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EA and Origin has also recently banned another country, Iran. Iranian Players are unable to access their purchased libraries and can't use Origin.
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EA and Origin has also recently banned another country, Iran. Iranian Players are unable to access their purchased libraries and can't use Origin.

About 2 weeks ago EA did the same thing to Iranian gamers.

As you can see,

Me and many other Iranian gamers are now unable to access what we have paid for and are banned.

Reason being U.S sanctions against Iran? what? Those have been lifted and that's completly bs, Why do other services like Steam, Uplay and allow us Iranians to play their games and use their clients then?

They basically told us "Nope, you can't play your games that you bought from us anymore, bye.."

EA has no respect for their customers and this is really unacceptable.

Edit - As you can see here Ukrainian players were facing the same problem and EA fixed it for them as soon as they started the thread but Iranian players are still unable to access their libraries for more than 2 weeks.

Edit 2 - Holy fuck I can't believe this amount of hate comment and PMs I'm receiving. People have already decided my religion and are calling me a terrorist... . Maybe some people are too brainwashed?

Edit 3 - Okay maybe I miss judged there is actually tons of people with positive comments and PMs apologizing about the racist / brainwashed minority and saying nice things. Thank you all for being mature and understanding.

Edit 4 - I think I've gathered enough salt to create another Dead Sea. These PMs and Comments man.

EA: no Steam-like discounts on Origin. EA: Steam-like discounts on Origin.
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EA Games and Origin quietly bans an entire country - or, why you shouldn't take digital distribution for granted.
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EA Games and Origin quietly bans an entire country - or, why you shouldn't take digital distribution for granted.

Follow-up post here:

I live in Myanmar, and I own about 20 games on Origin, and have spent hundreds of dollars on the platform. I've bought the full editions of all of the Battlefield games up to this point, with their season passes. I was trying to log into Origin a few days ago, and got a bizarre "Access Denied" message. I googled it, and found that "Origin is no longer available in Myanmar."

Supposedly EA is blaming this on complying with US sanctions against Myanmar (which is total crap, considering Steam, GOG, and every single other content distribution network is just fine). Additionally, sanctions were lifted on October 7th. The response from the Origin Champion was: "with the Origin 10 update, US laws (which is where EA is based) forced them to block certain countries. Unfortunately you live in one of those countries. I'm sorry but there is nothing we ca do here to allow you access again." Still no access to our games that we bought. EDIT: Evidently I confused an EA champion with a random person chipping in inside the thread. We don't know why Myanmar has been terminated. Just that we have no access anymore and that according to the champion, Origin is no longer supported in Myanmar. Edit Edit: Nevermind, it's the second link. They said "...with the Origin 10 update, US laws (which is where EA is based) forced them to block certain countries. Unfortunately you live in one of those countries. I'm sorry but there is nothing we ca do here to allow you access again." So I'm making a (hopefully pretty safe) assumption that it's because of sanctions.

None of us has been offered a refund - not even a "sorry, all your games are gone."

Remember, if they do it to me, they can do it to you too. Don't use or buy games from Origin or DRM services. They can take your content away without offering a refund.

Edit: I feel like this is something that the entire gaming community needs to know about - I don't think that revoking access to an entire country's worth of people's paid content is something that should happen quietly. PLEASE spread the word about this. We in Myanmar need your help to get our games back!

Edit edit: Wow, this blew up to #1 on the frontpage. Although I probably shouldn't be surprised since EA + DRM + getting games pulled is a Reddit recipe for success. Since it's blown up so much, I feel the need to clarify a few things that I now realize are not clear from the comments.

  1. I live in Myanmar, but I am not from Myanmar.

  2. My account was not started in Myanmar (though several of my friends' accounts were, and they are having the same problem).

  3. Origin is kicking an "Access Denied" message to all of us. You can't access ANY games or even see the store. Click the links above for examples. If we use VPNs, we can circumvent this and access our games (although we can't play online due to insane ping - baseline here is 100ms; you use a VPN you go to 350+).

  4. Myanmar's sanctions were lifted on October 7th. For those of you that say EA has no choice, they do.

  5. We were all able to access Origin in early September. Obama announced that the sanctions were being lifted from Myanmar. Right around the time of the announcement, EA terminates all Myanmar access to Origin.

This is a much, MUCH bigger problem than just a few gamers in Myanmar. This highlights a crucial element of the TOS of big game companies - the money that you pay them gives you essentially nothing in return, except for an empty promise that the game company may let you play their game until they decide you can't.

Edit3: I'm waiting on the "Thank you for contacting EA" screen. My wait time is under 5 minutes!

Edit edit edit edit: It's been 20 minutes. But the good news is my wait time is STILL under 5 minutes!

Edit5: No "experts" available, so they can't give me a definitive answer today. They'll have to get back to me tomorrow.

