Boris Vian: It’s our job to make war, not to choose the enemy


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace


Boris Vian
The Generals’ Tea Party
Translated by Simon Watson Taylor

AUDUBON: …Listen, old boy, we’ve forgotten something….This war of yours: whom are we supposed to be fighting?…I am not asking ridiculous questions. I’m asking you a most vital question….We should have thought about that beforehand? Listen, it’s our job to make war, not to choose the enemy. That’s your business, I believe….Are you or are you not the foreign minister?


PLANTIN: …Sit down, everybody. I will explain. Now gentlemen, the fact is that in France our industrialists and agricultural producers find themselves in the unfortunate position of having to go to war in order to absorb a totally unexpected overproduction pattern. I have therefore ordered General Wilson de la Pètardière, here, the commander of my G.H.Q., to take all necessary measures. And the bloody fool has been farting around without even troubling to find out who the hell we are supposed to be fighting. Which is why I have taken the liberty of asking you [American, Chinese and Russian generals] to attend this meeting: I ask you one question frankly, gentlemen – would any of you like to take us on?

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Alphonse Karr: We worship military glory


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace


Alphonse Karr
A Tour Round My Garden

We worship glory, particularly military glory, which consists in killing without hating, without a motive, the greatest possible number of men born under another sky, and that under such singular conditions, that if tomorrow this country yields, after having been sufficiently ravaged, it becomes a crime punishable by law, by honor and by universal contempt, to kill a single one of its inhabitants whom it was so glorious to massacre yesterday.


…they kill one another without knowing why, as military men, and under the pretext of glory; they ruin one another, they imprison one another, they deprive one another of bread, air, liberty, &c. From these observations, and a thousand others that could be made, it appears that if they no longer eat each other, it is not from any feeling of charity or neighborly love, but simply because it is now acknowledged and established that man is a food, more than mediocre, hard to digest, and of a disagreeable flavor.


The men are proud of one or two cloves which they are allowed to wear on account of their great actions. We laugh heartily at this, we Europeans do. Cloves! – to have their arms and their legs broken for two or three cloves! – Really, savages are droll creatures! Well now, we, when we expose ourselves to fire and sword, we know what we are about, we who are white, we who are enlightened and civilized. Well! let them offer us cloves, would they be well received! No, no, we are allowed to wear in a button-hole of our coat a little bit of red riband; at a later period, perhaps, we may tie it in a rosette, but everybody does not attain that honor.


I am this day forty years old: I have seen two political revolutions; and I shall see at least another. After I have seen the third it is probable I shall say exactly as I said after the other two: “Abuses are not attacked for the purpose of removing them, but of conquering them. The more frequently things change, the more they continue to be the same things.”

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Gustave Aimard: Men will be warriors as long as ignorance and brutality exist


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace


Gustave Aimard
The Frontiersmen

“O! it is horrible to think that this home I love so much should be the scene of such a conflict.”

“…I can sympathize with your sorrow, Miss Barton. God has made this country too beautiful to be marred by the strife of men.”

“It is a terrible blot on human nature,” said Ruth, “that men dwelling so far from society, in the midst of the forest, where every object should excite sacred emotions, can engage in these unholy conflicts with each other. It is a proof – a strong proof – of the wretched condition of poor human nature, unassisted by the light that shines from above.”

“Such is the nature of men,” said Ralph, “and surely, perhaps, it will always be. The first men were warriors, and if ignorance and brutality always exist, the last men will be warriors, too. The whole history of the world has been written with the sword – places most sacred have been profaned by the bloody stains of human passion, and themes the most holy have given rise to the deadliest hatred and contention. We cannot expect that men educated in the ways of the forest shall ever be wiser than those who boast of their civilization.”

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Frédéric Soulié: The pedestal of conquerors rests on an army of lifeless bodies


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace


Frédéric Soulié
La Comtesse de Monrion
Translated by John Taylor Sinnett and Kate Hibburd

…she told him that he was one of those men to whom the whole world should do homage, and his genius had a right to dispense with the base bonds of morality. She so eloquently depicted the pedestal of glory on which she wished him to believe he stood, resting as it were on the broken hearts or ruined reputations, or sundered friendships, as the pedestal of conquerors rests on an army of lifeless bodies….

“It was impossible that the Van Markens, whatever they might be, could steal by hundreds of thousands of francs, and by millions, without having accomplices among the generals of the armies, whose substance they pillaged on so large a scale. Napoleon knew this; but like the tutor of Louis XIV, who pitilessly flogged a poor unfortunate child for the faults of his royal pupil, the emperor severely punished the civilian pillagers for the extortions committed by the military thieves. In the same manner as it appeared to the worshippers of monarchy improper to submit the royal child to the punishment of the cane, so did Napoleon think it unsuitable to dishonor the glittering planets which he had drawn into the solar system of which he was the center.”

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Jules Michelet: This vile and loathsome war


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace

Jules Michelet: My book is a book of peace


Jules Michelet
Priest, Woman and Family

This vile war, the most loathsome in history, appears the more horrible by the almost total absence of free inspiration and spontaneous impulse. It was, from its very beginning, both artificial and mechanical – like a war of machines or phantoms. These strange beings, created only to fight, march with a look as void of martial ardor, as their heart is of affection. How could they be reasoned with? What language could be used towards them? What pity could be expected from them?…the partisans of the Thirty Years’ War have no individual life – no idea of their own; their very breath is but the inspiration of the evil genius who urges them on. These automatons, who grow blinder every day, are not the less obstinate and bloody. No history would lead us to understand this abominable phenomenon, if there did not remain some delineation of them in the hellish pictures of that diabolical, damned Salvator Rosa.*

…see how…by the devil’s own art raised the man-machine, they are found to have created a monster, whose whole idea, life, and action was murder, nothing more.

*The term is a harsh one, and I am sorry for it. If this great artist paints war so cruelly, it is doubtless because he had more feeling than any of his contemporaries, and appreciates more keenly the horror of this terrible epoch.

Salvator Rosa: A Cavalry Battle

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Henry Céard: Distressed by uniform decorum of scenes of carnage


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace

Henry Céard: He affected warlike sentiments


Henry Céard
Une belle journée
Translated by Ernest Boyd

In the illustrated papers she saw the latest coronation, the dirty linen washed in the latest lawsuit, all the events of Paris and the world….Pictures which were successful at last year’s Salon were presented with particular care. She gazed at these. They were usually scenes from the war of 1870. The French troops, with fixed bayonets, charged forward and, as the patriotism of the artists did not permit them to show the Prussians as more than a hazy background, their valor seemed to consist in attacking the landscape. Underneath sonnets were printed, explaining the subjects, telling the story, combining lyricism with profound thought. Madame Duhamain was astonished at the names of the authors, so obscure was their evident fame. She mused over one of them, however. Where had she seen that name? She racked her brains. Ah, now she remembered! He was more celebrated, he had signed verses in the Bon Marché almanac, in the middle of the advertisements. Then, as though this feat of memory had relieved her, she turned the page. Whole pages on both sides were filled from top to bottom with generals, their plumed helmets and their horses. Recently married royalties displayed their stupid smiles and the stiffness of the omnipotent. A gentlemen with an intelligent face was the subject of special comment. He had won the prize for pigeon shooting in Monaco. Then she looked at battles: missionaries attacked by savages, savages massacred by the armies of Christendom. She was distressed by the uniform decorum of these scenes of carnage, always arranged in the same manner, with the same corpse crumpled up beside a drum in the foreground and the wounded man with a piteous prayer in his eyes.

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Henry Céard: He affected warlike sentiments


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace

Henry Céard: Distressed by uniform decorum of scenes of carnage


Henry Céard
Une belle journée
Translated by Ernest Boyd

As an ex-corporal of militia he felt himself almost a real soldier because he had once tried to get promotion into the territorial army. Although it was established beyond a doubt that, during the battle of Buzenval, he had spent the whole day at Rueil, selling spirits and playing billiards, far from his battalion which had had a serious engagement with the enemy, he affected warlike sentiments, and made a point of cherishing an incredible hatred for the Prussians. He had even abandoned his favorite café, though the beer was excellent, because customers had come there who spoke German. He went so far as to call people whom he did not like Bismarck, thinking that he thus gave them evidence of his superior and supreme contempt.

On the evenings which his business and his amorous affairs left free, he used to absorb himself in heroic literature. He did not disdain the poets, those who proceeded by way of invective to soothe the soul with insults, and those of the more refined variety who melt the soul with sentimentalities. Just before he fell asleep his enthusiasm could be aroused by bad verse which celebrated the deeds of buglers mortally wounded but continuing to sound the charge. He adored the great ladies, disguised as Red Cross nurses, who were represented in alexandrines as selling their last jewels to free their native land. Another even more lyrical spirit wanted to marry a girl from Châteaudun, and when he had made her pregnant, declared his conviction that he was the father of heroes. Trudon approved of him. Then, without any transition, he returned to more serious works. A writer had gone to Germany; it was said that he spoke only of what he had seen there with his own eyes, and his observations were sup- posed to be exceedingly accurate. Trudon had borrowed this book, and its exaggeration of natural things, its constant determination to belittle, its excess of general conclusions drawn from particular facts, the very narrowness of its main outlines, responded to the most exalted sentiments of Trudon’s chauvinistic soul. He constantly reread it and thought of buying it. He thought it was well written and very readable. Above all, it was the work of an avenger!

