Kişi:Siegfried Sassoon

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Kişi dizini: S Siegfried Sassoon
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Siegfried Sassoon



  • The Old Huntsman and Other Poems (Heinemann: 1917)
  • Counter-Attack and Other Poems (Heinemann: 1918)
  • The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon (1919)
  • Picture-Show (Heinemann: 1919)
  • Recreations (privately printed: 1923)
  • Lingual Exercises for Advanced Vocabularians (privately printed: 1925)
  • Selected Poems (Heinemann: 1925)
  • Satirical Poems (Heinemann: 1926)
  • The Heart's Journey (Heinemann: 1928)
  • Poems by Pinchbeck Lyre (Duckworth: 1931)
  • The Road to Ruin (Faber and Faber: 1933)
  • Vigils (Heinemann: 1935)
  • Rhymed Ruminations (Faber and Faber: 1940)
  • Poems Newly Selected (Faber and Faber: 1940)
  • Collected Poems (Faber and Faber: 1947)
  • Common Chords (privately printed: 1950/1951)
  • Emblems of Experience (privately printed: 1951)
  • The Tasking (privately printed: 1954)
  • Sequences (Faber and Faber: 1956)
  • Lenten Illuminations (Downside Abbey: 1959)
  • The Path to Peace (Stanbrook Abbey Press: 1960)
  • Collected Poems 1908-1956 (Faber and Faber: 1961)
  • The War Poems ed. Rupert Hart-Davis (Faber and Faber: 1983)


  • Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man (Faber & Gwyer: 1928)
  • Memoirs of an Infantry Officer (Faber and Faber: 1930)
  • Sherston's Progress (Faber and Faber: 1936)
  • Complete Memoirs of George Sherston (Faber and Faber: 1937)
  • The Old Century (Faber and Faber: 1938)
  • On Poetry (University of Bristol Press: 1939)
  • The Weald of Youth (Faber and Faber: 1942)
  • Siegfried's Journey (Faber and Faber: 1945)
  • Meredith (Constable: 1948)


  • The Daffodil Murderer (John Richmond: 1913)
  • They
  • The Fathers
  • Suicide in the Trenches
  • Remorse (1917)
  • Aftermath - March 1919 (Heinemann: 1920)
  • To a Very Wise Man
  • The Dug-out
  • Everyone Sang
  • The Grandeur of Ghosts (1924)
  • The Working Party