Posted inElections

Democratic Party still at risk of general election lockout in 2024 Commissioner of Public Lands race, NPI poll finds

58% of the 615 like­ly vot­ers inter­viewed by Pub­lic Pol­i­cy Polling for NPI last week said they weren’t sure who they would vote for in the down­bal­lot Wash­ing­ton State race if the elec­tion were being held now. The remain­ing 42% were split between a field of sev­en can­di­dates, with two Repub­li­cans in the dou­ble dig­its and five Democ­rats in the sin­gle digits. 

Posted inElections

A plurality of Washington voters are not sure who they want to vote for in the contest for Attorney General, NPI poll finds

45% of 615 like­ly Novem­ber 2024 vot­ers inter­viewed in mid-May by Pub­lic Pol­i­cy Polling for the North­west Pro­gres­sive Insti­tute said were not sure who they’d sup­port for Attor­ney Gen­er­al if they had to vote now. 36% said they would vote for Repub­li­can Pete Ser­ra­no, the only Repub­li­can who filed, 10% said they’d sup­port Demo­c­rat Man­ka Dhin­gra, and 9% said they’d sup­port Demo­c­rat Nick Brown. 

Posted inElections

Senator Maria Cantwell maintains comfortable lead over Republican challenger Raul Garcia, NPI poll finds

53% of 615 vot­ers sur­veyed in mid-May by Pub­lic Pol­i­cy Polling said they’d vote for Cantwell for U.S. Sen­ate. 38% said they would vote for Gar­cia, a Yaki­ma doc­tor who has the endorse­ment of the Wash­ing­ton State Repub­li­can Par­ty, the Main­stream Repub­li­cans of Wash­ing­ton, and a long list of promi­nent Repub­li­can fig­ures. 9% said they were not sure.

Posted inElections

Joe Biden’s 2024 lead over Donald Trump in Washington State remains at sixteen points, with slightly fewer voters undecided

55% of 615 like­ly vot­ers sur­veyed in mid-May 2024 by Pub­lic Pol­i­cy Polling for the North­west Pro­gres­sive Insti­tute say they’d vote to reelect Pres­i­dent Joe Biden if the elec­tion were being held now, while 39% say they’d vote for Biden’s pre­de­ces­sor, Repub­li­can and wannabe auto­crat Don­ald Trump. 7% said they were not sure.