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Fortuné du Boisgobey: One couldn’t dream that behind a peaceful scene men were slaughtering each other


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace


Fortuné du Boisgobey
Le Tambour de Montmirail

At present the escort was riding over a small plain where the artillery wheels had deeply rutted the soil. This was the only trace of the passage of the vanguard, and this field, surrounded by hoary oaks, wore the most peaceful aspect. One could never dream that on the other side of those ancient trees, seemingly planted as the entrance leading up to some feudal castle, men were engaged in slaughter.

The fields were utterly deserted, and vast clouds of black smoke were whirling above the apparently abandoned dwellings. A dozen of them were blazing at the same time, and at whiles down would fall a wall, or a roof would sink in with a horrifying crash. Cut partly away by bullets, the wooden steeple of the village church hung over like a tree all but felled. At the farther end of the plain and on the opposite hillside, such carts and cattle were hurrying off as could be saved by the unfortunate farmers. It was a picture of foreign invasion in its reddest and blackest colors.

…there was a chorus of imprecations against the enemy for having ravaged the country before they could despoil the peasants.

“I thought myself fairly well known the world of fashion, too, and among the wealthy, also, for my father, who made a mint of money in – in the colonial trade (he came near saying, the slave trade) is rather rich; he twice bought substitutes to serve for me in the army.”

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Hippolyte Taine: Cities perished by hundreds and men by millions


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace

Hippolyte Taine on the inhuman travesty of war


Hippolyte Taine
The Philosophy of Art
Translated by John Durand

This military organization common to all the cities of antiquity at length had its effect,- a sad effect. War being the natural condition of things, the weak were over-powered by the strong, and, more than once, one might have seen formed states of considerable magnitude under the control or tyranny of a victorious or dominant city. Finally one arose, Rome, which, possessing greater energy, patience, and skill, more capable of subordination and command, of consecutive views and practical calculations, attained, after seven hundred years of effort, in incorporating under her dominion the entire basin of the Mediterranean and many great outlying countries. To gain this point she submitted to military discipline, and, like a fruit springing from its germ, a military despotism was the issue. Thus was the Empire formed. Towards the first century of our era, the world, organized under a regular monarchy, seemed at last to have attained to order and tranquility. It issued only in a decline. In the horrible destruction of conquest cities perished by hundreds and men by millions. During an entire century the conquerors themselves massacred each other, and the civilized world having lost its free men, lost the half of its inhabitants.


The barbarous wave entered, sweeping away the dykes; after the first, a second, then a third, and so on for a period of five hundred years. The evils they inflicted cannot be described: people exterminated, monuments destroyed, fields devastated, and cities burnt; industry, the fine arts, and the sciences mutilated, degraded, forgotten; fear, ignorance, and brutality spread everywhere and established.

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Ernst Toller: To the Trench


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

German writers on peace and war

Ernst Toller: Corpses In The Woods


Ernst Toller
To the Trench

Through shell-holes,
puddles of mud,
they trudge.
Over frozen
men in foxholes
they stumble.

Rats dart whistling across the distances.
Dead fingers rain down
& tap on rotting doors.

To the ditch, to the ditch.

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Léon Gozlan: Simian imitation is the sincerest form


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace


Léon Gozlan
The Emotions of Polydore Marasquin

I perceived two mandrills of the most savage kind on guard, sword in hand, near me, imitating, so far as parody imitates truth, the gait and stiffness of English soldiers. Through want of experience, instead of confining themselves to placing a gaiter on each leg, every one of the mandrills had in addition placed a gaiter on each arm. I attributed this grotesque addition to simple ignorance, since there could be no such grade among apes as clothing colonels, ready at all times to decree any absurd addition to the soldier’s uniform, provided they could share the profit derived from it with the contractors. Slight as had been my opportunities of observing this automatic society, I nevertheless endeavored to account to myself in a vague sort of way how it was that it came to offer a copy, fantastic and distorted though it might be, of the life of civilized man. Those uniform-buttons, already recognized by me in my hour of torture, furnished me with a clue. Unquestionably these half-intelligent animals and the men whose garments they were dragging about had lived together.

…an enemy who can reinforce himself without ceasing, were he twenty times, were he indeed a hundred times, less clever and brave than his adversary, must triumph in the end. Victory, then, is only number.

… how had all this been brought about? Why, in precisely the same way that other sovereigns had raised themselves to power – by firing a few guns….

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Emile Faguet: Pacifism and residual obstacles to achieving it


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace


Emile Faguet

Jesus did not announce the advent of universal peace; but he gave the true means of achieving this if men were unanimous in adopting it, by his three essential words: “Peace be with you. – Love each other. – Love your enemies.” The Gospels breathe peace, command it and do not seem to hope for it. Meanwhile, it is the most pacifist book that has been written and the only truly pacifist one in all of antiquity.


Man is not precisely “combative,” fundamentally, primitively. He is worried. How could he not be, since he could only escape from the terrible state in which his constitutional weakness had kept him for a long time only through a perpetual distrust of all danger, of all enemies, and God knows he was surrounded by enemies and dangers! This distrust, this worry, survives in him; and just as, because he was only able to escape from the primitive state through skillful inventions, he continues to invent although all his new inventions are perfectly useless for his happiness; in the same way, because he has lived, perhaps hundreds of centuries, in perpetual anguish, he still lives in this anguish and convinces himself that he is never strong enough or secure enough.

Hence his mania for seeing enemies everywhere, and everywhere enemies so formidable that he cannot take too many precautions towards them: This man doesn’t think like me.

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Jules Lemaître: With the millions that armies cost….

April 29, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace


Jules Lemaître
The Kings
Translated by Ernest Tristan and G.F. Monkshood

…this old world is too weighed down with memories, too involved in traditions of violence, authority and useless legislation. It bends beneath exorbitant charges, and the waste of human effort is excessive. Europe maintains ten million soldiers. The amount of work and intelligence expended for the organization and perfecting of real armies is incalculable. With the millions her armies cost her, Europe could remodel her industrial material, and redouble her means of communication.


In vague terms he was accused of weakness and, by some, of cowardice. Wearers of uniforms murmured: “We shall see!” as they dreamt of future disasters to the scandalous country where efforts had the effrontery to take place so peacefully.


How he had cried when at the age of eight he was first dressed in the uniform of an officer of the Guard! With an obstinacy of which he could not have given the reason, he resisted in tears, as if he foresaw that this first uniform was an enlistment and for life.

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Paul and Victor Margueritte: So-called victory was in reality purely ineffectual butchery

April 28, 2024 1 comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace

Paul and Victor Margueritte: Selections on war


Paul and Victor Margueritte
The Disaster
Translated by Frederic Lees

There was a deafening crash, the great plaintive whistling of the shell, the bursting in all directions in the midst of a group of Germans. There were cries, a stomach ripped open and ahead shattered. That was what everybody eagerly and joyously wished.


Some people arrived from the railway-station. The news was in everybody’s mouth. An old woman, passing near the officers, said:

“They have killed them, they have killed them!” She shook her head; and in her accent, in her gaze, was mystery and stupor….Those young men who would no longer eat or drink, and who, up yonder on the heights and in the ditches, strewed the ground.


Then, the arrival in the gray dawn, the pell-mell of bivouacs and camps, the glacis crowded with tents, piles of arms and canteen carriages; soldiers of different regiments, horses on picket, the silent mouths of the cannon drawn up in parks, the caissons, the carriages, and the immense river of men which had flowed there over a thousand routes of France. And suspended over this stagnant army was the vision of carnage, the impression of enervation and waiting.

Dead men haunted him, some lying in a heap, others lying out flat. Seen? When and where? They were unforgettable. Twenty were stretched out with their faces to the ground, elbow to elbow, the stocks of their rifles to their shoulders, and all round about were rivulets and little dark splashes of blood.

The freshness of the night penetrated him more and more, revived his emotion, reawakened his soul to a sense of the atrocity of things. A corpse with a white face was laughing there under the moon. There could be heard the dull tramping of horses, the rhythmical step of foot soldiers….

The only light was from two candle-ends placed upon a window in a little corner, near a carpenter’s bench, upon which they were amputating arms and legs, sewing up intestines, searching with big pincers in deep wounds. Wounded men were lying on the ground, death-rattles could be heard, the naked flesh resembled butcher’s meat; and then there was the smell of human flesh and the cutting up of limbs, which an infirmary attendant carried out to be thrown away. He could not stand it, and fled from the stable, only to breathe when he was outside.

Du Breuil’s heart was oppressed. This road, upon which the whole army was crowding, reminded him of that at Forbach this morning retreat reminded him of the evening panic. His brief joys of the previous day, the minutes of intoxication when the mitrailleuses rent the air, and when his heart cried victory, filled him with horror. He continued to feel the immense disgust which he had experienced at night in the presence of the corpses, the same sickening sensation, but deeper and sadder. And mingled with his disquietude was a fear that this so-called victory was in reality but purely ineffectual butchery.

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Edmond Lepelletier: War is a lottery

April 27, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace


Edmond Lepelletier
Madame Sans-Gêne
Translated by J.A.J. Villers

“War is a lottery in which you are sure to get a big prize someday – if you live!”

The pitiless conqueror, who butchered men by the thousands, and laid whole continents waste, always had a tender corner in his heart for children.

