Climate change | Climate Change & Global warming News | The Sydney Morning Herald

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Climate change

This week in Australia energy and climate collided; it’s a global story

This week in Australia energy and climate collided; it’s a global story

This week in Australia energy and climate collided; it’s a global story

  • by Nick O'Malley


The two major threats to a ‘net zero’ world

The two major threats to a ‘net zero’ world

Shell’s head of strategy says the chances of meeting the global carbon emissions targets depend on two crucial factors.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
The tale of two households: Behind the new grid charges for excess solar

The tale of two households: Behind the new grid charges for excess solar

Australia has the highest rooftop solar penetration in the world, which brings both opportunities for decarbonisation and challenges for the grid.

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons
Fears Elon Musk’s ‘tantrum’ sackings could hit Australian EV drivers

Fears Elon Musk’s ‘tantrum’ sackings could hit Australian EV drivers

Mercurial chief executive Elon Musk’s decision to fire the team responsible for Superchargers, widely considered to be the gold-star model of charging stations, has left the industry reeling.

  • by Bianca Hall
End to a secret deal that locked in coal exports and Sydney truck traffic

End to a secret deal that locked in coal exports and Sydney truck traffic

The Port of Newcastle has paid $13 million so that it is no longer prohibited from competing with Port Botany and can diversify away from coal.

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons
Ordinary weather is now extraordinary, as Sydney braces for more rain

Ordinary weather is now extraordinary, as Sydney braces for more rain

Australia has always experienced swings between hot, dry weather and heavy rain, but this is now amplified.

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons
‘Tears of happiness at the sight of you’: Our love affair with urban trees

‘Tears of happiness at the sight of you’: Our love affair with urban trees

New research demonstrates the deep personal connections people forge with the urban environment around them, particularly city trees.

  • by Bianca Hall
Oil giant plans to move 60,000 tonnes of steel, rig waste to UN-listed wetlands

Oil giant plans to move 60,000 tonnes of steel, rig waste to UN-listed wetlands

ExxonMobil says it will recycle and repurpose 95 per cent of the material from offshore oil and gas platforms, but the plan has fishers and environmentalists worried.

  • by Bianca Hall
‘Beyond comprehension’: Why Finland is planning 100,000 years into the future

‘Beyond comprehension’: Why Finland is planning 100,000 years into the future

It reads like a science fiction book: On a tiny island off Finland’s coast, robot tractors work deep underground to move the nation’s nuclear waste. But soon, in a world first, the gates of Onkalo will open.

  • by Nick O'Malley
Can court compensate for loss of a way of life? Climate case to wrap up

Can court compensate for loss of a way of life? Climate case to wrap up

The Commonwealth has argued Torres Strait Islanders losing their unique island customs could be seen under law as a comparable loss to personal injuries.

  • by Bianca Hall
Legal fight to save their island homes from the rising sea

Legal fight to save their island homes from the rising sea

Singer Christine Anu has thrown her support behind a legal bid to save her ancestral island home in the Torres Strait from the effects of climate change.

  • by Bianca Hall