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HPE Shocked I Won't Ever Work For Them

Hello, IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again?

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HPE Shocked I Won't Ever Work For Them

this happened this last month...


"Nice to meet you! I’m reaching out from HPE’s Supercomputing group to see if you may be interested in our HPC engineering team, as there are a few roles within this team that may be of interest to you. This is a fully remote role with a focus on Network Operations, Cloud or Storage.

Your experience looks very relevant and curious if you would be open to a 20-min chat to learn more?

Looking forward to hearing back.


"Thank you ****** for the query.That said, I have to tell you--I've been in the industry for over 35 years and worked with HP and HPE here and there, and given their reputation as a company, I would never consider working for them.Enjoy your summer!"


"Thanks for your transparency. Would you mind if I asked you why you've formulated this opinion? I'm not sure if you've worked on any engagements that were not appropriate but just curious...."


"A few things to be frank:

  1. HPE merged with CSC and that company is even more evil in the IT world.  I can't see how HPE's corporate culture has *not* been infected by CSC.

  2. Being an HPC engineer and looking for bleeding edge technology, HPE was always, without exception a "me too" follower rather than a leader.  I never saw a new technology that wasn't already being done by one of HPE's competitors first.

  3. When I have had to deal with HPE support, usually outsourced, it has always been the most awful, byzantine, cross-finger-pointing, dumpster fire I have ever encountered and never want to go there again.

  4. While I respected the original engineer founders of Hewlett-Packard, the current BoD at HPE is not majority Technology or Engineering.  That tells me your company is a business/marketing company, not a STEM company.  It feels like HPE is trading on the good name of those great engineers without anything to back it up.

  5. With all due respect to Dr. Dugan and her DARPA pedigree, Mr. Ozzie is the chair of your technology board who was responsible for "Lotus Notes", which I have first hand knowledge of and I can tell you it is a good thing that software is mostly dead."

Age of Empires developer confirms the game is mostly written in low-level Assembly code

The subreddit covers various game development aspects, including programming, design, writing, art, game jams, postmortems, and marketing. It serves as a hub for game creators to discuss and share their insights, experiences, and expertise in the industry.

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Why has Google's search engine not found a serious competitor during the last decade?

A community dedicated to all things web development: both front-end and back-end. For more design-related questions, try /r/web_design.

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Why has Google's search engine not found a serious competitor during the last decade?

Month after month we see the SERPs getting worse, flooded with ads up to half of the first page, Quora and Pinterest images infested results and you can't even get Wikipedia to rank at the top 3 most important links for a technical term. You end up adding "" every single time to try find something relevant to your query.

The question is why hasn't anyone come up with an "old Google" that just brings the best quality sites/links with just enough ads as it used to be back in the good ol' days?


A community dedicated to all things web development: both front-end and back-end. For more design-related questions, try /r/web_design.

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Why is it so hard to secure a job in web dev. I have 5+ years of experience in building real world applications but I’ve never had a stable full time job.

It’s always something that ends in 6 months or less.

I’m genuinely tired of job hopping because it’s not even in abundance to do in the first place and it’s exhausting. You’re always at risk of applying to some scammy job offer.

Just yesterday, two job ads I applied for enthusiastically turned out to be scam. It has drained me all day and I just feel like quitting and giving up. It’s so *ucking hard!

I want something stable. Please any advice would be appreciated.

What’s the best Interview moment you had till date?

A wholesome community made by & for software & tech folks in India. Have a doubt? Ask it out.

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What’s the best Interview moment you had till date?