“They did not fight, like your husbands and your lovers, to gain promotion and prize-money, to pillage whole provinces and ransack the Treasury….The emperor cannot see that some day, when Fortune has ceased to smile upon him, when there will be no more plunder to get, and when it will perhaps be necessary to defend the very ground on which we now stand, all these fine soldiers will cry out for rest….”

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Paul and Victor Margueritte: Selections on war

April 26, 2024 Leave a comment
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Gabriel Chevallier: Let those who love war wage it

April 25, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace

Gabriel Chevallier: Selections on war


Gabriel Chevallier
Translated by Malcolm Imrie

All those who are removed are destined to become corpses, battlefield debris that no longer evokes pity in anyone. The dead get in the way of the living, wear them out. They are forgotten completely during periods of high activity, until their smell becomes insistent.

A soldier, just another grain of the inexhaustible raw materials of the battlefield, little more than a corpse since he is destined to become one by chance in the great, anonymous massacre….

“I’ve been taught a great many things – like you – and I’m aware that one has to choose between them. War is nothing but a monstrous absurdity and nothing good or great will come from it.”

The God of infinite mercy cannot be the God of the plains of Artois. The good God, the just God, could not have allowed such bloody carnage to be carried out in His name, could not have wanted such destruction of bodies and minds to further his glory.

The artillery thunders, obliterates, disembowels, terrifies. Everything is roaring, flashing, shuddering. We are in the middle of a monstrous maelstrom, pieces of sky come crashing down and cover us with rubble, comets collide and crumble, sparking like a short circuit. We are caught in the end of a world. The earth is a burning building and all the exits have been bricked up. We are going to roast in this inferno….

The horror of war resides in this gnawing anxiety. It resides in the continuation, the incessant repetition of danger. War is permanent threat. “We know not the place or the hour.” But we know the place exists and the hour will come. It is insane to hope that we will always escape.

Young men, from the land of Balzac and the land of Goethe, whether they were taken from universities, workshops or the fields, were provided with daggers, revolvers and bayonets, and were pitched against each other, to butcher and maim….

“I am not responsible for others’ mistakes. I have nothing to do with their ambitions and their appetites, and I have better things to do than pay for their glory and their profits with my blood. Let those who love war make it, I want nothing more to do with it….I have no faith in those who organize massacres, I despise even their victories for I have seen what they are made of….I demand to live in peace, far away from barracks, battlefields and military minds and machinery in any shape or form.

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Paul and Victor Margueritte: At the idea of war his heart was filled with disgust

April 24, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace

Paul and Victor Margueritte: Selections on war


Paul and Victor Margueritte
The Disaster
Translated by Frederic Lees

“It is a triumph for which we have had to pay, and which will cost us dear.”

Du Breuil thought of the death-rattle of the wounded, the pallor of the dead. The terrible vision, with the fields strewn with corpses, again rose up.


There was a report, and almost immediately a black point, a shell, whistled in a straight line, increasing in size as it came. Brutus, frightened, sprang forward, and the shell burst in the midst of the group of officers. A moment of bewilderment followed, during which, in a red flash, the wind from the wings of Death struck his temples, and the horrible picture appeared before him of a head clean cut from the body, three bodies which were falling, and on the ground, in a pool of blood near the folding stool, still upright, the Colonel, – as white as a sheet, his stomach and legs shattered.

Here were companies lying on the ground to allow the storm of bullets to pass, the officers flat upon their stomachs joking, encouraging the men with a merry word; there, deserted fields strewn with arms, knapsacks, shakos; a few wounded soldiers, some dead ones marking out the passage of a troop. At a bound, Brutus grazed a very young Second Lieutenant, who was stretched upon his back. His twitching right hand convulsively clenched the hilt of his sword. One of his legs was missing. Where was it? The poor fellow was still alive. That look!…Ah, the batteries!…There they were spread out, facing a wood.

He fired his revolver, he dashed forward like a madman, uttering shrill, murderous cries. Then he comprehended to the full the horror of it all. At the idea of war his heart was filled with disgust. He vowed indefinite hatred towards these frenzied brutes – Germans as well as Frenchmen. Murderers! Murderers! All inspired in him boundless repulsion.

“Isn’t it curious to think that we are surrounded by an invisible force, by a network of death, the meshes of which we can only break by tearing ourselves and letting fresh blood? Do you know the number of our last losses? – 12,273 men. Our wounded? More than 15,000, the Marshal was saying just now.”

In the ambulances and hospitals, already full in the town, crowded the three thousand five hundred men who had been wounded in the last fight. Public buildings, like private houses, gave forth the perpetual odor of death. Everywhere were beds, stretchers, straw, and upon these sick-beds of misery poor, motionless, or gesticulating forms, hollow and yellow faces, acute, savage, and stupefied eyes. Death-rattles arose near wounded in a state of coma, the forerunner of the great sleep; the piercing screams of those who were under the knife issued from the walls; putrid expirations made one think of flesh eaten up by gangrene.

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Michael Arlen: Then the war, and that, of course, buried him

April 23, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

British writers on peace and war

Michael Arlen: Better build monuments to poets and philosophers than to warriors


Michael Arlen
The Green Hat

“Years ago,” she said, “before the war, Gerald had a very great friend. Gerald, you see, is a hero-worshipper. In spite of his air and everything, that is what Gerald is, a hero-worshipper. And no hero, no Gerald. And so, when his hero died, Gerald died too. Funny, life is, isn’t it? Then the war, and that, of course, buried him. And now….”

I was of the race that is surviving the England of Horatio Bottomley, the England of lies, vulgarity, and unclean savagery….

…some one who had by a mistake of the higher authorities strayed into our world from a land unknown to us, a land where lived a race of men and women who, the perfection of our imperfections, were awaiting their inheritance of this world of ours when we, with that marvellous indirectness of purpose which is called being human, shall have finally annihilated each other in our endless squabbles about honour, morality, nationality.

…enter six-foot-two of the Brigade of Guards with a face as dark as night and the nose of a hawk and the eyes of one who has seen Christ crucified in vain. The panoply of war sat superbly on Gerald. He looked a soldier in the real rather than in the technical sense of the word: he looked, you know, as though he had accepted death and was just living anyhow in the meanwhile.

To you, it seems a worthy thing for a good man to make a success in the nasty arena of national strifes and international jealousies. To me, a world which thinks of itself in terms of puny, squalid, bickering little nations and not as one glorious field for the crusade of mankind is a world in which to succeed is the highest indignity that can befall a good man, it is a world in which good men are shut up like gods in a lavatory.

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Gabriel Chevallier: His screams were terrible, enough to shame God

April 22, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace

Gabriel Chevallier: Selections on war


Gabriel Chevallier
Translated by Malcolm Imrie

In war all instincts are given free rein, with nothing to impede or stop them, except for death’s arbitrary intervention.

The mouth was fixed in the last screams of a terrible death agony, with a rictus of the lips baring the teeth, a mouth wide open, spitting out the soul like a clot of blood. I wish I could have kept this mask that death had fashioned, on which its fatal genius had achieved a synthesis of war, so that a cast could be made and given to women and zealots.

We were a troop of ghosts and old men, and all we could do was keep crying out for a breather. For always the whistles would summon us back up on our feet, set in motion our onerous role as beasts of burden, until it no longer felt like a march with a destination but a journey to the end of a night that spread across the earth into infinity.

There was not a single meter of conquered ground that wasn’t paved with a corpse, not a hectare that had not cost a battalion.

Cadaverous and caked in mud, they had lost most of their kit and looked like fugitives; there was a glint of madness in their eyes, the madness that comes from proximity to death. They staggered away in groaning groups, holding each other up. We could not take our eyes off the white patches of field dressings, with blood seeping through. Blood still dripped from them, marking their trail. Next came the silent stretchers, from which hung white, contorted hands. Four medical orderlies transported on their shoulders one unfortunate whose arm and had been torn apart, exposing the frayed muscles. His screams were terrible, rising up to the impassive heavens, enough to shame God.

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Paul and Victor Margueritte: Ah! war, the horrible, odious thing!

April 21, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace

Paul and Victor Margueritte: Selections on war


Paul and Victor Margueritte
The Disaster
Translated by Frederic Lees

Yes, the century was crumbling into dust. That death, to which they had consecrated themselves by their profession, was there, crouching around them, within them. Du Breuil, horrified, felt the passing breath of the invisible Mower. The Borny battlefield stretched out under the moon its harvest of corpses. The battlefields of Gravelotte, Rezonville, Mars-la-Tour, Amanvillers, Saint-Privat, and Servigny, appeared before him, ploughed up with shells, and sown over with bones. The rich, ruddy soil of Lorraine turned his stomach. Through the walls he breathed a pestilential musty smell, which was the breath even of Metz, of the streets infected with phenol and chlorine, and of the stinking cemeteries. And he, Du Breuil, was dying like the others. Ah! war, the horrible, odious thing!


Still the cart rolled on, moving by the side of women, carriages full of wounded, wagons and canteen carriages. Du Breuil, cut to the heart, turned round. A shrill, strident cry ground out the words: “To Berlin! To Berlin!” Who was jeering in this manner? With a sobbing laugh the hoarse voice again cried: “To Berlin! To Berlin!” What recollections these words called up! And on the top of a canteen-carriage, its claws fastened with string to its perch, Du Breuil saw a green parrot, bristling all over, screaming aloud and flapping its wings.

