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Michael Flynn says Myanmar-like coup 'should happen' in US

Posted by13 hours ago

Michael Flynn says Myanmar-like coup 'should happen' in US

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level 1
· 11h

This man still collecting a fucking military pension. Let THAT sink in for a minute. Makes me sick to my stomach. We have every reason to be highly concerned about the state of affairs in the US.

level 2
· 3h

This is the sort of thing we should have mass strikes over. We should not be paying taxes to literal traitors.

level 2
· 8h

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

The oath he took... Mother fucker should be hanged

level 2
· 5h

Should’ve ended when he was found guilty.

level 2
· 4h

And with the way things are looking for 2022 we are going to lose all of the states we legit won. It's already happening with the voting laws being put in place in those select states. PA will be fine I'm assuming but fuck the gop, a big issue is Roger stone, he has a much bigger roll in all of this then we think. He has the connections, the money to pull it through let along other countries that can and will interfere in our elections. Also fuck Greg Abbott!

level 2
· 4h

As a person who fully believes in the justice system, I feel like he should see his "day in court" in front of a "judge".
Even reading the quotes it's just... bad.
Question: "I want to know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?”
Response: "No reason. I mean, it should happen here.”
Why say that? US is not fucking Myanmar is one.

level 2
· 3h

This is like an onion article. Traitor man says treacherous things

level 2
· 2h

Military senior officer pensions are determined either by the highest base pay for their last 36 months of service or by the Final Pay method that is based on years of service and the general’s salary during their last pay period.

The highest possible base pay for a general is $19,762.50 per month with over 40 years of service and the O-10 pay grade. A more average major general with between 26 and 28 years of service has a base pay of $13,647.30. A four-star officer retiring with 40 years of experience would receive an annual pension of $237,144, according to the Pentagon.

Using any method, this is a hefty pension

level 2
· 3h

We have every reason to be highly concerned about the state of affairs in the US.

We should organise a coup! /s

level 2
· 2h

That's the problem though - he believes he is a patriot and that his enemies are the traitors. His "America" is fundamentally different from the one others live in.


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level 1
· 13h

Well known traitor advocates treason.

level 2
· 11h

This traitor was pardoned by the most corrupt treasonous president to hold the office. Republicans are condoning this behavior.

level 2
· 2h

No, no, no, he was only asking, “Which forest are the trees in?” not advocating a military coup, of course. How could a red blooded traitor dicknose like Mike ever do such a thing?


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Created Oct 25, 2008
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