EDIT VI SPRQ: u/EA_Alex has responded!

Hey all, The short answer here is that this occurred due to the US government trade embargo on Myanmar. In accordance with US law, EA is legally required to restrict online services to residents of countries that are embargoed. This isn't an EA-specific issue -- it's an issue that impacts all companies offering services that are covered by trade embargoes.

As the OP has noted, the embargo on Myanmar appear to have been lifted earlier this month. Accordingly, EA is internally reviewing the situation and looking into whether and when service can be restored to Myanmar residents.

It's unclear to me whether we can do anything for residents of other countries that are still similarly embargoed, but I'll bring the topic up for discussion internally.

So EA is looking into "whether" and "when" our service can be restored. I guess I'm cautiously optimistic?

Follow-up post here:

OP's 15+ Year Old Battlefield/Origin Account is Deleted by EA and... EA Is Being Typical EA

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OP's 15+ Year Old Battlefield/Origin Account is Deleted by EA and... EA Is Being Typical EA

I am NOT OP. Original post by u/FlyingOfficer in r/gaming

mood spoilers: resolved issue


EA deleted my Origin account and EA help is totally ignoring me. - submitted on 11 Aug 2018


I am a veteran playing Battlefield since 2002, using origin since launch and one of the founders of India's oldest and largest Battlefield Community ( or )

Battlefield India Community (since 2007)

Just two weeks back I wasn't able to login to my Origin Account (with Battlefield 5 Pre-ordered). I contacted EA Help and they are telling there there is no trace of my ID. I provided them my transaction IDs, Order IDs, Game Keys, But they are telling that they have no info. In fact they don't even know what happened. EA Help mercilessly disconnected the conversation with vague explanations.

My account has games worth thousands of Dollars which includes BF1942, BF1 Premium, BFBC2, BF3 premium, BF4 Premium, BF5 (pre-ordered), Unravel 1, Unravel 2, TitalFall 2, Battlefront 1, FIFA 18, Medal of Honor, etc.

I even went to call them but they said that they can't do anything and don't know anything. Everything gone! but more surprising is that EA isn't even telling me what happened. They told me it's not their responsibility.

When i search in Battlelog and origin I still get my profile.

(The DP is my real picture from my days in Indian Air Force - Served for 10 years)

attached my case link


Update: Final Response from EA : "We don't know anything about your account"

[you = me in the below chat]


Himanshu: I told you that there is no such information about ""

you: ok what next??

you: i want my games back, I have the receipts, the credit card transactions, everything

you: how to get them back

Himanshu: There is no account.

Himanshu: There is no details.

Himanshu: So I am unable to follow any process for you.

you: but how is it my fault...??? EA should be able to get me back what I purchased...

Himanshu: The deletion request was requested from your side.

you: Atleast show me the acknowledgement evidence that someone who knows me requested for deletion of my account.. I don't even have any emails on this

Himanshu: How should I provide you any information ?

Himanshu: There is no account.

Himanshu: There is no case.

Himanshu: There are no such information.

Himanshu: There are nothing.

you: But that is EA's thing to keep.. how can i know if someone did it... and how can someone do it without having access to my email id and my mobile phone.. while 2FA was active

you: I have receipts so atleast give me my games back and get me a new account

Himanshu: There is no way to verify your proof of purchase.

Himanshu: We are unable to fetch any information by your game codes.

you: no why?? i have transaction IDs, I still have that credit card, i have receipts, i have the same phone no, same email id

you: why can't it be verified

Himanshu: Because all your details were on your account.

Himanshu: And now there is no account.

Himanshu: So how can we verify you and your purchases?

you: But my bank has the transaction IDs that i paid to EA... your billing team will have that

you: the way you i have access to everything related to this account except for the account itself that is on a portal managed by you

Himanshu: I checked your previous case.

Himanshu: We consulted with the billing team.

Himanshu: We don't have any information.

Himanshu: So we are unable to verify you and your purchases.

you: so what is your final call on this?

Himanshu: If you want a call back service.

you: yes i do

Himanshu: I can generate a call back service for you.

Himanshu: Please share your number. you: my no is +91__________

Himanshu: Thank you.

Himanshu: Now please cancel the browser.

Himanshu: You will receive a call from our side within 3-4 hours.

you: can you tell me what is the resolution to this from your end and what is the take away from this tiresome converstaion?

Himanshu: I tried all the possible ways for you.

Himanshu: But when there is no account I was unable to locate anything.

Himanshu: I will generate a call back service for you.

you: wthe take away is it is not reliable to buy anything on Origin as anytime it can be deleted and EA will blindly tell it was deleted and would give no evidence of it

Himanshu: So you can receive a call support.

Himanshu: If we deleted your account that means account deletion was requested from your side.

you: but you didn't give any proof or any mail from my id that requested it??

you: how can you claim that i requested it

you: that is really lame

Himanshu: How can you expect any information ?