“We are sold!” cried a voice, so guttural and so raucous that he started. Du Breuil also turned round. Attached by one leg to its perch on the sill of a window, an enormous green parrot, its horny eyelids half open and its beak inclined, was looking at them sardonically. Du Breuil, pricked to the heart, recalled the Forbach rout, the great flapping of the wings of the green bird which was sobbing in the night: “To Berlin! to Berlin!” He shrugged his shoulders and passed on. Vedel, indignant, jeered: “Is he not stupid with his air of a stuffed bird! Sold! He repeats the catchword of simpletons and cowards. Sold!…And showing his fist, he cried: “Shut your beak, imbecile!”

War intoxicated him with disgust. This time he descended to the very depths of misery and solitude.

He contemplated the covered tomb where, in all probability, the guardian explained to him, the Prussian officer was at rest in the midst of two thousand bodies of both nations, buried eight high. Not far away a yawning trench awaited new hecatombs. Twenty-four corpses, in shrouds open to the air, were stretched at the bottom side by side, some showing an arm, some a head. There was something terrifying about their immobility. They received the rain with a death-like stiffness, the ludicrousness of which was chilling.

Many came to ask themselves if a fresh butchery was necessary. Without horses to drag the cannon, without cavalry, forced with nothing but foot soldiers to pass beyond a terrible circle of shells and balls, was it not going to a monstrous massacre?

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Andy Corbley: A Poem for Gaza

April 20, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

American writers on peace and against war


Andy Corbley
A Poem for Gaza

A red cloud in the dead of night
Beyond the sea, beyond the storm.
What idle mind could dream the sight,
I saw in April, far advanced of morn?

T’were all alike a thing possessed.
The gentle moon, her light abridged
that fell upon the clouds coalesced,
and dyed an ell with tempered rage

The clouds were spun like linen twine.
And Pale Lady wove them tight.
Beyond was dark like England’s Tyne,
In sum: a tricolore dim, and bright.

Much like a certain desert banner
Which flutters only when winds abound
To gather souls from murdered clamour
From dust and bodies on the ground

If those souls see not the clouds arouge
We both still share the luna muse

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Gabriel Chevallier: Selections on war

April 20, 2024 Leave a comment
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Paul and Victor Margueritte: An indefinite feeling of fraternity seized him

April 19, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace

Paul and Victor Margueritte: Selections on war


Paul and Victor Margueritte
The Disaster
Translated by Frederic Lees

“This way: come, come…’ whispered these breathless mouths.

Oh, that death-rattle of dying men – so low, so low! It made Du Breuil’s heart bleed.

“Yes, yes!” cried Bersheim’s fine voice into the darkness. “Yes, yes, my friends.”

But the dying, as if they had given up hope, were now silent; and Bersheim, his eyes full of tears, said to Du Breuil:

“I cannot see any longer. All these poor fellows!…it is terrible!”

Then, as they stumbled forward a few steps – the moon having just disappeared – and as they heard the creaking of the wheels of the wagonette, the voice of a foreigner issued from the hollow of a ditch:


Both had the same idea, the same feeling. Without a word, without looking, they passed on. The voice again cried in a supplicating tone:

“Oh, camarates! camarates!” The accent was so poignant that the two Frenchmen stopped. A pale face, that of a red-haired Christ, came to view in the light of the lantern; clasped hands were stretched out; they saw the soldier’s gashed and bleeding neck. Bersheim began to tremble, and spoke very low and very quickly, as though in a fever fit.

“I cannot. There are Frenchmen. It’s not my business to pick up enemies -“

There was a brief silence. In the presence of this white face, discomposed by fear and suffering, Du Breuil was overcome by a new, until then unexperienced, confused sensation, one of intense emotion. Nothing was left in him of the blind rage which he had formerly felt when he imagined the face of the Enemy with his ruddy complexion, hard blue eyes, and tawny beard. And the feeling of hatred against the stirring, impersonal masses of the enemy was also gone. An indefinite feeling of fraternity seized him. His heart was drowned in an irresistible flood of human compassion, and he only saw before him an unfortunate man. The Prussian looked upon them with eyes dilated by a great hope. His features were exalted. His smile would have softened stones.

“My God!” groaned Bersheim.

And Du Breuil saw distinctly that he dare not help this German before him because of himself, an officer, so many of whose comrades and unknown brothers were lying pell-mell bleeding there. He was seized with a sudden feeling of anguish. What a pity this butchery! This Prussian was a man!

“Take him,” he said in a low voice.

“Yes, yes,’ said Bersheim. “Thibault, assist me.”

“Thank you, thank you, camarates!” repeated the wounded man. He made an effort to rise, but blood spurted from his mouth. They let him fall. He was dead.

Du Breuil, overcome with disgust, could not say how he left Bersheim. It seemed to him that he left him walking about with his lantern suspended over the faces of the dead, touching their cold cheeks, searching for wounded; but he was not sure. Alone, upon the back of Cydalise, who walked with fatigued step, he proceeded towards Metz. Other burning villages flared out on the heights of the plateau. In the direction of Noisseville could be heard cheers, and the distant strains of a German band, like to a song of victory. Our tramping troops, men, horses, and cannon, slowly continued their retreat. The moon had disappeared. In her place one, two, three, four, and then a whole multitude of stars shone out, blossomed in the sky, pure, fresh, eternal.

He thought of the thousands of dead men stretched out, whose eyes were closed to this splendor – thousands of bodies which had been men like himself, but which were now inert masses of flesh. He thought of the wounded, the appalling horror of the wounded; the feeble death-rattle which he had recently heard seemed to him to still sweep along the plain, and everywhere were corpses; the roads, houses, fields, and woods were full of them. He could see nothing but corpses lying flat upon their stomachs, upon their backs; in furrows and in ditches were stiffened, bloody corpses -nothing but dead men in heaps.

The stars still shone brightly in the black azure. He almost cried out with sorrow. Why, why this idiotic carnage? An imperceptible breeze blew. The stars twinkled. Never had they been more beautiful.

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Gabriel Chevallier: This fact makes armies and wars possible

April 18, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace

Gabriel Chevallier: Selections on war


Gabriel Chevallier
Translated by Malcolm Imrie

Men are stupid and ignorant. That is why they suffer. Instead of thinking, they believe all that they are told, all that they are taught. They choose their lords and masters without judging them, with a fatal taste for slavery.

Men are sheep. This fact makes armies and wars possible. They die the victims of their own stupid docility.

When you have seen war as I have just seen it, you ask yourself: “How can we put up with such a thing?” What frontier traced on a map, what national honor could possibly justify it? How can what is nothing but banditry be dressed up as an ideal, and allowed to happen?

They told the Germans: “Forward to a bright and joyous war! On to Paris! God is with us, for a greater Germany!” And the good, peaceful Germans, who take everything seriously, set forth to conquer, transforming themselves into savage beasts.

They told the French: “The nation is under attack. We will fight for Justice and Retribution. On to Berlin!” And the pacifist French, who take nothing at all seriously, interrupted their modest little rentier reveries to go and fight.

So it was with the Austrians, the Belgians, the English, the Russians, the Turks, and then the Italians. In a single week, twenty million men, busy with their lives and loves, with making money and planning a future, received orders to stop everything to go and kill other men. And those twenty million individuals obeyed the order because they had been convinced that this was their duty.


Nineteen years old and I had not yet come to believe that there was anything great or noble in sticking a bayonet into a man’s stomach, in rejoicing in his death.

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Paul and Victor Margueritte: The masses voted for peace but were given war

April 17, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace

Paul and Victor Margueritte: Selections on war


Paul and Victor Margueritte
The Disaster
Translated by Frederic Lees

He heaped scorn upon the shameful mockery of a Parliament; it was simply duping the people. The mass of the nation did not want war. For example, this famous garde-mobile could not be constituted. The deputies had only secured their election by promising to vote for peace.

The plebiscite was a fraud. He rose brusquely, and took from a drawer a picture which was being scattered broadcast by the million. At the head of one column was the word ‘No,’ underneath a pictorial representation of pillage – the burning of cottages and harvests; at the top of another, the word ‘Yes,’ with a pleasing picture of peace – barns overflowing with plenty, and cellars full of wine. The peasant had voted ‘Yes,’ for peace, and they had given him war.


War might be the means of raising souls above themselves, but it also let loose the fierce animal natures of brutes.


An officer had just put a bullet in his head.

“Such misfortunes must happily be rare,” said Mme. Bersheim, moved to pity.

Boisjol, again helping himself to asparagus, replied:

“It is true that the officer has a higher conception of duty than the common soldier, but suicides among the rank and file are common. More than one blow out their brains when a comrade, worn out by fatigue, marching continually under the sun, sets them the example. Examples came under my notice in Africa.”


“Yes; there is something great about war. War is a terrible angel. There is not a man of us at the present time who is not ready to do his duty….But when one thinks of those who meet with their death, and the grief of those who loved them with their whole heart and soul, is it not enough to accept this curse as a necessary evil without hoping for it?”

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Paul and Victor Margueritte: Should war break out, he also might disappear

April 16, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace

Paul and Victor Margueritte: Selections on war


Paul and Victor Margueritte
The Disaster
Translated by Frederic Lees

“How gracious the Prince Imperial is! What an admirable disposition! Do you know, he really wants to set off, to place himself in the front rank. A very Napoleon!”

