Friday, July 06, 2007

No Pride in AmeriKKKa

This 4th of July marked "independence" day in the USA. In Spokane Washington more than 80 people gathered to demonstrate against police brutality in what was promoted as the 2nd Annual March For Rights. The event was organized by a group called ASAP (Alternative Solutions And Possibilities), a newly formed anarchist group. Local cops used this patriotic holiday to attack the crowd which was peacefully enjoying a picnic, and arrested 18 people. Support needed!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Libertad para Daniel McGowan y todxs lxs presxs politicxs!

El 2 de Julio de 2007 Daniel McGowan va a ser trasladado a una carcel federal para empezar su sentencia de 7 anos. Daniel fue arrestado como parte de una ola de represión en contra de anarquistas y activistas ecologistas a lo largo de los EE.UU. una estrategia del estado que lxs activistas llaman "the green scare" (la amenaza verde)

Daniel estaba enfrentando una cadena perpetua por algunas acciones atribuidas a el ELF- Frente de Liberacion de la Tierra, la mayoria de lxs otrxs 'activistas' arrestadxs decidieron cooperar con el gobierno en contra Daniel y otrxs activistas para tener una sentencia menor. El 9 de Noviembre Daniel, Nathan Block, Joyanna Zacher, y Jonathan Paul decidieron declararse culpables por las acciones del ELF pero sin inculpar a nadie, ni testificar en contra de otrxs.

Todo esto ha tenido un efecto muy grave entre lxs radicales de Estados Unidos, por la represion, por lxs soplones y lxs "activistas" que podrian traicionar facilmente a un movimiento en defensa de la tierra y a sus amigxs.

En los anos que vienen tambien es importante apoyar a:
Daniel McGowan,
Nathan Block,
Joyanna Zacher,
Jonathan Paul, lxs que tuvieron el coraje de no decir nombres, ni inculpar a otrxs. Y tambien hay que apoyar Briana Waters que todavia esta enfrentando cargos por supuestas acciones del ELF.

Y lo mas importante es que hay que seguir luchando por la defensa de la tierra y todas las formas de vida.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

High School Students on the move again in Chile

Once again high school and college students in Chile are mobilizing against the LOCE law. 2006 saw huge protests that seriously threatened the government of 'socialist' president Michelle Bachelet. Now schools have been re-occupied and a national mobilization was just realized.

reportajes en espanol: hommodolars * indymedia santiago

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

G8- chaos in Rostock! / caos en Rostock

Sorry for not posting in a while.
Check out Hate the G8 for reports and pictures of the anti G8 mobilizations in Germany, More soon!!!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Students re-occupy Radio Universidad in Oaxaca

At approximately 5pm today in Oaxaca City, Radio Universidad was re- occupied by APPO sympathizers and students from different departments of the Benito Juarez Autonomous University who are sympathetic to the APPO. With protests songs and political information, the transmissions were initiated to spread information about the different mobilizations planned for the first days of May. Tomorrow, a national labor holiday, teachers from section 22 union, together with other social organizations will march to the Zocalo of the Capital City to protest the continuing governance of Ulises Ruiz, ousted by popular demand since June of last year.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

La Huerta Orgasmika en peligro! / Community Garden in Danger!

Estamos muy tristes por escuchar que la huerta orgasmika una huerta communitaria magnifico en Buenos Aires esta en peligro de extinción:

"Hoy nos encontramos ante el peligro de DESAPARECER. Después de 5 años del desarrollo de la Huerta Orgázmika, el Gobierno de la Ciudad tiene dentro del proyecto de remodelación de la plaza Giordano Bruno (enrejada) su extensión, ya comenzando a colocar postes de madera que delimitan el espacio recuperado por la huerta. Terreno que anteriormente estaba abandonado por el Estado y donde se juntaban escombros y basura." leer mas.

Ahora hay gente acampando en la huerta para defenderla del desalojo.
Alto a la destrucción de la comunidad! La huerta vive!

We are sad to hear that the Orgasmic Garden of Caballito in Buenos Aires faces eviction.

"Today we find ourselves in danger of disappearing. After 5 years of developing the Orgasmic Garden, the city Government's plans to remodel Giordano Bruno plaza is... limiting the space used by the garden, land that was abandoned by the state where garbage and rubble gathered...