I work as a SD in a leading product based company. Talking to my junior today, I recalled an incident from my campus interviews. Wanted to share with you as I loved that moment and would love to see your favourite moments too. Here is the story with all the build up as it’s required to understand why I loved it:

It was my campus placements during covid time. Day1 at one of the top5 engineering colleges in India. I was shortlisted for 13 interviews (13 cuz Since it was panic time during covid, I prepared myself well for SD profiles, Analysts and ML engineer). I gave 4 interviews on Day1 but in the starting 2 I didn’t get selected and I left 3rd’s for it was coinciding with 4th one and I was doing good in previous rounds of Company 4. I got selected in Company 4, but since other candidates they selected left at the last moment, this company got furious and left without hiring anyone. I got informed this in the evening. It was a shock for me as I was relaxed after getting selected and I changed my formals, and was about to have dinner with my family. Although I had good interviews lined up next day, it was a bit devastating for me. Suddenly, I got a call from Placement coordinator that Company5 would like to extend the shortlist and I have an interview in 5 mins if I am okay. I immediately got ready, with belief that I won’t be hired given it was a very good company. I gave 4-5 tech rounds non stop and since I had no hope, there was no pressure on me and I did amazingly there. Now coming to the HR round which happened at 9 PM where I waited in the virtual meeting room for 1/2 hr, where I was very tired and devastated as I didn’t sleep for 2 days back then. HR greets me and says “Its too late for you, How was your day?”. Suddenly, all the thoughts of anger towards company 4, rejection from 2 companies, devastation, waiting for her, lack of sleep came in my mind but I just responded “Full of opportunities”. She was just taken aback and all I remember is she taking a pause and saying “This is the best answer I have heard in my 9 yr professional career”. That moment I knew, it’s finally happening. I am getting into this company for which I was not even shortlisted. Results were supposed to be announced mid night but I didn’t sleep. I couldn’t. And yes, I got placed and I didn’t sleep the next day either due to happiness.

TLDR: Kept my cool to answer HR’s general question with humour. She told it was the best answer she ever got.

I made logic gates in Godot :)

The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. Meet your fellow game developers as well as engine contributors, stay up to date on Godot news, and share your projects and resources with each other. Maintained by the Godot Foundation, the non-profit taking good care of the Godot project - consider donating to to keep us going!

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I made logic gates in Godot :)

Frontend development is tough .. I mean seriously.

A wholesome community made by & for software & tech folks in India. Have a doubt? Ask it out.

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Frontend development is tough .. I mean seriously.

Well I am in process of making a UI for my application. I have already completed backend. All tested and working fine with postman. I never had experience in frontend and man we are spoilt of choices. Should I choose Angular, Vue, Svelte, React, NextJs. Should I use Bootstrap or Tailwind for CSS. 1 million libraries to do auth and other BS. Tweaking UI to that level of perfectness, add some ooh and aah. Duck it man.

I am now trying HTMX with Tailwind.... Already have dumped two of my projects on Frontend.

Let's see how it goes....

As a player, which method of eliminating opponents do you prefer more? Hunting at long distances, assault at medium ranges, or close combat and precise strikes with melee weapons?

This is the place for indie devs and gamers to share anything, be it game development, their favorite games or just cool images, GIFs and music from an indie game in a casual community-run environment. If you're an indie gamer, this place welcomes you too! After all, every gamer is a potential indie developer!

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As a player, which method of eliminating opponents do you prefer more? Hunting at long distances, assault at medium ranges, or close combat and precise strikes with melee weapons?

Sabe aquele júnior emocionado que não sabe dizer "não" e que "veste a camisa" para mostrar que é diferenciado e "diferente das outras"? Capitalizem em cima dele.

Bem-vindo à nossa comunidade! Todos os assuntos relacionados a TI, programação e afins são bem-vindos no r/brdev

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Sabe aquele júnior emocionado que não sabe dizer "não" e que "veste a camisa" para mostrar que é diferenciado e "diferente das outras"? Capitalizem em cima dele.

Ser humaninho novo; mais verde que jade. Tem um certo medo de ser demitido porque isso significaria voltar ao purgatório que é buscar emprego de entrada.

Mas que também um certo "orgulho" por ter passado horas do dia estudando por meses e reconhece, sabe, que ele não é qualquer "frontendizinho de pokedex" não. Ele sabe como subir um projeto para rodar na nuvem. Respeitar, ok?