“Poor child!” exclaimed Chartrain, who, stout and ridiculous though he was, had suddenly assumed the air of a very fine fellow. “I hope that God will spare him the spectacle of such a horror.” He turned towards Du Breuil, and said very simply, as though in excuse for his words: “You see, I myself have a son who is going with the army. He is so timid and delicate that his mother and I shall be very anxious.”

Mme. Langlade eyed him from head to foot.

“The very idea! I also have a son, but he is dying to fight. If he were otherwise disposed I should renounce him.”

A sadness came upon the fat-cheeked face; a silent reproach appeared momentarily in his large eyes, which filled with tears. Du Breuil was touched. His own family in their chateau in the department of the Creuse rose up before him – the manly face of his father, an officer who had fought in the first African campaign, and who had retired when young with the rank of Major, when his right arm was shattered by a Kabyle bullet; the sweet, thoughtful face of his mother. They would be getting alarmed at the news – the father stoical, the mother keeping back her tears; both silent, as was their wont. He knew the full meaning of this silence between two beings who adored each other. His younger brother, a Lieutenant of Zouaves, had fallen a victim to the Mexican expedition. His parents did well never to speak of their dead son; they never ceased to think of him. Should war break out, he also might disappear.

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Maxime Formant: They would know the ecstasies of sacking conquered cities

April 14, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace


Maxime Formant
The She-Wolf
A Romance of the Borgias

Translator not identified

…others would ride at the heads of armies; others would sleep in tents, whilst the warrior’s star kissed their brows….They would force the chief towns of their foes, and, under a hail of bullets, assault and scale ramparts carried by storming troops. They would stand on the tops of walls in red glory, bleeding, burnt, terrible, magnificent as gods. They would know the ecstasies of sacking conquered cities, and all the joys that fire and sword and rape could provide. Theirs would be the brutal and glorious destinies….

“To be Caesar or nothing!”

A phantom rose up before him clothed in a toga; upon his brow was a wreathe of laurel and with imperious features and outstretched arm he pointed to the road, a white and motionless figure. The silent mouth cried aloud, “No victims, no glorious destiny! Look on me; I am as pale as a marble god, not because of the blood which ran from my wounds when Brutus slew me, but because of that which sprang from the veins of the Roman people to make my glory. I have cost the world so much, that it worships me for evermore. Give up my name, or make to thyself a soul like mine. Thou art not worthy to march beneath my standard if, in following me, thou art afraid lest thou stumble upon a corpse.”

Don Caesar raised his head and, with a sigh of joy, breathed in the first fresh breath of air. In the midst of the harmony of perfumes which rose from the blossoming box-trees and the tufts of lavender he could distinguish strange odors, the delicious scent of murder….

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Michael Arlen: Better build monuments to poets and philosophers than to warriors

April 13, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

British writers on peace and war


Michael Arlen
Man’s Mortality

“They can rebuild their column and their arch and stick a poet on one and a philosopher beneath the other. The world would be a better place now if England had ever thought of sticking Shakespeare on a higher monument than Nelson and surrounding him with flowers instead of lions.”


“Madam Abazar, will you tell me this: Do you anticipate that Italy and China will plunge the world into war?”

“They will try.”

“No. This will happen. The ultimatum lapses at midnight next Monday. Two minutes later the admiral of Air Command, Knut Helgar, will cross the Italian frontier at the head of an adequate fleet of airships and police units. The Italian-Chinese fleet will no doubt be concentrated in Lombardy, north of Milan. Well armed as they are, I fear they must retreat before full police strength, and it is probable that by two in the morning the industrial section of Milan will cease to exist. That will end hostilities.”

Count Piero Branca’s emotions were too deep to permit him to frown. He passed his handkerchief over his forehead.

“Madam, you will murder Italy.”

“Only Milan. It is regrettable, of course, that the operation must cause so much destruction. We have calculated that the loss of life in Milan will be between fifty and eighty thousand….”

Branca’s aide asked in a flat voice: “What are they saying in there? You look as though you had seen a ghost.”

He felt suddenly as though his brain contained the world. He saw endless avenues of towers soaring into the sky. He saw they were crammed with men and women. Then in absolute silence the towers, one by one, then altogether, began shivering and falling down. Then the dust, whirling and eddying in circles, gradually settled….

Branca’s aide asked: “Is there going to be war?”

“I don’t know.”

“I think there will be war.”


Thus the world was set for its plunge into animalism, the first attempt at internationalism had failed, and this story is over.

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Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Celebrate return of peace by directing readers to noblest works of peace

April 12, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

British writers on peace and war

Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Selections on peace and war


Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Principles of Genial Criticism

When storms blow high in the political atmosphere, the events of the day fill the sails, and the writer may draw in his oars, and let his brain rest; but when calm weather returns, then comes too “the tug of toil,” hard work and little speed. Yet he not only sympathizes with the public joy, as a man and a citizen, but he will seek to derive some advantages even for his editorial functions, from the cessation of battles and revolutions. He cannot indeed hope to excite the same keen and promiscuous sensation as when he had to announce events, which by the mere bond of interest brought home the movements of monarchs and empires to every individual’s counting-house and fire-side ; but he consoles himself by the reflection, that these troublesome times occasioned thousands to acquire a habit, and almost a necessity, of reading, which it now becomes his object to retain by the gradual substitution of a milder stimulant, which though less intense is more permanent, and by its greater divergency no less than duration, even more pleasureable. – And how can he hail and celebrate the return of peace more worthily or more appropriately, than by exerting his best faculties to direct the taste and affections of his readers to the noblest works of peace? The tranquillity of nations permits our patriotism to repose. We are now allowed to think and feel as men, for all that may confer honor on human nature….

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H.G. Wells: This little planet everywhere scarred and disfigured by long wars

April 10, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

British writers on peace and war

H.G. Wells: Selections on war


H.G. Wells
The Shape of Things to Come

This little planet of which he was now at last in mentally untroubled possession was not simply still under-developed and waste; its surface was everywhere scarred and disfigured by the long wars he had waged so blindly for its mastery. Everywhere in 2059 the scenery of the earth still testified to the prolonged war….

To cry “End the war” ended nothing, because it gave no intimations of what had to replace belligerent governments in the control of human affairs. The peace the masses craved for was as yet only a featureless negative. But peace must be a positive thing, designed and sustained, for peace is less natural than warfare. We who have at last won through to the Pax Mundi know how strong and resolute, how powerfully equipped and how vigilant, the keepers of the peace must be.

The industrialists and financiers built up these monstrous armaments and imposed them on the governments of the time, with a disregard of consequences that seems now absolutely imbecile. Most of these armament propagandists were admirable in their private lives: gentle lovers, excellent husbands, fond of children and animals, good fellows, courteous to inferiors, and so on. Sir Basil Zaharoff, the greatest of munition salesmen, as one sees him in the painting (ascribed to Orpen) recently discovered in Paris, with his three-cornered hat, his neat little moustaches and beardlet, and the ribbon of some Order of Chivalry about his neck, looks quite a nice, if faintly absurd, little gentleman. Those shareholding bishops and clergy may, for anything we know to the contrary, have had charming personalities. But they wanted their dividends. And in order to pay them those dividends, the dread of war and the need of war had to be kept alive in the public mind.

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George Santayana: Wars prove the world has turned its back on reason


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

American writers on peace and against war

George Santayana: Selections on war


George Santayana
Persons and Places

The contemporary world has turned its back on the attempt and even on the desire to live reasonably. The two great wars (so far) of the twentieth century were adventures in enthusiastic unreason. They were inspired by unnecessary and impracticable ambitions….


She planned to have at least eight children, four boys and four girls; but a husband had not turned up. The war had depleted the ranks of elder solid reasonable suitors….


From the country each city still draws its wealth and sustenance, as well as the fresh hands required for its multiplying trades, the servants for its great houses, and the young soldiers to be enlisted, by force or by bribes, in its feuds and conquests.


If any community can become and wishes to become communistic or democratic or anarchical I wish it joy from the bottom of my heart. I have only two qualms in this case: whether such ideals are realisable, and whether those who pursue them fancy them to be exclusively and universally right: an illusion pregnant with injustice, oppression, and war.


Those who advise resignation to a life of industrial slavery (because spiritual virtues may be cultivated by a slave, like Epictetus, more easily perhaps than by rich men) are surrendering the political future to an artificial militant regime that cannot last unaltered for a decade anywhere, and could hardly last a day, if by military force it were ever made universal.

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Gabriel Chevallier: War is not edifying, purifying or redemptive


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace

Gabriel Chevallier: Selections on war


Gabriel Chevallier
From the preface to the 1951 edition of Fear
Translated by Malcolm Imrie

When I was young we were taught – when we were at the front – that war was edifying, purifying and redemptive. We have all seen the repercussions of such twaddle: profiteers, arms dealers, the black market, denunciations, betrayals, firing squads, torture; not to mention famine, tuberculosis, typhus, terror, sadism. And heroism, I agree. But the small, exceptional amount of heroism does not make up for the immensity of evil. Besides, few people are cut out for true heroism. Let those of us who cam back have the honesty to admit it.

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H.G. Wells: Blood as printers’ ink


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

British writers on peace and war

H.G. Wells: Selections on war


H.G. Wells
The Shape of Things to Come

You could buy a big newspaper in those days, lock, stock and barrel, for five or ten million dollars, and the profits made on one single battleship came to more than that. Naturally, and according to the best business traditions, the newspapers hired or sold themselves to the war salesmen. What was wrong in that? Telling the news in those days was a trade, not a public duty. A daily paper that had dealt faithfully with this accumulating danger would quite as naturally and necessarily have found its distribution impeded, have found itself vigorously outdone by more richly endowed competitors, able because of their wealth to buy up all the most attractive features, able to outdo it in every way with the common reader.