And why did we gather in the garden? To search for ways to interact free of smog (environmental, social, political,dogmatic, artificial, and car induced)to exchange and spread (dis)information, experiment and organize activities (the acclaimed Food Not Bombs, a seed exchange) as well as workshops about sustainability, ecology, the environment, self managment etc..."

Supporters are currently camped out in the garden to defend it from eviction.
Stop the destruction of community, The garden lives!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Parade Without a Permit NYC

Last Thursday April 19th, Radical Queers, anarchists, critical massers and other lovers of liberty gathered at city hall to take action against the NYPD's new fascistic attempts to curtail freedom of expression as well as to pressure City Council speaker Christine Quinn (an out lesbian) to withdraw her support for this draconian legislation. The NYPD's new 'regulations' which amount to the cops writing new laws, say that any gathering of more than 50 people needs a permit and prior approval from the NYPD.

The parade without a permit left city hall park taking to the streets on Fulton street. Scooter cops violently pushed the march back on to the side walk twice before the march broke back into the streets right in front of Ground Zero. At this point the cops attacked, bashing the participants of the march. One man was punched in the stomach and then thrown to the ground amidst a flurry of kicks and punches. Two women were also dragged along the ground, one young woman lost her shoe and was kicked repeatedly by the cops.

The march then continued on to the west side park, where it regrouped and the majority of marchers went to provide jail support for those arrested. All were released on Friday morning. Lets continue the fight, we can't let the NYPD dictate what we can or cannot do in our city!!!


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Resistencia Visual in NYC!

Resistencia Visual
Street Art From the Popular Movement in Oaxaca, Mexico
April 26th-May 24th
Opening Thursday April 26th 7pm

This exhibit is made up of woodblock prints and stencils made by
ASAR-O (Oaxacan Assembly of Revolutionary Artists), a collective
involved in the popular movement APPO in Oaxaca, Mexico. ASAR-O
formed in October of 2006, respinding to the call of the APPO
(Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca) a diverse movement of
civil society in Southern Mexico. With the goal that "all sectors
will organize themselves to resist and unite in the struggle
against the tyranny of a government that represents the interests
of the wealthy..."

Come out to see an exciting glimpse of the work that has been
produced for "mega-marches" and painting on the walls of Oaxaca
City. Its an inspiring body of work that makes the demands of the
movement visually.

ABC No Rio
156 Rivington St (btn Clinton & Suffolk St)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Freedom for David Venegas Cruz!

(from Todxs Somos Presxs in Mexico)
Today our companero David Venegas Cruz,counselor of APPO and member of VOCAL (Oaxacan Voices Constructing Autonomy and Freedom), was detained. Around 1:10 in the afternoon he was walking by Juarez Park towards the State Council of APPO meeting, when he was detained by elements of the Ministerial Police of the state of Oaxaca.
More info!

En español!

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Oscar Santa Maria Caro Released from Jail! Oscar Santa Maria Caro Libre!

Amor y Resistencia are happy to report that the Todxs Somos Presxs Collective in Mexico has told us that Anarchist Political Prisoner Oscar Santa Maria Caro was Released from Jail in Oaxaca Friday March 30th.

Despite this good news Sacramento Hernandez continues to sit behind bars, for information about supporting Sacramento and prisoner support groups in mexico email us: amoryresistencia[at]

En espanol:

Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax. Viernes 30 de marzo 2007-03-29


Compañeros y compañeras:

Con mucho gusto y esperanzas les informamos que la madrugada del día de hoy viernes 30 de marzo fue puesto en LIBERTAD nuestro compañero anarkopunk OSCAR SANTA MARÍA CARO. Sin embargo a nuestro compañero libertario SACRAMENTO DELFINO CANO HERNÁNDEZ aún permanece tras los muros del CERESO de Miahuatlán de Porfirio Díaz, Oax.

Como Oscar, varios compañeros han sido liberados en las recientes semanas, sin embargo muchos más, la mayoría, siguen detenidos injustamente en diferentes cárceles federales, municipales y estatales.

Agradecemos a todos y todas quienes no se olvidan que en México y Oaxaca existen personas encarceladas injustamente y que trabajan para que los muros de las prisiones tengan que caer al tiempo que caiga todo el sistema jurídico y social que los sostiene.

