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The economy

China’s plan to buy millions of empty homes as it grapples with property crisis

China’s plan to buy millions of empty homes as it grapples with property crisis

China is considering a radical plan to tackle its ongoing property meltdown which has caused widespread damage to its economy.

  • by Bloomberg News


The US is tightening the screws on China
Trade wars

The US is tightening the screws on China

Joe Biden is throwing the kitchen sink at a key part of China’s economy.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Unable to crack the housing market, I went looking for cocaine

Unable to crack the housing market, I went looking for cocaine

No, I’m not contemplating becoming a drug dealer, but I will need something close to a lottery win to get me out of the rental rat race.

  • by Millie Muroi
Labor’s persistent refusal to fix the JobSeeker payment is shameful

Labor’s persistent refusal to fix the JobSeeker payment is shameful

Australia has the lowest benefits for the short-term unemployed among 34 countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

  • by Ross Gittins
Jim Chalmers, the budget and the art of make-believe

Jim Chalmers, the budget and the art of make-believe

The treasurer has rewritten the narrative on federal budgets. On Tuesday night, we’ll get to decide whether we believe his story – or at least want to believe it.

  • by Parnell Palme McGuinness
‘There is trepidation’: Why business owners like Jared are worried about their future

‘There is trepidation’: Why business owners like Jared are worried about their future

Spiralling costs, high interest rates and lower spending are driving more businesses into insolvency.

  • by Andrew Taylor
The force behind competition queen Gina Cass-Gottlieb

The force behind competition queen Gina Cass-Gottlieb

ACCC chair Gina Cass-Gottlieb is working harder than she ever has in her career, and the results are showing on the scoreboard, with wins including tougher merger laws, and a $120 million penalty against Qantas this past week.

  • by Anne Hyland
The economy’s just the means to an end. So, are we getting our money’s worth?

The economy’s just the means to an end. So, are we getting our money’s worth?

Our materialism puts us on a “hedonic treadmill”. We think buying a bit more stuff will make us happier and, at first, it does. But pretty soon the thrill wears off.

  • by Ross Gittins
When politicians fire up on ‘security’, my bulldust detector goes to DEFCON 1

When politicians fire up on ‘security’, my bulldust detector goes to DEFCON 1

Using “security” as a justification for a policy initiative opens the door to interventions that are, in the words of former Treasury secretary Dr Ken Henry, “frankly, bad”.

  • by Ross Gittins
Vladimir Putin humiliated as his gas empire crumbles

Vladimir Putin humiliated as his gas empire crumbles

Vladimir Putin is throwing everything he has got at ramping up Russia’s war machine. But it does not include one previously reliable source of cash.

  • by Tim Wallace
Coalition’s super-for-housing policy would only help wealthier homebuyers

Coalition’s super-for-housing policy would only help wealthier homebuyers

The Coalition’s plan to allow Australians to use their super for housing would disproportionately help wealthier people buy more expensive homes.

  • by Brendan Coates and Joey Moloney