Minecraft Wiki:About

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About Minecraft Wiki
Minecraft Wiki
Wiki.png: Infobox image for Minecraft Wiki the fallback infobox in Minecraft
MediaWiki version

1.41.1 (ab9308a)

Pages / Content pages

180,964 / 10,118

Uploaded files


Users / Active users

509,865 / 655

This wiki is a publicly accessible and editable website for gathering useful information related to the Minecraft franchise. It is commonly called the "Minecraft Wiki", though it is not affiliated with the developers of Minecraft (Mojang Studios and Microsoft) in any way. The wiki is a database of information of any Minecraft content made up entirely of user contributions using the MediaWiki software, which lets people edit and change the contents of any page. There is a copyrights page for information regarding licensing and intellectual property on the Minecraft Wiki. Use of the Minecraft Wiki is subject to Weird Gloop's Terms of Service.


The Minecraft Wiki is a public and editable website that is managed and maintained by a massive group of contributors from the Minecraft community and the wiki's administration team.

The wiki was founded by Citricsquid on June 17th, 2009, as a way to document information from Minecraft. From November 15th, 2010, it was hosted by Curse Media; first as a standalone wiki, and later as a part of Gamepedia. As Fandom purchased Curse Media on December 12th, 2018, the wiki also transferred ownership to Fandom, first remaining under the Gamepedia umbrella until all Gamepedia wikis eventually became part of the Fandom wiki platform. On September 24th, 2023, the wiki forked from Fandom and is since hosted by Weird Gloop. To learn more about the wiki's history, see also Minecraft Wiki:History.

The wiki is powered by the open source and free MediaWiki wiki software. Minecraft content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Mojang Studios. All content on Minecraft Wiki (with the exception of Mojang-owned images, art, and lore) is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.