Agradecemos también a todos y todas las compañeras libertarias que pendientes han estado de la situación que pasan nuestros compañeros y les pedimos que sigan luchando por la libertad de todos y todas las presas políticas en México en cualquier parte del mundo en que se encuentren.

¡¡Presxs a la calle!!

Radical Youth take Santiago again!

Uprisings in Chile for Day of Youth Combatants!
students, radicals, and anarchists took to the streets in cities across Chile March 29th, to mark the Day of the Youth Combatant, an anniversary of the day militant youth of the Leftist Revolutionary Movement (MIR), Eduardo and Rafael Vergara, were assassinated by police during the Pinochet dictatorship in 1985.
In santiago the protests where accompanied by large scale rioting and looting, read more!

Jovenes Combatientes toma las calles otra vez en Chile
, noticias de Chile.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Thursday March 15th: Support International Resistance!! A night of videos, discussion and food!

In honor of the March 15th international day of action against police brutality the Amor y Resistencia and In Our Hearts Collectives, present videos and speakers featuring:

Maka, an activist from Mexico City who was involved in media projects in Oaxaca during the uprising.

Videos about the Uprising in Oaxaca, and the seizing of the media by Oaxacan Radical Women in 2006.

Legacy of Torture: A documentary about the case of the “Panther 8” , eight former Black Panthers arrested January 23rd, 2007 on charges related to the 1971 killing of a San Francisco police officer. Similar charges were thrown in 1973 when it was revealed that police used torture to extract confessions.

Representative from “Friends and Family of Daniel McGowan” speaking about the recent FBI crackdown on Environmental Activists known as “the Green Scare”.
Vegan Mexican Food and home brewed soft drinks, courtesy of the ‘Brewing up Trouble Action Faction”.

$5.00 Suggested Donation. (money raised will go to mexican anarchist collectives supporting political prisoners in Oaxaca no one turned away for lack of funds)
Come early for food and drinks!

Thursday, March 15th, 6pm at:
Ad Hoc Art space,
49 Bogart Street, Brooklyn, NY.
(‘L’ to Morgan Ave. Bogart Exit)

amor y resistencia’s website , In Our Hearts collective

Strong Resistance and Repression in Colombia for Bush's visit.

Clashes broke out between Colombian militants (students, leftists, and anarchists) and the infamously brutal ESMAD (Mobile Anti Riot Squadron) in Bogota Colombia during US President George Bush's visit there Wednesday. Bank windows were smashed, and symbols of Colombian and US capitalism were attacked. At the NationalUniversity radicals fought off the ESMAD with Molotov cocktails, homemade bazookas, and rocks. Over 30 people are reported to have been arrested including anarchists and members of the Anarchist Black Cross.

The ESMAD is responsible for beating to death 15 year old anarchist Nicholas Neira during a Black Bloc on May 1st, 2005, as well as the deaths of many students and campesinos during demonstrations in the past two years.

Anarcol (Colombian Anarchist site)

Watch CNN report on protests.

Solidardidad con los compas de la ABC de Copenhague (Dinamarca)

por la CNA Venezuela:
En Copenhague la tensión sube

La oficina de la Anarchist Black Cross (Cruz Negra Anarquista) fue desalojada por la mañana y detuvieron a toda la gente. Paralelamente por lo menos 5 proyectos alrededor donde la gente estaba alojada fueron atacados por la policía, todos los extranjeros (alrededor de 90) y habitantes fueron detenidos, incluso algunos espacios se quedaron abandonados tras el desalojo con las puertas abiertas…

Entonces hay una gran necesidad de seguir las acciones de solidaridad y si es posible venir a copenhagen. Aquí la situación para internacionales es difícil, en las calles algunas personas de hamburg fueron detenidos también ayer por la tarde cerca de su coche y la policía revisa las placas de los coches en sus comisarías y revisan especialmente si son extranjeros. En los medios dicen que quieren echar a los internacionales especialmente. La Anarchist Black Cross tiene un nuevo número de telefono: 004526563106
Los compañeros de ABC comentan que tiene problemas de personal por sus miembros detenidos, pero continúa trabajando y "no olvidamos a ningún detenido". ABC alienta a las familias a escribir a los detenidos. Deben enviar la carta con nombre completo y fecha de nacimiento del detenido a Postbox 701, 2450 København SV.
Más información
www.blackcross. dk

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Indigenous/ First Nations Resistance in Canada/ Resistencia Indigena en Canada

Resistance against the 2010 Olympic Games.