Himanshu: When there is no account anymore.

Himanshu: Everything is linked to your account.

Himanshu: Okay.

you: and my account was deleted by EA so ?????? what are you trying to suggest????

Himanshu: We never do that.

you: can't you yourself see that these are all vague arguments.. just going in circles

Himanshu: Request was from your side.

you: prove it

you: provide email that came from my id for deleting this account

you: where is acknowledgement from my end

you: ??

Himanshu: Could you please prove it the deletion request was not from your side ?

you: Yes i can... as there is no case ID nor any email that I sent

you: there is nothing related to deletion in my mail box...

Himanshu: Just like you I can prove that we didn't delete your account from our side.

you: wow....

you: thanks


My Latest Purchase details:

Removed on request by EA

my other order IDs

Removing my order IDs as requested by EA

Mail from EA Help:

FROM:Thomas RSENT:10-Aug-2018 7:51:14 PM

I wanted to thank you again for contacting EA Help. I do hope the information we covered helps with your issue. I do understand it was not the answer you wanted but I have provided a link below to our online AnswersHQ forums where you can leave any addition feedback you may have on this limitation. But if there is anything else we can do for you, please feel free to reach back out to us using the steps below. I hope you have a great rest of your day!

Log into Origin at

Click on "Manage my Accounts"

Select "My Cases" and Select Case #XXXXXXXX

Select Resume and select Call Back or Chat

AnswersHQ Forums: r/

Update 1 : EA just deleted my only case ID and now I have nowhere to track the details of my conversation

My case ID has been deleted by EA. I have tweeted this to Battlefield & DICE already. As of now I have no way to even track this and have been asked to wait. Atleast they considered taking a look.

Update 2:

Reddit Mod has removed my post. not sure why

Update 3:

Reddit Mod restored my post.

Update 4:

I have provided my credit card details (last 6 digits) to EA although it seems they have no clue about my account. At this stage I have lost all hopes on getting this back. Waiting for an update.

Update 5:

Sarah from EA has told me that they have failed to get any details related to my account and have asked me to create a new Origin account for which they will add Battlefield games. Not sure about other games so far. I have collated the Order IDs, Game keys (as much as possible) and last 6 digits of my credit cards and waiting for update. So far the response from EA has been really cold and I am getting repeated and vague questions in emails again and again even when I provided all these details long back.

Update 6:

I am continuously trying to reach EA using various channels (including Sarah's mail ID) but I am getting no response. They have made me create a new ID and assured to provide me everything back but I still haven't got all of my games (including Battlefield 5 Pre-Order) and my soldier name i.e. FlyingOfficer.

Update 7:

I have got a response from EA just minutes ago and they are working on something although what they are offering is not what I want. All I want is my games that I paid for (I have valid bank transaction IDs) and my soldier name i.e. "FlyingOfficer". I will update once they confirm me on this. So far on a higher level they have told me that "We cannot assure anything at this moment".

Update 8:

Sarah from EA has helped me in getting my soldier ID back (FlyingOfficer) and added most of all the games (Except for Battlefield V Pre-Order) into my new account. She has also provided me 12 months of free Origin Premier membership ( I didn't ask for this). Although my stats history is gone I am quite satisfied that I got my soldier ID back. Waiting for them to restore my Battlefield V Pre-Order.

Update 9:

Battlefield 5 Pre-Order has been restored into my Origin Account.

Update 10:

My Battlefield 1 Stats have been restored.


A big thanks to the gaming community who came in hordes to support me (brings tears in my eyes, literally) while all doors were closed for me and EA Help shamelessly rejected my support requests. Had I not got this much of support, I don't think I would have ever thought of going back to Battlefield.>>Having said that I want to strongly back the developers (i.e. DICE) of Battlefield and the Franchise itself as they have delivered to us some of the best First Person Shooters in last 15 years. This incident and events that have unfolded thereafter (including the immense support from the good guys in this world) will be an unforgettable experience for me and my support and enthusiasm for Battlefield 5 the future releases will be the same as ever. For the game and the developer Studio DICE, I have only accolades and I have always wanted this franchise to win the competition. Although when it comes to Electronic Arts. I do have a lot of complaints and won't stop criticizing it for being so money hungry and pathetic (especially User Support and Business Strategies). I wish DICE wasn't associated with EA but that is far from getting real. I request all of you to not lose your trust in Battlefield and the developers who have put their heart and soul in bringing Battlefield to us.>>The key takeaway is that none of us should remain silent when mammoths in the industry try to suppress us and we should give corrupt people a strong fight. If EA doesn't know how to treat us then let's teach them, all together. Let's make videos and post which highlight the security and data retention flaws of EA.>>Thanks,>>(Samarjit Roy Choudhury)>>Origin ID: FlyingOfficer>>Thanks to YouTubers, Drop Rate, SidAlpha & ReviewTechUSA for making videos on this issue:>>>>>>

Thanks to Gaming News Channels/Blogs who covered this issue:…/ea-origin-user-has-a…/66237/……/player-accuses-ea-deleting-…/…/


Response from EA Gaming Community Manager - made by u/PartWelsh - on 11 Aug 2018

Hey u/FlyingOfficer - Let's talk.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.


