Interview with Israeli anarchist Ilan Shalif

May 22, 2024

Interview conducted by Greek libertarian journal Aftoleksi with Jewish anarchist Ilan Shalif. Born in 1937, Shalif can be described as the living history of anarchism in Israel. He was a member of the Israeli socialist organization Matzepn. After the breakup of Matzpen, Shalif continued his activities, participating in other initiatives in Israel, such as Anarchists Against the Wall and the now defunct anarchist federation Ahdut [Unity].

Alain Pecunia (1945-2024)

May 18, 2024

A short biography of Alain Pecunia, French anarchist militant.

When I was living and working in Paris in the early 70s, I attended meetings of the Alliance Syndicaliste Revolutionnaire et Anarcho-syndicaliste (ASRAS) at 21 Rue Jean Robert in the 18th arrondissement. These involved around 30 militants wishing to orient the anarchist movement to workplace agitation. Alongside Bulgarian exiles and the granddaughter of the Spanish libertarian Juan Peiro, victim of dictator General Franco’s firing squads, and both French veterans and those new to the movement, was Alain Pecunia, by then confined to a wheelchair.

Spain: The Anarchist Book Fair returns to Bilbao

From CNT Sindikatua

On May 25 and 26, the Arenal park will play host the XVIII Fair.

Book presentations, lectures, officials will be organized... "with the aim of enabling people of any age to participate in libertarian culture," the organizers say.

Libertarian culture is taking over the Arenal park in Bilbao again. It's celebrated on the weekend of May 25th and 26th.

Texts by Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners for Anniversary of Death of Mauricio Morales

From Abolition Media

15 years after the death of Mauricio Morales, it is always necessary to remember. 15 years ago, the media of the powerful were feasting on the news… the one that spoke of the death of a young man who was about to place an explosive device in the Gendarmerie School. This young man was one of the suspected anarchists that the police already had among those possibly responsible for the approximately 200 bombs that had been placed in the city of Santiago in recent years. That young anarchist was Mauricio Morales.

Philly Fight Night

From Bash Back News, Via Phlanticap

A Report-back from a recent Anarchist Muay Thai Smoker in the United States

On April 27, 2024 during the Northeast Regional Bash Back! Convergence, anarchists with an affinity for Muay Thai held an explicitly anarchist Muay Thai smoker (unsanctioned Muay Thai fight). This smoker was however organized as explicitly separate from Bash Back!

Challenges the freedom of nihilism poses to an anarchist rebirth

and i laugh and i laugh...

From A Las Barricadas, by Iván Fernando Mérida Aguilar*

Notes on the anarchist drive and its necessary return to the West

However, these are hostile times for the freedom of individuals, in which revenge and egoism outweigh creation, imagination, empathy and compassion. Regarding our human nature, our cognitive biases are deepened under a scenario of existential threat. Therefore, it is from that extreme selfishness that the will to dominate and its manifestation in the cupiditas dominatio [1] derives from the hedonistic ethos that prevails in the fragmented and liquid culture of the West

Internationalism – a guide to action or an excuse for inaction?

From Libcom

To the start of the Prague Action Week 20-26 May

Nine points for further discussion from the anarchist newsletter of Kharkov. In some very, very eastern geography of the country, which until 2022 many would not even find on the map.

Anarchism and Film: New Perspectives

Cover Art:  sub.Media, !Hasta la Pasta, Compañerxs! (The Stimulator's Final Show), 2014, video still

From Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies (ADCS)

Vol. 2024 No. 1 (2024): Anarchism and Film: New Perspectives

This special edition of Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies takes on an ambitious endeavour: to showcase new contributions to the field of Film Studies. Until recently there has been a dearth of anarchist scholarship concerned with cinema, a situation attributable, in part, to anarchism’s historic marginalization in academia, but the situation is rapidly changing, thanks to the scholarship of Richard Porton, Susan White, and Nathan Jun, to name a few. Thus, as anarchist scholarship makes an impact, it seemed timely to assemble a special issue focussing on film...


From Malik Speaks!

Malik is currently being held in solitary in a cell with no bed, no blanket, no shirt. They took all his property away. He's got a slipped disk in his back and previous shoulder injuries and cannot be sleeping on the floor without a bed. They've also been blasting the ac in his cell nonstop and it's freezing. He's been on hunger strike 2 days, and will continue until they give him a bed, a blanket, and his property back.

Clarissa Rogers Rest in Power!

From Sachio Takashima (facebook)

Two years ago, due to long Covid, Clarissa fell into a coma. She awoke, but with no memories. She later described this time as akin to a process of writing a detective novel of her own life. She started to remember in bits and pieces... She remembered she’s a working class anarchist, involved in supporting workplace struggles, and the struggle against racism, and ultimately found out that she's involved in the world’s oldest Anarchist International! Perhaps most meaningfully, her detective skills revealed a whole community across the country, and around the world that supports her and adores her.

August 24, Warsaw – 15 years of the Anarchist Black Cross Belarus

From ABC-Belarus

This year, the ABC-Belarus celebrates its 15th anniversary. Struggle, repression and migration have become a reality for many of us. In these difficult times we want to meet our comrades who continue to support our work and prisoners despite their own difficulties.


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