
Sufjan Stevens: “Christmas Unicorn”

29Hecuba's daughter
5 minutes ago
re: #27 Vicious Babushka Very good news!

It’s become a tradition at LGF to start this day with possibly the strangest and most interesting Christmas song ever written. Guaranteed to fill you with holiday cheer. Or something.

“The Indict-Mare Before Christmas” - a Late Show Animated Holiday Classic Narrated by Liam Neeson

157Hecuba's daughter
47 minutes ago
re: #136 Backwoods Sleuth Unlike Trump, Elon has the financial resources to hire the best attorneys. But maybe one reason he is so wealthy is that he doesn't pay his bills? Or delays payment in hopes of settling for less? ...

Seth Meyers: Rudy Giuliani Hit With Stunning Defamation Verdict, as Trump Embraces Fascist Rhetoric

177Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))
5 days ago
re: #169 wrenchwench I have several such persons. Also with the same name. One is a flight engineer for the Royal Canadian Air Force who was building his own 2/3 scale model flyable Spitfire . Found him on FB. I ...

Video: New Reporting Details on Our Stunningly Corrupt Right Wing Supreme Court: Justice Thomas’ Complaints Over His Salary

64Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus
6 days ago
Gylfi usually has the best videography, and besides the embedded official footage of the fissure (which is quite impressive), he puts the fissure into the local geography: ..