Edit: I'll add this update here so that folks understand where we're at with this.

Update 1: 10:40 BST

I've made contact with u/FlyingOfficer here on Reddit and directed them to engage me and the team on Battlefield Twitter via DM (I originally spotted his thread on r/Battlefield).

We've been talking for the past hour, and they've been very helpful providing me with some additional information relative to their circumstance that should help our dedicated support staff look into this in much greater detail. I do not possess direct access to our customer account databases, nor access or the proper education on our EA Help customer service tools to directly solve this issue for u/FlyingOfficer effectively. I'm the EA Community Manager for the UK and not one of our Support Team.

I've sent this detail directly through to our teams at EA Help and asked them to look at this. I'll be in regular contact with u/FlyingOfficer until this is resolved.

I'll echo the sentiment shared by many of you on the thread - no this isn't acceptable to us that in this particular instance, we haven't been able to directly resolve this issue via our dedicated support teams, and that it's taken an early morning hunt for memes for me to discover this thread, which has since hit the top of r/all. I'm grateful that it's providing us the opportunity to rectify the issue, but we will assess everything related to this case to understand why this has happened in the first place - in case it can help to prevent similar occurrences for folks in the future.

Please also understand that no matter how this issue gets resolved, I won't be in a position to ever talk about the specifics relating to the account of one of our players. That's not cool, that should never happen, but please respect that these things aren't always what they seem.

Update 2: 15:08 BST

Myself and the team from Battlefield have been privately engaging with OP, and our support teams since this morning. OP has been very kind in sharing further details with us that we've since fed through to our Support Teams. A dedicated member of the team who I worked with for many years in Ireland has now been directly assigned as OP's direct point of contact, and I'll be stepping off the thread here to let this resolve in the correct manner. Despite the obvious criticisms that many have you raised to me concerning the conduct and effectiveness of the Support Teams, I have total confidence that OP's issue is in the right place.

Before I jump off the thread I'll anticipate some of the questions that you might have based on this update, and do my best to communicate what I can. I'm otherwise keen to sit down and watch the Swansea vs. Preston North End match - safe in the knowledge that this is now being properly looked at. It's the weekend, and I appreciate the patience you've had with me whilst I've worked through some of your messages. I know that many of you will see me with an EA Logo for a face, and have understandably taken this opportunity to direct your ire and frustration with EA at me directly, but I'll be logging off reddit for the day after this update. Thanks for those who've been kind and genuine in their comments and questions. Don't be shy to engage me on Twitter. I'm a serial Reddit Lurker and generally only post and comment when I have something to contribute. I'm otherwise most active on Twitter though the next few hours will be dedicated to me complaining about the sorry state of Football in South Wales.

Why the delay getting a member of the Support Team assigned to OP?

Once I had gathered as much information as possible, members of the team set to the task of deeply looking into this and trying to understand what (if anything) has gone wrong here. As I've expressed in other comments, I can't discuss those specifics, that would be improper. I recognize that asking for trust on that isn't going to be well received, but there's nothing else I can share with you here.

What if I've had the same experience with an EA Advisor, what can I do?

I've flagged this comment to the Support team on a call 10 minutes ago. I don't have anything else I can share with you until we all hear from them. If that changes, I'll pop back and update.

Please always direct your concerns about your account details only to those directly managing our support channels. See my note below for contact details.

Will you tell us what went wrong here?

If there's anything that I can share, I will. Hopefully you can understand that discussing an individuals circumstances, as well as their Player Account data is improper. If OP wants to discuss anything at all relative to their experiences, they're welcome to do so without any contest from myself or the team.

Key Note

Never share your personal account information with anyone claiming to be an EA employee. Please only share this type of information with our teams at or our Official, and Verified Social Media Accounts via Private Channels. In any instance where you require technical, or support with your EA Account, get in touch with a member of the team there. I am not in a position to be able to solve any queries as I won't have the proper expertise, nor access to our tools and databases to assist. We take the security of all EA Accounts very seriously, and we leave them in the care of our dedicated teams.

Favorite Response To This

What if other people have similar issues, will they also be expected to make posts on social media if they want help?


Reminder - I am not the original poster.

EA adds 12 Star Wars games to Origin Access, including original Battlefront 2
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So my Origin account got hacked yesterday, I phoned EA and got it sorted. Today I received this...
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So my Origin account got hacked yesterday, I phoned EA and got it sorted. Today I received this...
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