February 2, 2023

I'm with Robert Gibbs on this one. Trump is clearly pretty happy that Nikki Haley is running for the Republican nomination as (a) he doesn't consider her a real threat, and (b) she'll help split the not-Trump vote that Ron DeSantis is clearly gunning for. The more of these pretenders the merrier, as far as Trump is concerned.

Source: Newsweek

Former President Donald Trump is encouraging Nikki Haley to abandon her "honor" amid reports that the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations will soon become his opponent in the 2024 GOP presidential primary.

The Associated Press on Wednesday reported that Haley would announce a 2024 run during an event in Charleston, South Carolina, on February 15. The impending announcement from Haley, who served as the governor of South Carolina from 2011 to 2017, was first reported by local newspaper The Post and Courier.

Haley's expected announcement is at odds with her comments made at South Carolina State University in April 2021, when the former ambassador said that she would "not run if President Trump ran" in 2024.

Trump seemingly taunted Haley by sharing a video clip of her saying that she would not challenge him after news of the announcement broke. In a Truth Social post, the former president wrote alongside the video that "Nikki has to follow her heart, not her honor," while adding that she "should definitely run!"

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