Resistencia contra los Juegos Olympicos 2010.

March 7th, 2007 Coast Salish Territory [Vancouver, Canada]

Native Warriors have claimed responsibility for the theft of an Olympic flag at Vancouver City Hall. The Native Youth Movement has been one of the groups that has been activel in the struggle against the Olympics planned for Vancouver in 2010.

Read the communique.

Vancouver Anti Poverty Committee Statement on flag theft.

No Olympics on Stolen Land!

7 de Marzo Teritorio Litoral Salish [Vancouver, Canada]
Un Grupo de guerreros nativos han tomado responsibilidad por el robo de una bandera olympico en el centro de Vancouver. El Communique:

" En la madrugada de Martes, el 6 de Marzo, 2007 XXXXXX la bandera Olympico desde suXXX en e . Abrimos el panel de acceso
In the early morning hours of Tuesday, March 6th, 2007, we removed the Olympic Flag from its flag-pole at Vancouver City Hall. We pried open the access panel on the pole with a crowbar, using a bolt-cutter, cut the metal cable/halyard inside, cause the flag to fall to the ground.

We claim this action in honor of Harriet Nahanee, our elder-warrior, who was given a death sentence by the BC courters for her courageous stand in defending Mother Earth.

We stand in solidarity with those fighting against th destruction caused by the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.

No Olympics on Stolen Land!

Native Warrior Society

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Ungdomshuset evicted in Copenhagen, Mass Riots Begin!/ Desalojo de Ungdomshuset en Copenhagen, gran disturbios sigue!

Evictions = Riots!!!

The internationally known Ungdomshuset (youth house) squat in Copenhagen was finally evicted thursday after long attempts by the city to shut it down after selling the building to a fundamentalist christian sect. Anti-terrorist police raided the building descending from a helicopter on to the roof. As news of the eviction spread the worst (or best depending on how you see it) rioting in over a decade broke out in the streets of Copenhagen, more info and videos.

"Desalojos son disturbios"

La casa okupada llamado Ungdomshuset en Copenhagen estaba violentamente desalojado el jueves pasado. El Gobierno de la ciudad ha vendido esta casa conocido como "la casa de la juventud" a una secta christiana fundementalista. Despues del desalojo empieza los disturbios mas grande que Copenhagen ha visto en mas que diez anos, mas info y videos.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Condenan a 11 anarquistas de Israel/ 11 Israeli Anarchists Convicted for 2004 Blockade

El juicio a 11 activistas pertenecientes al grupo Anarquistas Contra el Muro llegó a su fin hoy, después de cerca de tres años. Siete de lxs acusadxs fueron condenados por agrupación ilegal y por destrucción en propiedad pública a realizar 80 horas de servicio para la comunidad. El veredicto de lxs otros tres fue pospuesto para el 18 de Marzo, por haberse agrupado estas acusaciones con otras anteriores referentes a la actividad política. El activista de la AATW, Jonathan Pollak, recibio una sentencia de prisión de 3 meses con pena suspensa.

The trial of 11 activists belonging to the group Anarchists Against The Wall reached its end today after about three years. Seven of the defendants had their convictions for illegal assembly and destruction of public property set aside in exchange for 80 hours of community service. The verdict for three other defendants was postpone to the 18th of March because of a demand for combining these indictments with previous indictments for political activity. Jonathan Pollak received a three month suspended sentence.
More info...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Freedom for Anarchist Prisoners in Oaxaca!

Freedom for Oscar and Sacramento!

Anarchists and anti authoritarians have played a vital role in the movement of Oaxaca, inevitably some have been caught up in the repression that has followed.
Among the many prisoners being held in jails around Mexico are anarchist activists Oscar Santa Maria Caro and Sacramento Delfino Cano Hernandez who were arrested onNovember 30th in Oaxaca.

more information about how you can help these two anarchist political prisoners.