It wasn’t that the newspaper owners and the munition dealers wanted anyone hurt. They only wanted to sell equipment and see it used up. Nor was it that the newspapers desired the wholesale mangling and butchering of human beings. They wanted sales and advertisements. The butchery was quite by the way, an unfortunate side issue to legitimate business. Shortsightedness is not diabolical, even if it produces diabolical results.

And even those soldiers? Freudheim, in his analysis of the soldierly mind, shows a picture of that Sir Henry Wilson we have already mentioned, arrayed in shirt-sleeves and digging modestly in the garden of his villa during a phase of retirement, and the same individual smirking in all his glory, buttons, straps and “decorations”, as a director of military operations. It is an amazing leap from the suburban insignificance of a retired clerk to godlike importance. In peace time, on the evidence of his own diaries, this Wilson was a tiresome nobody, an opinionated bore; in war he passed beyond criticism and became a god. One understands at once what a vital matter employment and promotion must have been to him. But so far as we can tell he desired no killing AS killing. If he had been given blood to drink he would probably have been sick. Yet he lived upon tanks of blood.


How all these hideous devices of the New Warfare were to be brought together to effect the definitive subjugation of the Will of a belligerent Power was apparently never thought out, or, if it was, the plans were kept so secret that now they have perished with their makers. After the millions had choked, after the cities were a stench of dead bodies – what then?


The British and Americans, who hoped to keep out of the conflict to the end, had experienced an exhilarating revival of exports and found their bills against the belligerents mounting very hopefully. Once more Tyneside echoed to hammering; steel, iron and chemical shares boomed and the iron and steel industry, like some mangy, toothless old tiger, roused itself for the only quarry it had now the vigour to pursue – man-eating. It had long ceased to dream of new liners or bridges or railways or steel-framed houses. But it could still make guns and kill. It could not look far enough ahead to reckon whether at last there would be any meat on the man’s bones.

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George Santayana: His parents’ admonitions against war


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

American writers on peace and against war

George Santayana: Selections on war


George Santayana
Persons and Places

Letter from his mother.

No date (about 1880)

“I am glad that our son has no inclination to be a soldier. No career displeases me more, and if I were a man, it would repel me less to be a hangman than a soldier, because the one is obliged to put to death only criminals sentenced by the law, but the other kills honest men who like himself bathe in innocent blood at the bidding of some superior. Barbarous customs that I hope will disappear when there are no kings and no desire for conquest and when man has the world for his country and all his fellow-beings for his brothers. You will say that I am dreaming. It may be so. Adieu.”

I suspect that the words may have come from her father’s lips, or out of the book of maxims drawn from all sages, from Confucius to Benjamin Franklin, that my grandfather had collected and published….


…he (Santayana’s father) was no soldier, not merely no soldier temperamentally in that personally he shrank from conflicts rather than provoked them, but no soldier morally or religiously, in that he saw nothing worth fighting for. Of course, you fought for your life if attacked: that was a mechanical reaction of the organism. But he could have felt no sympathy with the martial regimen and the martial patriotism of an ancient city.

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H.G. Wells: Chemistry at the service of mass murder


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

British writers on peace and war

H.G. Wells: Selections on war


H.G. Wells
The Shape of Things to Come

Research for the latest improvements soon led the now almost morbidly progressive military mind to some horrifying discoveries. Some of the soldiers concerned were certainly badly scared by the realization of what evils it was now possible to inflict in warfare. It leaked out in their speeches and books. But they kept on. They kept on partly because they had a stout-hearted tradition and refused to be dismayed…because it was the only job they could do. Throughout the three decades that followed the Congress of Versailles, thousands of highly intelligent men, specialist soldiers, air soldiers, engineering soldiers, chemical, medical soldiers and the like, a far ampler and more energetic personnel than that devoted to the solution of the much more urgent and important financial riddles of the time, were working out, with unstinted endowments and the acquiescence and approval of their prospective victims, patiently, skillfully, thoroughly, almost inconceivably, abominable novelties for the surprise and torture of human beings.


The people engaged in this business were, on the whole, exceptionally grave, industrious and alert-minded. Could they revisit the world to-day individually we should probably find them all respectable, companionable, intelligible persons. Yet in the aggregate they amounted to an organization of dangerous lunatics. They inflicted dreadful deaths, hideous sufferings or tormented lives upon, it is estimated, about a million of their fellow creatures.


Other war poisons followed upon this invention, still more deadly: merciful poisons that killed instantly and cruel and creeping poisons that implacably rotted the brain. Some produced convulsions and a knotting up of the muscles a hundred times more violent than the once dreaded tetanus. There is a horrible suggestiveness in the description of the killing of a flock of goats for experimental purposes in these researches: “All succumbed to the effect of the gas except three, which dashed their brains out against the enclosure.” And to assist these chemicals in their task of what Dr. Woker calls “mass murder” there was a collateral research into incendiary substances and high explosives, to shatter and burn any gas attack shelter to which a frightened crowd might resort.

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H.G. Wells: The New Warfare, transition to total war

April 1, 2024 1 comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

British writers on peace and war

H.G. Wells: Selections on war


H.G. Wells
The Shape of Things to Come

Everywhere the War Offices stirred with novel conceptions of strange inventions, secret novelties and furtive systematic research. Everywhere the obscure reports of spies and informants, carefully fostered by the armament dealers affected, stimulated this forced inventiveness.

It was realized that the old warfare had in fact perished in a state of lumpish hypertrophy in the trenches. It had indeed been a “war to end war” – and the old war was done for. The new warfare had to replace it – and quickly. The Foreign Offices demanded it. They could not do without war of some sort….

The glorious victories during the romantic ages of human warfare all amounted to battles of practically the same pattern, to a great central battering with pikes, swords, bayonets, maces or suchlike implements, a swiping, pushing, punching, pelting, stabbing, poking and general clapperclawing amidst a shower of comparatively light missiles, that went on at longest for a few hours, and ended in a break, a flight, a cavalry pursuit and a massacre. This “open warfare” alternated, it is true, with long sieges, less sportsmanlike phases, in which the contending hosts refused battle and squatted unwholesomely in excavations and behind walls, annoying each other by raids and attempts to storm and break through, until hunger, pestilence, the decay of discipline under boredom, or the exasperation of the surrounding population broke up the party. Non-combatants suffered considerable temporary and incidental molestation during warfare, there was a certain amount of raping and looting, devastation to destroy supplies, pressed labour and spy-hunting on a scale which amounted in most cases to little more than an exacerbation of normal criminality. Wholesale devastation, such as the break-up of the irrigation of Mesopotamia by the Mongols, or the laying waste of Northumbria by William the Conqueror of England, was, when it occurred, a measure of policy rather than a war measure. War had to go on for many decades before it could produce such disorganisation as that of Asia Minor in the wars between Byzantium and Persia. The Islamic invasions were at first made additionally disagreeable by religious propaganda, but this was speedily replaced by discriminatory taxation. The long distance campaigns of Roman, Hunnish and Mongol armies again spread various once localized infectious and contagious diseases very widely; but the total influence of the old warfare upon human destiny was enormously exaggerated by the nationalist historians of the old régime. It was of infinitely less importance than migration. The peasant life went on unchangingly, squalid and laborious, as it had been going on for the majority of human beings since agriculture began. The various “Decisive Battles of the World” were high points in that fantasy of the pedants, the great “drama of the empires”, with which they befogged the human mind for so long during its gropings from the peasant state of life towards a sane and orderly way of living.

But with the Napoleonic wars, the soldier began to invade and modify the texture of normal life as he had never done before, by conscription, by unprecedented monetary levies, indemnities and taxes that dislocated economic processes; and conversely, quite uninvited by the soldier, as we have shown, the expanding forces of power industrialism and of mass manipulation through journalistic and other sorts of propaganda, invaded both the military field and the common life. War, which had been like the superficial ploughing of our ancestors, became a subsoil plough, an excavator that went deeper and deeper, that began presently to deflect underground springs and prepare extensive landslides.

The Generals of the World War were all in the position of inexperienced amateurs in charge of vast mechanisms beyond their power of control. War, which formerly had been fought on the flat along a “front”, suddenly reached through and over the contending armies, and allowed no one to stand out of it any more. The New Warfare, it was already being remarked by 1918, was a war of whole populations, from which all respect for the non-combatant was vanishing. People said this, and some few even tried to understand in detail what it meant. And now all over the world military gentlemen, many of them still adorned with the spurs, epaulettes, froggings, buttons, stripes, ribbons, medals, residual scraps of armour and suchlike pretty glories of the good old times, set themselves most valiantly to work out the possibilities and methods of the New Warfare.


An unarmed man could go about in reasonable security in most of Europe, India, China, America. Nobody offered him violence or attempted open robbery. Even the policeman in the English-speaking and Western European communities carried no weapon but a truncheon.

But the World War broke down many of the inhibitions of violence and bloodshed that had been built up during the progressive years of the nineteenth century and an accumulating number of intelligent, restless unemployed men, in a new world of motor-cars, telephones, plate-glass shop windows, unbarred country houses and trustful social habits, found themselves faced with illegal opportunities far more attractive than any legal behaviour-system now afforded them….

