and the United States – the complicit friend in making genocide betrayed its history of civility, morality, responsible political governance, equality of human rights, freedom, and justice and a lot more that only future will unfold. Ferocious concepts of good and evil are being implied by the Israeli war agenda challenging the human consciousness of principles of truth, freedom, and honesty.

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Category: Gaza, Genocide, Israel, Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D., U.S. | Comments Off on Israel Lost the War and America Betrayed Humanity in Gaza
24 April 2024

Arab Leadership’s Complicity to Support American-Israeli War on Gaza

[Photo: “Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi (3rd L), Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz (2nd L), Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah IV Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah (L), Jordanian King Abdullah II (4th R), Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (3rd R), Iraqi President Barham Salih (2nd R) and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (R)  ahead of the opening session within the 30th Arab League Summit in Tunis, Tunisia on March 31, 2019 [Yassine Gaidi / Anadolu Agency]” via Middle East Monitor.]

By Mahboob Khawaja, PhD

Editor's Note
In this article Dr. Khawaja raises the issue of the persistence of colonization among decolonized groups – particular Arab groups in this context. This is an area that has been heavily researched and is known as “internalized colonization” (shortened here as IC). Some may be familiar with other internalization issues such as internalized racism and internalized sexism. In the real world, internalized colonization involves the intersection of culture (ethnicity) and race, and within that sex certainly plays a significant role.

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Category: Imperialism and Colonialism, Indigenous Struggles and Rights, Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D., Social (In)Justice | Comments Off on Arab Leadership’s Complicity to Support American-Israeli War on Gaza