Zephaniah Speaks

Zephaniah Speaks

Here comes the son.

I should now write a few things about the tour I’m about to start, but I want to start by talking about the tour that is just ending. Since May I have been touring with my band, The Revolutionary Minds, and it really has been amazing. Not just amazing because lots of people came out to see us, but fantastic because as anyone who has seen us live knows, we don’t just play a few tunes and watch the audience dance, we make connections. We chant together, we rise up together, we talk together, and we feel the love together. So, I’d like to thank everyone who came out to see us. As I write this we still have a few dates left in Hackney, Liverpool, Bristol, and The British library. Yes, that’s right, The British Library.

Whilst on the subject of music, I have to apologise to those of you who have struggled to get hold of my latest album. We had problems with the label who released the album the first time round, problems that are too complex to go into now, but I can sum it up by saying that the label just wasn’t revolutionary. The good news is that the album is now available for download, and very soon from now, (now being 5-9-19), the CD format of the album will be available for people who like something they can hold, and appreciate the artwork. I still buy vinyl and CDs because I love looking at how musicians, and other artists, package their work. 

I’m not going to have another political rant now, I’m letting my music speak for me, but I have to say that recently I’ve been on quite a few demonstrations, (it’s been a bit like going back to the eighties), and I have been really impressed with the amount of people who have been taking to the streets. More impressive is the range of people who are coming out, and the individual people who I have seen on many different marches. This summer I have marched for Palestine, against domestic violence, against environmental abuse, for the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire, and more, and on many of these marches I’ve seen the same people. So, many people are beginning to see the connections between these struggles. I do realise that a lot of the people in power refuse to listen to us, but it’s simply inspiring to know that there are so many people who still care.

So, I’m still riding high on the roller-coaster that is The Life and Rhymes of Benjamin Zephaniah. I can’t say too much now, but I think I can tell you that the film rights of the book have been acquired, and the movement is forwards! And of course, The Life and Rhymes Tour is continuing right through until December. These events are not strictly speaking – poetry gigs, not simply speaking gigs, and not just a question time type thing, they are all of these things. I really love doing some of my older poems at these gigs, but most of all I love it when I open questions to the audience, simply because it makes sure that every night is different, and the difference depends on the audience. So, come check me out if you can, you might even get a chance to meet me mum.

Teachers, nurses, refuge workers, doctors, and cleaners, I salute you. Every day I see firsthand how you hold our country together, and every day I want to big you up. 

People, we are going through terrible times, so let’s just try to show more love and compassion to each other as we go about our lives. 

Love up.

Benjamin Zephaniah


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