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George Santayana: Slaughter by the indistinguishable million

March 31, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

American writers on peace and against war

George Santayana: Selections on war


George Santayana
Persons and Places

My two Guardsmen were apparently thinking of resigning their commissions; something that surprised me a little in the case of A, who I knew had made a special study of gunnery. As for B, soldiering was what any obligation is for the vaguely young….I was sorry for the poor chap. Most enviable of men, I should have thought him, in his person and surroundings; yet for that very reason he seemed to have no future. The garden that had bred him, having seen him bloom, had no further use for him. It is indeed in the nature of existence to undermine its best products, and also its worst. This may be an acceptable reflection to the philosopher, who dwells in the eternal, but not for the fatted calf being led to the slaughter.

To the slaughter he was being led without suspecting it, like any placid wreathed bullock marching to the sacrifice. His generation had just endured the carnage of the Boer War, but that of 1914 was approaching. After all this was the traditional calling of his class, but in a simpler, smaller, clearer phase of society, when there could be chivalry in the master, and devotion in the servant. Now all that was outmoded, and the ethics of it sounded hollow. The gentleman no longer felt at home in the saddle or in the field; he was no longer the ruler of his land and his country; he was a tax-payer submerged and forced to sell his estates by the very war he had helped to wage. Nor could he escape by becoming a plain citizen. Slaughter would continue, slaughter now by the indistinguishable million. It would be a question of victims without a vocation to die, conscripts and mechanics buried by chance in an avalanche of missiles.

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H.G. Wells: Means of destruction kept pace with increase in wealth of mankind

March 30, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

British writers on peace and war

H.G. Wells: Selections on war


H.G. Wells
The Shape of Things to Come

…the reader will not be able to understand the world-wide tolerance of growing armaments and war preparations during this period unless he realizes the immediate need inherent in the system for unremunerative public expenditure. Somewhere the energy economized had to come out. The world of private finance would not tolerate great rehousing, great educational and socially constructive enterprises, on the part of the relatively feeble governments of the time. All that had to be reserved for the profit accumulator. And so the ever-increasing productivity of the race found its vent in its ancient traditions of warfare, which admitted the withdrawal of a large proportion of the male population from employment for a year or so and secreted that vast accumulation of forts, battleships, guns, submarines, explosives, barracks and the like, which still amazes us. Without this cancer growth of armies and navies, the paradox of over-production latent in competitive private enterprise would probably have revealed itself in an overwhelming mass of unemployment before even the end of the nineteenth century. A social revolution might have occurred then.

Militarism, however, alleviated these revolutionary stresses, by providing vast profit-yielding channels of waste. And it also strengthened the forces of social repression. The means of destruction accumulated on a scale that well-nigh kept pace with the increase in the potential wealth of mankind. The progressive enslavement of the race to military tyranny was an inseparable aspect, therefore, of free competition for profits. The latter system conditioned and produced the former. It needed the former so as to have ballast to throw out to destruction and death whenever it began to sink. The militarist phase of the early twentieth century and the paradox of over-production are correlated facets of the same reality, the reality of the planless hypertrophy of the social body.

It is interesting to note how this morbid accumulation of energy in belligerence and its failure to find vent in other directions became more and more evident in the physiognomy of the world as the twentieth century progressed. The gatherings of mankind became blotched with uniforms. Those admirable albums of coloured pictures, Historical Scenes in a Hundred Volumes, which are now placed in all our schools and show-places and supplied freely to any home in which there are children, display very interestingly the advent, predominance and disappearance of military preoccupations in the everyday life of our ancestors. These pictures are all either reproductions of actual paintings, engravings or photographs, or, in the case of the earlier volumes, they are elaborate reconditionings to the more realistic methods of our time of such illustrations as were available. Military operations have always attracted the picture-maker at all times, and there are plentiful pictures of battles from every age, from the little cricket-field battle of the Middle Ages to the hundred mile fights of the last Great War, but our interest here is not with battles but with the general facies of social life.

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H.G. Wells: He enjoyed the war. His soldiers are toy soldiers and he loves to knock over a whole row of them.

March 29, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

British writers on peace and war

H.G. Wells: Selections on war


H.G. Wells
The Shape of Things to Come

Few of us could write even a brief account now of the World War….Nearly all the commanders concerned had dull and unattractive personalities and the business was altogether too unwieldy for them. Most of their operations were densely stupid, muddled both in conception and execution. One would as soon listen to a child reciting not very accurately and at endless length the deals and tricks of some game of cards it has played, or imagines it has played, as read their memoirs – packed as they too often are with self-exculpation, personal resentments and malice.

For the rodomontade of the conflict the curious cannot do better than glance through the eager narrative of Winston Churchill’s World Crisis. There one finds all the stereotyped flourishes and heroisms of nineteenth-century history from the British point of view; the “drama of history” in rich profusion, centred upon one of the most alert personalities in the conflict. He displays a vigorous naïve puerility that still gives his story an atoning charm. He has the insensitiveness of a child of thirteen. His soldiers are toy soldiers and he loves to knock over a whole row of them. He enjoyed the war. He takes himself and all the now forgotten generals and statesmen of the war with a boyish seriousness. He passes grave judgments on their tragic fooleries and distributes compliments and blame, often in the most gracious manner, convinced that he is writing for a meticulously admiring and envious posterity.

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George Santayana: William James and Philippines: losing his country by annexing another

March 28, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

American writers on peace and against war

George Santayana: Selections on war

William James: Selections on war


George Santayana
Persons and Places

One afternoon in the autumn of 1898 we were standing in (George Herbert) Palmer’s library after a brief business meeting, and conversation turned on the terms of peace imposed by the United States on Spain after the Cuban war. James was terribly distressed. Addressing himself rather to Palmer, who was evidently enjoying the pleasant rays of the setting sun upon his back, and the general spacious comfort of the library (he then lived in the old President’s house at the corner of Quincy Street), James felt that he had lost his country. Intervention in Cuba might be defended, on account of the perpetual bad government there and the suffering of the natives. But the annexation of the Philippines, what could excuse that? What could be a more shameless betrayal of American principles? What could be a plainer symptom of greed, ambition, corruption, and imperialism?

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Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Fleeing from yelp of cur, we took shelter at feet of vicious warhorse

March 27, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

British writers on peace and war

Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Selections on peace and war


Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Biographia Literaria

To this hour I cannot find reason to approve of the first war either in its commencement or its conduct.

I regarded it as some proof of my not having laboured altogether in vain, that from the articles written by me shortly before and at the commencement of the late unhappy war with America, not only the sentiments were adopted, but in some instances the very language, in several of the Massachusetts state papers.

…in England, when the alarm was at its highest, there was not a city, no, not a town or village, in which a man suspected of holding democratic principles could move abroad without receiving some unpleasant proof of the hatred in which his supposed opinions were held by the great majority of the people; and the only instances of popular excess and indignation were on the side of the government and the established church….Like children we ran away from the yelping of a cur, and took shelter at the heels of a vicious war horse.


O! if it should be permitted by Providence, that without detriment to freedom and independence our government might be enabled to become more than a committee for war and revenue! 

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Gabriel Chevallier: All the threats and horrors summed up in that small word – war

March 26, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace

Gabriel Chevallier: Selections on war


Gabriel Chevallier
The Euffe Inheritance
Translated by Jocelyn Godefroi

Even in Grenoble itself all branches and ranks of the army were to be seen, and the peaked cap held sway; on the pavements in front of the cafés it was almost universal. One feature of the war was almost entirely without precedent, the plunging of part of Europe into darkness owing to the fear of attacks from the air: the effects of the shock to people’s minds caused by the terrible blasting of Warsaw was very strict. The only consolation for the lack of any form of shelter was a great profusion of whistles and cries of “Lights out!”


She left the station, weeping and stumbling, in the somber darkness of this night in war. Over and again, in her despair, she kept repeating these words: “I commit him to your care, I commit him to your care!” She was addressing her protectress, the Virgin of St-Laurent….But while making this appeal she failed to recall the familiar features. The Lady of Heaven remained hidden in the unfathomable blackout, as though she too had taken fright at all the threats and horrors summed up in that small word – war.


He was conscious of her having received a blow that struck at the roots of her life’s work, in the same way that war – always war! – when it had struck him in the hip twenty-six years before had destroyed the best parts of himself, the horseman and the warrior. He knew that time is needed – sometime much time – to recover from these severe, these fundamental amputations….

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Gabriel Chevallier: The general’s fatal domestic campaign

March 25, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace

Gabriel Chevallier: Selections on war


Gabriel Chevallier
The Euffe Inheritance
Translated by Jocelyn Godefroi

The general’s widow was reputed to be an unusually capable woman with an exceptionally good head on her shoulders, though it was not with her head only that she had fought the battle of life, in which by means of four consecutive husbands she has achieved no little success: there were the late M. Prunavent, chemist; the late M. Mathias, barrister; the late M. Larbois, manufacturer; and lastly, the general himself.