Enfim, ele tem tudo para ser o melhor atirador da linha de frente:

  • Ego de se achar especial e único. O jovem que vai salvar o projeto e, quem sabe, a indústria nacional;

  • Medo de voltar ao fundo do poço por ser insuficiente; provar-se incapaz;

  • Inocência por achar que ele é validado unicamente por ser especial como ele acha que é;

  • Ignorância por não reconhecer sua insignificância dentro da grande máquina.

O alvo perfeito para um líder totalitarista dentro de qualquer tipo de organização.

Mas se for para liderar a "Mão de Ferro", é importante que saiba como dosar as palavras - é importante que controle a narrativa de suas ações.

Aquele débito técnico que está há 2 anos no backlog no seu nome? Passa para ele e fale que é importante para o próximo lançamento. Não. Importante não. Crucial! Dê a ele a honra de salvar o produto... Não! De salvar a empresa da falência!

Vários arquivos estão com o coverage abaixo do "threshold" e que a super gerência não tá nem aí porque eles querem ver feature nova? Aproveita a oportunidade de fazê-lo escrever testes. Diz que é uma oportunidade de aprender e/ou praticar TDD e aumentar a confiabilidade do produto. Ele vai adorar a experiência. Talvez até vire um "TDDista", evangelizando outros devs no futuro sobre as maravilhas que é escrever testes.

Documentação faltando? Aquela feature besta que você tá com preguiça de fazer? Tickets de baixa prioridade esquecidos pelo tempo? Põe tudo no nome dele. Ele vai agradecer.

Mas, ó, tão importante quanto controlar a narrativa do trabalho, é também, tão importante quanto, reconhecer o esforço desse júnior. Dar aquela boa e velha moral para que ele tenha o seu ego massageado.

Convença-o a trabalhar pelo reconhecimento, e não pelo dinheiro. Assim você pode dar-lhe aumentos de uns R$500 e ele vai chegar em casa pulando e estourando champagne.

Se você conseguir controlar bem, muito bem, a narrativa e a "economia do reconhecimento", fazendo-o acreditar que ele está trabalhando por algo maior... Quem sabe... Quem sabe ele não se torna um militante do produto, pegando as rédeas do projeto, trabalhando sem você precisar pedir - anulando assim a sua culpa de sobrecarregá-lo porque, bom, ele que foi atrás de trabalhar mais e fazer hora extra.

Ele precisa viver o seu "evento canônico", então, ao fazer isso, você estará cumprindo seu papel na sociedade. Não tem nada de errado.


Improvement of my adventure puzzle game Hannah's Day. Very excited about players downloading the demo on The imminent release on Steam, on the other hand, is worrying. What do you think about the end result? I won't have time to fix anything anymore, but I can mentally prepare myself, haha

This is the place for indie devs and gamers to share anything, be it game development, their favorite games or just cool images, GIFs and music from an indie game in a casual community-run environment. If you're an indie gamer, this place welcomes you too! After all, every gamer is a potential indie developer!

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Improvement of my adventure puzzle game Hannah's Day. Very excited about players downloading the demo on The imminent release on Steam, on the other hand, is worrying. What do you think about the end result? I won't have time to fix anything anymore, but I can mentally prepare myself, haha

Afraid of the dark? Imagine yourself isolated in a labyrinth, the faint light of a flashlight, the chilling echo of an unknown creature in the background, draining batteries, and the countdown of your life to find the way out.

This is the place for indie devs and gamers to share anything, be it game development, their favorite games or just cool images, GIFs and music from an indie game in a casual community-run environment. If you're an indie gamer, this place welcomes you too! After all, every gamer is a potential indie developer!

Members Online
Afraid of the dark? Imagine yourself isolated in a labyrinth, the faint light of a flashlight, the chilling echo of an unknown creature in the background, draining batteries, and the countdown of your life to find the way out.

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