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Australians who skip second AstraZeneca vaccine are ‘almost wasting’ first dose, AMA warns

Posted by11 months ago

Australians who skip second AstraZeneca vaccine are ‘almost wasting’ first dose, AMA warns

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level 1
· 11 mo. ago
Boosted! ✨💉✅

The messaging from the Australian government regarding the AZ vaccine is terrifyingly atrocious. A vaccine that was supposed to have home production advantage is now demonised left, right and centre by Australian society. This takes the cake when clearly there is messaging to continue on with your second dose. If people want to "wait for Pfizer", then open up eligibility to all Australians who'd rather get AZ than wait. Fiji could also used more vaccines to combat their outbreak if Australians don't want it.

level 2

Chilean government is mixing AZ with Pfizer on some people. Some studies give very promising results. I hope they are correct cause im one of those people.

level 2

Here in Canada we're following the June 1, 2021 recommendations of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) on the interchangeability (mixing) of authorized COVID-19 vaccines in the two-dose vaccine series.

If you received an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine for your first dose - an authorized mRNA vaccine will be offered to you as a second dose.

If you received AstraZeneca/COVISHIELD COVID-19 vaccine as first dose and are 55 years (born in 1966) and older - you can receive either an AstraZeneca/COVISHIELD COVID-19 vaccine or an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine for your second dose.

If you received AstraZeneca/COVISHIELD COVID-19 vaccine as first dose and are under 55 years - an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine will be offered for the second dose. However, if an mRNA vaccine is contraindicated or if you don’t want an mRNA vaccine, AstraZeneca/COVISHIELD can be offered.

Source: my provincial vaccine website

level 2

In Alberta they’re not even giving second doses of AZ. They’re recommending people get an mRNA vaccine for their second

level 2

If people want to "wait for Pfizer", then open up eligibility to all Australians who'd rather get AZ than wait.

We still only get 700k az a week made. Lots of second doses to be delivered.

level 2

It’s entirely frustrating as a 25yo who would like to get vaccinated but literally can’t, idgaf about what boomers have to say with their vaccine hesitancy because they believe Murdoch media (90% of our media) I’d rather get fully vaccinated and not have to worry (at least until/if a vaccine resistant COVID hits)

level 2

Bunch of entitled boomers who'd rather the younger generation stays in lockdown with the borders closed for the next 6 months than roll the dice on a 1 in million risk.

level 2

I thought it was from r/AMA

level 2
· 11 mo. ago

Hasn't the government messaging on AZ always been that it's safe, and that adverse reactions are exceedingly rare? What kind of messaging should they have been putting forward?

level 2

Nice to have US propoganda running

level 1

At one region close to Toronto here in Canada, they have 80% hospitalized covid patients that are totally unvaccinated and 20% with only one dose. People over 40 especially absolutely need to get both doses. We have about 50% Delta variant here and its no joke.

level 2

True but Australia has very few cases. Zero in most parts of the country. A small number of occasional outbreaks

We had delta come through Melbourne. It's under control now

level 1

What issue do australians have with AZ? I got both doses and while yeah, I felt like shit both times, I havent had any other issues.

level 2

The media has gone full hog on the blood clotting issue. Many older Australians think they have an option to wait it out until the government caves and lets them have Pfizer. We’ve also got very few cases and the government said people can take their time and international borders won’t open this year. A fair few Australians never even leave the country so they wouldn’t care if the borders never opened again, this idea of fortress Australia actually is tracking some popularity.

level 2

I’ve had 1st dose of AZ. Basically our government only bought x amount because “Covids not really an issue here”. I am in Melbourne where we have had 4 lockdowns (I think) the longest was 110 of stage 4. We had an issue with Italy not exporting some to us as well. The government put a roll out system due to the limited supply starting with frontline workers. The media constantly spun Covid/AZ vaccine creating vaccine hesitancy. There has been a few cases of clots and very few deaths which scares people regardless of the %.. When it honestly falls on our government not ordering enough vaccine then blaming the public for vaccine hesitancy. The joys of Murdoch media

In December 2019, a novel coronavirus strain (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in the city of Wuhan, China. This subreddit seeks to monitor the spread of the disease COVID-19, declared a pandemic by the WHO. This subreddit is for high-quality posts and discussion. Please be civil and empathetic.




Created May 3, 2013