Forty years earlier the intrepid Natalie had plunged into marriage in the spirit of a suffragette; and her numerous unions had left her with such a terrible hatred of men that it seemed that the only object of her multiplicity of marriages could have been to take reprisals. It was at the age of forty-seven, when she was already well provided for, that she marked down the general, a feeble man outside his military duties and a perfect coward in face of love. It was, however, regarded as a rash undertaking on the part of this slayer of husbands, for it is well known that generals, hardened by healthy open-air life, live to a great age, aside from accidents, which are rare and unlikely to occur….After continually storming at him as though he were a second lieutenant, to such an extent that the wretched man had often hoped for a European conflagration in order to get a little enjoyment and peace, she killed off her general as she had the others.

On the death of her soldier, Natalie, who was then fifty-seven, remained the “general’s wife,” an entirely suitable designation, and strongly upheld her position.

“…Now when the general was alive…oh, the poor man didn’t know much outside his reviews and parade grounds….but he was interested in military painting on account of the uniforms. In my drawing room we had two Detailles, battle-scenes or something like that: you knew what it was meant to be….”

“…As the general used to say…oh, he didn’t do much thinking, poor man, but he reduced everything to a simple system. ‘I start by telling ’em to go to blazes. Then one can think it over afterwards,” he used to say. And afterwards the thing was settled. My word! – if I’d listened to the reasons of my four rascals….”


“Oh,” said the general’s wife “…In four marriages I’ve had nothing but softies hanging round me!”

“What!” Edmond said. “There was the general.”

“Oh, my poor friend. That thunderbolt of war was a man who at home loved his fireside and slippers and couldn’t say boo to a goose. He was afraid of another general who had a tiny bit more on his sleeve. Oh, I’ve had more than enough of the Army! I am very sorry indeed that the flying man arrived too late for women of my generation. I should have liked to sample…”


…the widow of the General de Saint-Foy, a sort of cuirassier in corsets, as formidably corpulent as ever, as fully prepared to lead troops of maidens to assaults on the god of love, and whose activities were resembling those cavalry charges at the period of our fourteenth of July, when a military display is at the height of its glory….


“I have seen generals at close quarters – having married one. If they are all of the same stamp as my old man, I can tell you straightway that it’s all up with us….”

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Gabriel Chevallier: War ruins armies

March 23, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace

Gabriel Chevallier: Selections on war


Gabriel Chevallier
The Euffe Inheritance
Translated by Jocelyn Godefroi

“…If you come to think of it, war ruins armies, because it lowers the level of recruiting. The perfect soldiers are those who never have to go to war and serve as an adornment of peace, by cultivating a tradition of good manners, a fine bearing, and honor. I shouldn’t be surprised if those qualities are seen at their very best among the pontifical zouaves and the bodyguard of the Prince of Monaco. The Swiss army, which hasn’t had a fight for years, is said to be magnificent. War kills off the finest military specimens and they are hard to replace.”


She says she’s an officer’s daughter, so I have heard.”

“There’s a sight too many officer’s daughters in that game! I know perfectly well that men in the army don’t make their fortunes and that they’ve got their risks to face in wartime. But that’s hardly a reason why their daughters should become kept women!”

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Plutarch: Culture benefits the family, city, nation, whole human race more than war

March 22, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

Greek and Roman writers on war and peace

Plutarch: Selections on war and peace


On Music*
Translated by Benedict Einarson and Phillip H. De Lacy

The wife of Phocion the Good said that his feats of generalship were her adornment; for my part I hold that not only my own adornment, but that of all my friends as well, is my preceptor’s zeal for letters. For we know that whereas the most brilliant successes of generals end merely in preserving from momentary dangers a few soldiers, a single city, or at most a single nation, but in no wise make better men of those soldiers or citizens or yet of those fellow nationals, culture, on the other hand, which is the substance of felicity and the source of good counsel, can be found useful not merely to a family or a city or a nation, but to the whole human race. The greater benefit conferred by culture in comparison with all military exploits is the measure of the value that belongs to the discussion of it.

*Sometimes attributed to Plutarch.

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Anthony Powell: The war blew the whole bloody thing up

March 21, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

British writers on peace and war


Anthony Powell
A Dance to the Music of Time

“…People talk of rearming….There is far too much disregard, as it is, of the equilibrium to be maintained between the rate of production and consumption in the aggregate, without the additional interference of a crushing armaments programme. We do not want an obstacle like that in the way of the organised movement toward progressive planning in the economic world of today….No, no, none of that, please. What is much more likely to be productive is to settle things around a table….”


The possibility that I might have been “in the war” seemed perfectly conceivable to him.

“Some of it wasn’t so bad,” he said.


“Most of it perfect hell, of course. Absolute bloody hell on earth. Gives me the willies even to think of it sometimes.”

“Where were you?”

“Joined up at Thirsk. Started off in the Green Howards. Got a commission after a bit in one of the battalions of the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment. I’d exchanged from the Duke’s into the Machine-Gun Corps when I caught it in the tummy at Le Bassé.”

“Pretty unpleasant?”

“Not too good. Couldn’t digest anything for ages. Can’t always now, to tell the truth….”


“People don’t think the same way any longer,” he bawled across the table. “The war blew the whole bloody thing up, like tossing a Mills bomb into a dug-out. Everything’s changed about all that. Always feel rather sorry for your generation as a matter of fact, not but what we haven’t all lost our – what do you call ’em – you know, somebody used the word in our house the other night – saying much what I’m saying now? Struck me very forcibly. You know – when you’re soft enough to think things are going to be a damned sight better than they turn out to be. What’s the word?”


“Illusions! That’s the one. We’ve lost all our bloody illusions….”

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Antonine Maillet: That’s enough to give you some idea of what war is

March 19, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

Women writers on peace and war

Antonine Maillet: One day war got declared

Antonine Maillet: War succeeding war

Antonine Maillet: When are the soldiers are dead, bombs dropped, maybe we’ll have some peace


Antonine Maillet
La Sagouine
Translated by Wayne Grady

Jos Chevreu, he came back with two holes where his eyes was, and they gave him a pair of sunglasses and a white cane as well as a pension. And then there was the late Pete Motté’s son, who hadn’t been more than eighteen when he signed up, and who’d been the sole supporter of his mother ever since Pete’s death, seems they found him wandering round the battlefields in France two years after the war was over, on account of he’d lost his wits, the poor thing, when a bullet got lodged in his head between the bottom of his skull and his spinal column. They brought him home and gave him back to his mother, good soldier that he was, but he still don’t recognize her to this day.


I live down there, but that ain’t where I was born. I was born higher up, before the war. Not this last war, the first war. I know they say it wasn’t the first war, that there was other wars before that one, and I guess they’re right. But I didn’t know about them. I only know about two wars, but that’s enough to give you some idea of what war is. A small idea, anyways….

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Pierre Gascar: A kind of temple. The war had stopped at the door.

March 18, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

French writers on war and peace

Pierre Gascar: Inside the forest, beyond the touch of war

Pierre Gascar: One could read the whole world kindling another war


Pierre Gascar
The Fugitive
Translated be Merloyd Lawrence

She knew he would try to talk about her mother, or her brother who had been killed in the beginning of the eastern campaign. Why couldn’t he leave them in peace! There would be enough dead tomorrow, without reviving those of yesterday. The war was taking its course and the high-sounding ideals they were throwing at one another were already posthumous ones.

Time, momentarily blotted out, began again. After today, there would be another day, then another and another, without end. The sounds of war would fade away completely. People would open their doors.

The silence seemed even deeper than outdoors, where, however, nothing was rustling or moving at that hour. A room outside of time. The war had stopped at the door. A kind of temple.

From high on the wooden hillside, he had seen a landscape stricken by death, and dazzling. The truth of silence.

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Antonine Maillet: When are the soldiers are dead, bombs dropped, maybe we’ll have some peace

March 17, 2024 Leave a comment


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

Women writers on peace and war

Antonine Maillet: One day war got declared

Antonine Maillet: That’s enough to give you some idea of what war is

Antonine Maillet: War succeeding war


Antonine Maillet
La Sagouine
Translated by Wayne Grady

Well now, Gapi, he don’t even believe they’re fighting a real war in Vietnam, that’s how stubborn he is. Just a lot of made-up stories, he says. You don’t fight a war like that, according to him, and he knows what he’s talking about there, because he was in the war in the old country. And what he says is, from what he’s heard about Vietnam, it can’t happen like that. You fight a war between two armies, he says, on a battlefield, not in the streets and in the schools, where there’s women and children. And why would the States go into Vietnam in the first place, is what he wants to know. They don’t live there, they ain’t so much as stuck their noses in there before, what kind of dumb-ass American would want to go fight on the other side of the world in a war that has nothing to do with him?

When all the soldiers are dead and all the bombs are gone off, the maybe we’ll have some peace around here….

If they have to go dropping their bombs and training their soldiers to shoot straight, there won’t be no damage done around here. It’s the people over there who’ll get all the damage done to them, the women and the children in Vietnam. Don’t know what they ever did to deserve it, though. Don’t know at all….It’s probably not given to common folk like us to know about things like that. I mean, it’s not as though the government’s going to come down here and explain why they went to war or why they won’t let us fish in the sea no more. I don’t expect that’s any of our business, either. The way I figure it, the people being killed down there must be people like us, and I doubt they were given any say in the matter. They must have brought the war down on these people’s heads just like they came here and smashed our lobster traps on the beach, without warning or so much as a by-your-leave. That’s government business, and it ain’t none of our business, and there’s nothing we can do about it. The same as with the people in Vietnam. Anyways, once you’re dead there’s damn little you can say about it one way or the other. And don’t think they don’t know that.

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